Dr. Alexander Kolawole Olugbodi (OAK)
CEO @ Background CheckInternational| Background checks, screening, verification services
This first featured in MARKETING EDGE, a brand-focused monthly marketing and advertising magazine when it spotlighted BCI in its "Brand of the Month" column with an interview with Kola Olugbodi, the CEO of Background Check International.
Given the uniqueness of your kind of business – background check – would you say you stumbled into it? How exactly did you get into doing the business?
To be honest with you, when it comes to talking about how we came about the vision for this business, the vision is divine to us. There was a day we were reading the Scriptures and suddenly Isaiah chapter 41 verse 15 came alive so to speak. There, God told us very clearly that He was going to make us into a new sharp threshing implement, having teeth. The understanding we got from that was that God was going to start something entirely new in Nigeria through us. The question, then, was what is new?
Of course, as at that time what we had a company then, Josh Cyrus Ventures Limited, which did more of recruitments for organizations. Most times, when we source for candidates and handed them over to our clients, one of the questions which they (our clients) used to ask us is "can you vouch for these guys?" Of course, based on their performances during interviews and their wonderful resumes, and, maybe, their work experiences and a lot of other parameters, we always answer in the affirmative. But, then, at the back of our minds, we ask if we can really vouch (for the recruited personnel)? We only did recruitments then based on face value.
However, somewhere along the line we felt that instead of saying we could vouch, why don’t we go a step further to actually verify their claims – like where they claimed to have worked. Did they really work there? Why did they leave company 'A' for company 'B'? What were the performances of these guys like at their former employments? Even the educational certificates, we should try and find out one or two things about the schools they claimed to have attended and if they really graduated as they claimed. That was how, without actually planning for it, we stumbled into background check.
Of course, when we started, we tried to find out across Nigeria if anyone was doing background check but discovered that nobody was. And so we ended up starting it for our clients. With the discovery, we asked ourselves that since everybody seemed to be offering recruitment services, why don’t we just focus on background checks alone? And indeed, we did. That was how we ventured into, and also pioneered the background check industry in Nigeria.
How did you take the ‘crusade’ of this new venture to corporate Nigeria and what was the reception like?
Because background check as an industry didn't exist before then, our clients were expectedly skeptical initially. The reason for this was because they now had to give the records of their staff to a third party. The issue of trust was in question; the issue of new prospects (clients) not knowing us was there; and other issues like what is your (personal and corporate) antecedent, who and who have you done it for?
Unfortunately, we had not done much as at the time we began to talk to them. It took a lot of convincing the clients and, of course, it took some of the clients doing some trial verifications with us, like releasing one or two staff that they knew could not create any problem for them if anything went wrong. Building trust was a very gradual thing. Today, some thirteen years after, clients are readily willing to release information on their staff, ranging from their CEOs to their gate-men to us, and these may be several thousands of documents; whereas in those days they would release just one or two. So, it is something that has evolved over time.
Interestingly, too, because we had nobody to emulate or copy or to ask pertinent questions like "how do you conduct the verifications? Who do you see? What documents do you ask for from the clients? How do we convince our clients that we actually got to the sources where the needed information could be retrieved and verified? As such, we had to come up with a lot of ideas and strategies to get these done. For instance, if you wanted to verify a person’s claim of having graduated from the Obafemi Awolowo University, we would need to visit the school physically to obtain an official report from the school to convince our clients that we just didn't sit down under a tree to concoct the verification report. That was how it all started and all the rigors and challenges of the earliest days are now history.
Obviously, this is one business that could easily show us how truthful we are in this country as a people. Now, given your experience in the business and all you’ve had to handle to date on this job, how truthful would you say we are in Nigeria?
When we first started, I remember a particular company that had 40 staff for us to verify and, as it turned out, 12 of the 40 (30 per cent) actually had fake certificates and that was almost the trend everywhere, then, depending on the staff strength of clients. People that didn't have fake certificates would have issues with their years of experience; you see gaps in people’s resumes and you would want to find out what happened during the, say, two-year gap between when you moved from company A to company B. These are pieces of information which we dig up via background check. You find out that in most of such cases some of such people had issues at those places left in their resumes.
But gradually, we are seeing integrity being entrenched. For instance, we have a client in the financial sector which we used to find so many staff with fake documents, but over time, anyone wishing to apply to that bank knew that the bank would conduct background check on them. Somehow, the volume of people who apply to that bank with fake or fictitious resumes has really reduced. Even though BCI has been around for over ten years we should not forget that Nigeria is quite a big country. Therefore, we still have a lot to do and, of course, part of our vision is to see to the entrenching of background check as a culture across the nations.
What we started with was employment background check, but with such issues such as kidnapping and other security challenges that are becoming more and more rampant across the country, we have spread our tentacles to all other areas of our society and economy where background check is relevant. We need to let people know that when you bring domestic staff to your home – house girls, nannies, security guards, drivers, and what have you – you need to know who they are. Some Nigerians would say “but we pay them just ten thousand Naira as salary”, but people who have been paying ransoms to kidnappers are not paying ten thousand Naira but huge amount of money. Added to that is the trauma of not knowing the whereabouts of loved ones for a length of time. These are some of the areas into which BCI is moving, in checking out the true identities you bring around you and your family members.
Again, Nigeria is one of the emerging markets in Africa and the world. Despite our challenges in Nigeria, the whole world knows that Nigeria is the place to be. Foreign investors are gradually coming over to the country. But how would investors be sure of whom they want to do businesses with in Nigeria? They need BCI to help them do some verifications on potential business partners. Nigerians also need to know those who are coming in to do businesses with them from wherever. Oftentimes people feel that it is Nigerians alone that they should watch out for but you’ll be so amazed at some of the things we find out about some of the so-called expatriates and foreign investors coming to do businesses in Nigeria.
Are you making effort to take this crusade (of background check) to government institutions because that is critical to achieving the very laudable vision which BCI has for itself?
That is actually where we are now. Part of what BCI is working towards at the moment is how to partner with the government in a lot of areas. Talk of pensioners and all they go through, come sun come rain, all in the name of physical verifications by government officials. Some even die on the queues while waiting to get verified! These are things that can be outsourced to BCI. We can always partner with the government to get this done, without tears to the pensioners. What we do BCI when it comes to pensioners verification is not to tell people to gather in halls but we go to the pensioners’ homes to get them verified. These are things we do for organizations. Obviously, the government needs us and we are talking to the government and we are quite sure that with time the government will partner with us. For instance, our services could help eliminate the ghost workers’ syndrome across the land and many more.
Now, how has the business evolved since you started, have there been others in the line of this business?
Well, we all know that in Nigeria you cannot start a line of business and hope to stay there all alone. In most cases, everybody just needs somebody to blaze the trail like we have done at BCI. We already have people joining the industry and that, to us, is good and welcome. I know people dread competition, but to me if you’re doing something and others are not joining you to do it then you should check yourself and what you’re doing. And, of course, competition helps to keep you on your toes so that you don’t say to yourself that “whether we do it right or not, it does not matter since we are the only one doing it. We have other companies joining the background check industry, and one or two of them are really doing very well. But then we have others who, like it’s always the case, attempting to be what we all know as jack of all trades master of none. Management consulting firms now feel that they can add background check as part of their services. People who are into security guard business also feel that they can add-on background check. But, like I tell people, BCI don’t do security services, we don’t do personnel recruitments, and we don’t do management consulting. The only thing we do in BCI is background check. This is our core and only business!
Quite naturally, the business appears capital intensive. How do you cope and how do your charges cope with the financial demands?
Since we work for organizations and, sincerely speaking, for anyone who appreciates the importance of background check it will always be well worth it for them and I am happy that corporate Nigeria has really opened up to the culture of background check. Sometime ago, one of my colleagues told me of a company which we have been talking to for quite some time and that has been dilly-dallying called us by themselves to say “guys we need you now right-away”! I asked my colleague what triggered the sudden interest from the company. He told me that one of the company’s staff just bolted away with eight million! They discovered that the staff’s address was fake and so they could not trace his whereabouts. They never confirmed the existence or statuses of the guarantors supplied by the man. Funny enough, the guarantor supplied by the man told them pointblank that he never knew that the guy gave his name as guarantor anywhere and that the fraudster didn't have his permission to do so. He asked the company if they had any document from him indicating his readiness to be the guy’s guarantor, and there was none!
Now the question is how much would the company have spent to confirm the true identity and personality of the staff in question? How much would they have spent to conduct a background check on him? We've had cases where people’s purported guarantors are not real or are dead. So when you talk about the cost of background check, you need to balance it with the likely cost of failing to do it like I've highlighted and illustrated.
Again, the fact that we've been in it for about thirteen years and people – individual and corporate – keep coming back clearly shows that our prices are reasonable. Also, it’s not as if they’re throwing the money down the drain. They know the importance of it. Background check is more like insurance against losses. Why should you bring in a crook and you get to know he is a crook only after he has wreaked havoc on you or your family or organization? And after this you now conduct a check and discover that the guy did the same thing in the company he worked for before yours. Background check is about tracing traits and trends, among other things. If something happened while someone was in company A, and the same thing happened when he was in company B, there is the very great likelihood that the same thing will happen if he joins company C. Background check will help find out if a candidate has criminal records, credit problems with banks, what are people saying about him, what type of records does he have in places where he worked before, what about performance on the job?
Like I said earlier, it’s like insurance. You may be tempted to think oh I keep paying premium but the day you lose your car to armed robbers is the day you’ll appreciate the premium which you have been paying to an insurance company.
Have you and your staff been exposed to any danger in the course of doing this business, put differently, how dangerous or otherwise could this business be?
Quite naturally, when it comes to dealing with people’s past and people’s secrets, digging up the dubious things that people think they have covered up and bringing same to the light, they’re going to fight and do everything possible to ensure it doesn't come to the open. We've had ladies invading hotels where our staff lodged and expressing their readiness to offer their bodies so that their secrets regarding their credentials don’t get uncovered; we've had people tell us to name our prices so that we can be bribed.
Most certainly, you would have, right from inception and over the years since you started, looked at background check on the global stage. How is it done on the globe and how does what you (and others) do in Nigeria compare to what obtains elsewhere across the world?
Interestingly, BCI happens to be Africa’s first member of the Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS), a US-based association, and this has given us a lot of inroad into what is happening in other part of the world. We have friends among background check companies in the US, UK, Canada, Asia, and other part of the world. So, we know what’s happening. Maybe a large chunk of the difference between what we do and what they do in the developed world is that while ours take a lot of leg work because we don’t have organized database, they, on the other hand, have almost everything in an electronic format. In fact, any time we want to do educational checks in the US, it takes just a few hours. I do it right on my system – unlike when we want to do it in Nigeria, you’ll need to go to the school physically. And it will even depend on how long ago you graduated. This is one of the challenges confronting us. We once had the case of somebody who graduated in a school abroad in the 70s we got all we needed about him from the institution within just two days. If you want to do that in Nigeria, be ready to go to the school and make sure you go in Jeans and T-shirt because you would, most probably, go into their storeroom yourself to pore through piles of archival files, and that would even be if the files have not been eaten up by termites or rodents.
Furthermore, in a place like the US, everybody has a Social Security number such that anything you do anywhere and at any time-whether right or wrong, goes into your records. But in Nigeria we don’t have such records to fall back on. Thank God that now in Nigeria we are talking about national identity card, the BVN, electronic voter’s card. We only pray that we get to a point where they’ll be able to synchronize all the data and all the records scattered across different government agencies such that at the click of a button you’ll be able to know who anyone Nigerian is. We still have a long way to go on this. For now, we do a lot of legwork but I know we are going to get there as a nation someday.
Who are your major clients on the one hand and your major competitors on the other hand?
Most times, we don’t mention our clients because of our confidentiality agreements with them but the truth is that the information is all over the place. All the major players in the finance sector are our clients; all the top oil companies in Nigeria are our clients; like I said earlier the sectors are interwoven, if you work well for A you get introduced to B and so on and so forth; and that’s how it’s been for us. For our competitors, I know of two that are doing well at the moment. But, I’ll not mention names.
What would you consider to be the milestones in the over ten-year sojourn of BCI so far?
I think our greatest achievement, to date, and I feel very humble to say it is that we have taught Nigeria and Nigerians to imbibe the culture of background check, the culture of due diligence, the culture of not taking people at the face value again. We knew how it started and where we are today.
We are saving corporate Nigeria a lot of money that would have gone down the drain through negligent hiring, through recruiting incompetent or dubious or fraudulent people. Another good thing about our job is that now the right person for a job can actually be sure that he will actually get the job. What I mean by this is that instead of a crook who has faked his degree certificate or resume getting the job, background check exposes him and a genuine applicant gets the job. If there’s anything we've done in the over ten years of this business that gives us joy and makes us feel very proud is that BCI is gradually bringing sanity and decency back into our corporate world.
What future do you see for BCI in particular and for the industry in general?
Interestingly, it is a funny fact that, throughout the world, there will always be security challenges which continually create issues of distrust. What this means is that background check will always be relevant to ensure that you know the right persons to relate with, you know the true identities of the people you engage. So as we move into the future, background check will be relevant to almost all the facets of our lives and society. Background check has come to stay. What may change is technology affecting the way we do virtually everything. Where I said earlier that background check has gotten to in the developed world, it will get there in Nigeria in no distant future and BCI is already positioning itself for that.
Founder at Brix Group| Business Consultant
8 年Well done kola
Consulting Expert on Background Screening and Workplace Violence Prevention
8 年Kola, great interview. Its a testiment to the journey you have undertaken and the success you have achieved. Thanks for the leadership you have provided in establishing background screening in Nigeria and expanding it throughout Africa. You are a true pioneer.