Back Up Above
Yesterday was spent packing and making sure that I had everything I would need for the trip back to USA. I flew Air NZ to Auckland, waited a couple of hours in an airport under construction and then arrived in Los Angeles, where I also waited another couple of hours. Actually, I arrived in Los Angeles 20 minutes before I left Brisbane Australia, isn’t the dateline great.
Oh incidently, I am informed by other seasoned travelers that one cannot claim to having “been there-done that”, for a place if one did not in fact leave the airport, so, even though I have transited through California 4 times, on the way to somewhere else, I cannot claim to having been there. I don’t care about this edict, I will proudly wear my Los Angeles California T-shirt I bought from the airport, anyway.
5 hours later I arrived at Dulles, and being mindful of the dramas of the last time I was at Dulles, I had arranged to leave my car in VA so that I could just drive home to NC. I woke Bonnie at 1am, and I stayed at her and Larry’s place overnight before driving back to Lumberton NC, on the 29th