Back to your Future
By mattbuck (category) (Own work by mattbuck.) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (, CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Back to your Future

The Company You Keep

A popular piece of advice nowadays is to look at the five people closest to a person, and that will tell you who he or she is.  It is good thinking, but it only tells half the story.  Who are the people you grew up with, learned a trade from and gave you your first tools as you set out in life?  Why do you make the decisions that you do and how does the past impact your current thoughts and actions? This week’s He Said She Said is about gratitude and awareness of the people and things that influence you because everything you do today is built upon the foundations of yesterday.

Mi Familia

Mother: (M) By the age of seven, I was in a full-color picture in Cosmopolitan Magazine.  By the age of eleven I was in the forward of a book that was featured in many bookstores and libraries across the United Kingdom. Not my doing.  All the credit belonged to my Mother who is a remarkable woman awarded an MBE by the Queen and who still at the age of 88 years old does 100 crunches every morning when she awakens and before she starts her work for the day.  For love nor money, I can’t write half a page about my mother or happy childhood memories.  I never saw her. 

It takes no brains to spit out a baby.  The real love begins in the hours, days, months and years after the miracle of life is placed into your arms. It’s when parents are challenged to be their best and love outside of themselves.  Not everyone has that nurturing gene.  My mother was meant to work, her love and her caring permeates her work.  Some people are nurturers and guardians of youth, some live to work and work to live and most fall in between the two extremes and do the best they can while paying their bills.  Society needs all sorts to thrive and generate progress.  

Lessons learned:  Don’t fight who you are but instead define it, accept it and imbue your actions with love.  If you are career-centric, then find a mate that doesn’t share your ambition and drive for a career but who instead supports you, broadens your life and nurtures your soul in a way that the demands of your career would otherwise omit. That person was not my father who my mother left for another man, but it was the man she left him for.

Nana Duckett: (My mother’s mother)  I loved my nana.  She was my entire world as I never saw my parents until the weekend as they were working at separate ends of the country.  I can’t say I ever remember her hugging me, playing games with me or laughing but then again what did she have to laugh about?  She was away from her husband, stuck in a house with a young child and at an age where she should have been enjoying her retirement.  She was a tough woman who led by example.  We walked to the nearest town for supplies because public transport was for “lazy people.”  I’m pretty sure that my arms are as long as they are because my nana made me walk with a heavy bag in each arm after we’d done the shopping.  Often she was 300 feet ahead of me, and I would mutter to myself and feel like my arms were dropping off.  I always made it home. 

My nan’s greatest gift to me was consistency and her love shone for me when she sat me on her lap each day and got excited when I read “The cat sat on the mat” and the tree is green.  She gave me the gift of reading, and I’ve passed her gift on to my three boys.  Despite eating a very bland diet, my nana's tummy was upset a lot that resulted in frequent visits to see her M.D.

Dr. Harris kept prescribing her antacids and urging her to eat more bland food.  She had stomach cancer, died a painful death and I cried for twelve months.

Lessons Learned:  Sacrifice and selflessness are part of deep relationships be that family or business.  Don’t be impressed by titles but rather always trust but verify.  It might not just save you money in a business transaction.  It might even save your life.

Nana Savage: (My dad’s mother) I was very blessed in that I had two great nanas. This nan was slender and softly spoken and yet she was stronger than a pride of lions. Going home from work during World War 1 she was admonished to do more for King and Country as she passed a factory’s gates.  She went into the factory was put to work on a machine and two hours later had to endure five hours of her hand complete with severed fingers being stuck in this faulty machine.  They wanted to amputate her thumb, but she wouldn’t let them.  Five other people had lost their whole hands in this machine in the prior month.  My nan went on to have two children and find a good man to love.  As men often do he died first and I never knew this granddad, but she never took her wedding ring off and though she missed him terribly she loved others deeply, was kind to all, sewed and was the best baker I’ve ever seen or tasted.  She could do whatever she set her mind to accomplish.

Lessons Learned: Resilience.  No matter what there’s always someone worse off than you so count your blessings.  Never give up, never adopt someone else’s reality or opinion as your own but instead file it under advisement and continue down the path you have set for yourself.  Have faith, live faith and be strong in faith.  My Nana was not a churchgoer, nor did she quote the bible or take every opportunity to tell you what God wanted you to do in any situation yet faith touched her every thought and action.  She was a quiet leader who led by example and helped others with a gentle touch. She never held a grudge. All her energy was spent on living and enjoying the present and eagerly anticipating the future.

The Brothers Benn:

(M) Matt Benn was smarter than his brother Ben, but his younger brother was more resilient and agile in his thinking and actions. Five years separate the boys. Both went into the same line of work, and early in their careers each man took a woman to be his lawful wedded wife.  Matt married a glamorous woman who had champagne tastes and enjoyed being a big fish in a small pond.  Ben married a school teacher. 

Matt’s wife wanted the fur coat, the nice car and plenty of attention and she had a high power job that helped to sustain that lifestyle.  Ben’s wife was a school teacher who wanted to finish her days early and enjoy her children.  Matt’s intelligence skewed more to excuses and the paralysis of analysis whereas Ben thought for a while and then jumped into new scenarios figuring out the missing links as he went along from the viewpoint of being “in the arena.”  Many times he was not home, and supermom had to take on the role of being both parents.  He rose fast in his career.

Today, Matt is divorced and still has a mortgage on his house and a small pension to exist on.  His brother Ben lives in a seventeen-million- dollar home and is married to the same woman who retired from teaching and who made more money in two years becoming a female landscape designer than she did in twenty-five years working as a teacher.  Their children are all grown up and doing well for themselves.  The kids all had good schooling and have to excel because their parents are only leaving them enough to survive not thrive.  If they want to thrive then, they’ll have to do that on their own.

Ben is at work at 7:00 am, home by 4 pm and in his gym by 4:30 pm.  Matt is reaching for his remote, complaining about his back and having another scoop of ice cream.  The brothers love each other and Ben buys his brother a new car every two years and treats him to vacations and events throughout the year.  Despite abundant wealth, Ben never fails to count his blessings, treat all people with thoughtfulness and as his equal and regularly gives back to his community.  He works hard, and he plays hard.

Lessons Learned:  The right people in your personal and professional life will either lift you higher or drag you down in life.  Strive to pick the people that will minimize your weaknesses and maximize your strengths.  Make sure you extend those same courtesies to these people and treat everyone with love and respect. 

Never dull another person’s motivation or compare yourself to others. Make your choices, prepare yourself for success and quickly learn from your failures.  Spend the bulk of your life in the arena doing something you love and the light that emanates from that endeavor will allow you to see new opportunities, experience new things and meet people that you didn’t even know existed in our world.

The world is our learning laboratory so now courtesy of Joanna we’re off to the movies. 


Some of my best life/leadership lessons come to me when I’m in a relaxed state reading a book or watching a movie.  I was particularly inspired by the movie Pleasantville. If you have never seen it then here is a brief synopsis as outlined by Kenneth Chisholm on IMDb.(1)

Two 1990s teenagers find themselves in a 1950s sitcom where their influence begins to profoundly change that complacent world.

I love this film for so many reasons and could write reams about what I personally took from it but here are three key and related learnings I want to share with you today. They are all preceded by some dialogue from the movie.

Bill: ...Don't you think?

David: I think you should try not to think about that anymore.

A lot of the time humans learn without thought or thinking. Much of the time we are deaf, dumb and blind to what we have learned.

We learn without thought because we are great mimics; through imitation we hope to find acceptance and belonging. We learn without thought because we crave the familiar; through repetition we wish to gain safety and comfort. We learn without thought because we seek pleasure; through play we try to obtain fun and happiness.

We learn without thinking because humans are often not very cognisant of their inner or outer surroundings, even though they constructed them. We learn without thinking because we fear and lack understanding of emotions. We learn without thinking because we find behaviours and actions confusing.

This begs the question as to whether we have truly learned at all and if so, what exactly? At a subconscious and unconscious level we are constantly learning through our experiences. Yet if we fail to recognise our learnings at a conscious level we will never reach a meta-level of understanding and only ever apply the learnings superficially. Our learning becomes stifled and its full potentiality remains hidden in plain sight. It is only when we take time to reflect, examine, deconstruct and then reconstruct that we acquire understanding and knowledge. It is only then that we can grow.

David: There are some places that the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some places where the road keeps going.

Margaret: Keeps going?

David: Yeah, yeah. It just keeps going. It all keeps going.

Once we understand the learning we have experienced we can choose to apply it consciously at times we might not have otherwise done. We can break the cycle and take a new path. It can take to us new destinations and even more experiences from which we will continue to learn and keep on growing.

George: What happened? One minute, everything's fine... What went wrong? 

David: Nothing went wrong. People change. 

George: People change? 

David: Yeah, people change. 

George: Can they change back? 

David: [grins] I don't know. I think it's harder.

The thing about knowledge and understanding is that, once you have chosen to recognise and apply it, it can be very difficult to ‘unsee’ it. It begins to permeate your attitudes, affect your behaviours and direct your actions until they either become a habit or a part of who you are. Not everyone around you will be comfortable with this; it may confuse and unsettle them. This is natural. You must be ready to reassure them that change can be a good thing yet be clear that now you have stepped onto this new path the only way to go is forward; going back to the way you were is not an option.

(M) Well, that wraps up our “Back To Your FutureHe Said, She Said edition.  We hope you enjoyed it and more importantly got something out of it to use in your life. You interpret the present and create your future built upon the foundations of the past so at least twice a year it is good to reflect on your foundations and discard any material that does not serve you well and hampers your ability to fully realize your current opportunities.  Be especially mindful of learned bias, habits and choices of necessity rather than best choice available.  You are not your mother, father, brother, sister, cousin or Aunt.  You are you.  You were born unique, and your life will be a result of how you apply your uniqueness to life’s trials, tribulations, and joys.  We wish you well on your Journey.

References: Joanna

IMDb -

Pleasantville image courtesy of

For more information on Michael Savage

For more information on Joanna Jack

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