Back when I (wrongly) predicted Apple’s demise!
Back when Apple announced that they were going to “remove the headphone jack”…?
I thought they’d lost it!
I was seriously like: “Apple doesn’t know what they’re doing! Customers are gonna switch phones because of this! They don’t know that they are going to lose so much market share to Samsung!”
Lol, it’s funny me talking like I had ALL THIS KNOWLEDGE on their biz. Haha, everyone is an expert from the sidelines aren’t they?
The hate was REAL…
Fast forward to 2021 — I still own, and use the very first AirPods that got released. And honestly, it’s one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. I can’t imagine NOT wearing AirPods daily… I can’t imagine having those annoying wires dangling from my ears. Oh my word… what a nightmare they were!!
My OCDs going thru the roof just thinking about them.
You see at the time I didn’t have the same VISION that Apple had.?
I just saw the immediate *change* and I was like “nah”
And this is why “the customer is ALWAYS right” — is wrong.
They’re NOT always right.
Especially those who complain about “too many emails”.
Take it from me: they don’t know what’s good for ‘em. Haha
And I know you’re thinking: “Yeah Jameel… you’re an email marketer, of course you’d say that! Duh!”
I know, I know. I’m biased.
But check this…
If a customer had a CHOICE… would there be *any* commercials?
Like, any at all?
I’m talkin’ TV, YouTube, Radio, Banner ads, pop-ups, podcast ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google ads, email marketing… and the rest.
Would a customer say: “Yeah! Pepper me up with some ads.”
It’s not happening.
And I heard this from Ben Settle, he said (roughly) “Don’t ask Prey how they want to be hunted, ask the Predators how to hunt them.”
So in this case,
The Prey, (me, the customer) will tell you not to change things — no AirPods.?
But the Predators, (Apple) will continue their vision, and mission.
So listening to customers (in this case) would have been fatal…
Because the AirPods alone bring in over 12 Billion in revenue for Apple — per year!
That’s Billion with a “B”.
Twelve of them.
Imagine if they listened to us and pulled the plug on their “vision”.
This is why the customer isn’t always right.?
You get me now? Haha, see, told ya.
What’s YOUR vision and mission with YOUR brand?
And how do you plan to communicate that to your customers?
Cos I tell you now, ain’t no better way to do it than email.?
Ain’t no better way.
Ain’t no way! … Ain’t no way!
Let’s say you started emailing people daily — your customers might complain at the start, but then they’d thank you after bcos you’d have improved their lives. (like me with Apple!)
You improve their lives by selling MORE of your products and services to them
It’s a win all ‘round!
(And this ain’t just theory, I’ve seen this over and over with my clients!)
But too many store owners get “shook” when a customer moans. They take it to heart.
“Let’s stop emailing” they say.
Well, okay, if you must, but the other 99% of people who DIDN’T complain are expecting to hear from you tomorrow… so what should we do?
Bit of a dilemma…
Should you
(A) Cater to the complainers…
…or (B) communicate, inspire, and encourage the engaged customers — with more of the stuff they love to read about, via email.
It all depends on if you want more revenue, or if you wanna play “Mr. Nice guy”.
If you want more revenue via email then head here today:
Jameel Paul