If "back to work" was like "back to school"
Hank van der Merwe
Leadership Expert | High Performance Expert | Coach | Author | Speaker
My daughter was up before 6am today, dressed in her new school uniform, bag over her shoulders ready to go. At the same time my son was practicing doing his tie using a YouTube tutorial (have to admit ...feel a bit cheated for a father / son moment there).
At the school, the Principal was at the front gate welcoming both relieved parents and excited kids. Older students where on hand to assist the new families and orient the new kids (like ours) to where they needed to be.
Contrast that to the way most people go back to work after their annual "break".
I'm curious, why aren't people as excited to go back to work as our kids are to go to school? Where is the CEO, standing at reception welcoming people back? (relax, I know we don't all go back on the same day) But, why are so many people disengaged, feeling depressed, suppressed, oppressed and unimpressed about their lives and their work?
Warren Buffet asked, "what job would you be doing if you didn't need the money?"
That's a great question...what's your answer?...and are you doing it?...why not?
Why have a job and a life you have to escape from, and then do nothing about it? (unless you count that brief new years resolution skirmish) Don't be fooled into thinking that repeating the same year over and over again hanging on by your fingernails is life.
I have a friend in New York who, with the stroke of a pen became irrelevant in his organization after 15 years of service. When I asked him "so what did you learn?", his answer was a resounding..." you have to work to your plan"
I wonder how many people are working to their own plan, how many know what they want out of life or how to use the context of their work to achieve their goals. Your GOALS first, that's the order that makes the difference. Sadly "goal setting" has been completely overcooked, that's mainly because traditional goal setting doesn't work for everyone. If you want a real life hack, join us for a free webinar and where we will share
"5 Reasons why Traditional Goal Setting Goal Setting Doesn't Work..for everyone."
And we'll show you how to live your life by your rules for your reasons!
For those of you who have drunk your fill on the the company cool aid, know this."You will work in a lot of "brands" in your life, but there is only one brand that matters ...YOURS!" work on that first
My mate in New York knew his organization's Vision, Mission and now...he knows what they really value!
You need a Life Hack to create the one you want, or you will live the one you don't. It's a simple choice. If you want to know what your year is going to be like, pay attention to how you feel tomorrow when you are getting ready for work. If you are up, ready to rock n roll before the rest of the world wakes up, congrats, you are crushing it! If not, join us on a free webinar, we'd love to help you.
Webinar Dates:
Monday 4 February 12PM or 7:30 PM AEST
Hank & Nicole ([email protected])