Back to School Traditions
Jacksonville Country Day School
Nurturing Minds. Building Character. Since 1960, educating children in an independent, non-denominational setting.
With school just around the corner, it’s the perfect opportunity to share some of our favorite and most cherished back-to-school-traditions and hopefully inspire new ones with your family. The experts in elementary education at Jacksonville Country Day School, along with some enthusiastic parents, share their favorite back-to-school traditions below, offering creative and enjoyable ways to start the school year on a positive note!
The Yummy Traditions:
“We stop and have a quick breakfast at Maple Street Biscuit Co. We never stop there any other time of the year.”- Emilie Labud, JCDS parent.? A delicious breakfast you look forward to all year is an excellent way to start the day! Children who eat breakfast have increased alertness and more energy, making for a better learning experience in the classroom.?
“Her father and I took (our daughter) to Starbucks for an early morning celebration on the first day of school! We had chocolate milk and cake pops!”-Lauren Rodgers, JCDS Parent. Having this quality time in the morning before the first day of school will be a memory your child can hold onto as they ease out of summer and who doesn’t love chocolate milk and a sweet treat?
The More Traditional Traditions:
Almost every single parent we asked told us they take a back to school photo! This way they can look back each year and see their child’s growth. Here are some ways parents have told us they add to this tradition:?
“We love to take our first day of school pictures the night before. This way the morning isn't too stressful, and it gives the little’s who like to take some ownership over their look some extra time to do so!”- Leah Glotzbach, JCDS Parent. This is a sure fire way to get your child excited about their first day of school outfit! Even at a private school where they wear a uniform, putting on the outfit for the first time, or the first time since May, can get them jazzed for their first day.?
“Something we have been doing on the first day of school since Kindergarten is taking a quick video of (our child) each year and have them answer the same questions: What grade are you starting? Where do you go to school? Who is your teacher? What are you most looking forward to this year? By the first day of 12th grade, we will have videos from every year and we plan to put them together to form a video montage.” - Lauren Setzer, JCDS Parent. We LOVE this tradition! Back in the day access to videos was a bit trickier, but now that cell-phones have easy to use editing apps, why not make something that your child can look back on when they graduate from high school? Don’t have time for a video? Write the answers down and save them in a folder, time-capsule, or scrapbook that they can read when they graduate.?
The Confidence Boosters:
“We go shopping for backpacks, tennis shoes & a pencil case or a few other “special supplies” a couple weeks or so prior. Our children said it makes them ‘excited to start school and show off their new shoes.’ I think mentally it signals preparing for a fresh start and a new exciting year.”-Lindsey Huntley, JCDS Parent. What a great way to literally kick the school year off on the right foot! Having your child(ren) go with you back-to-school-shopping and allowing them some autonomy of picking out colors, styles, and designs can make them more confident to start the year.?
Donate a backpack filled with school supplies to a local charity or organization! At JCDS, part of our mission is preparing students for a lifetime of social responsibility. While you are back to school shopping with your child, have them pick out a few items to fill up a backpack to donate. This activity embodies the "Live to Give" mindset, which teaches students the importance of selflessness and generosity. Moreover, seeing the impact of their good deed can boost their own confidence, knowing they've made a difference in someone's life, and set a positive tone for their own school year. At JCDS, part of our mission is preparing students for a lifetime of social responsibility.
A fresh haircut! Getting a haircut at the start of the school year can boost a student's confidence. It helps them feel refreshed and ready to take on new challenges. This simple act can make a great first impression, promoting a sense of self-assurance and enthusiasm as they transition from summer to school.
The Creative Traditions:
Create a countdown to the first day of school! Get your children excited for the first day of school with a fun and engaging countdown! This can be a physical countdown where your child pulls a number off a calendar each day leading up to the start of school, a paper chain they tear apart daily, a balloon they pop, or any creative idea you have for celebrating the transition from your summer schedule to the school year. At the end of the countdown, find a special activity to — throw some confetti, enjoy a family meal, visit the park, or do something fun to mark the end of summer and the beginning of an exciting new school year.
Make your school supplies unique to you! With this tradition it’s time to get crafting. If you will be purchasing supplies this school year, encourage your children to personalize the items with their names, favorite colors, and designs. They can draw, paint, or apply stickers and patches to make their supplies uniquely theirs. This can be something done with just your kids or you can have a little back to school celebration with their friends and do it together. Just make sure the items you choose are allowed to be decorated—start with snack bags and water bottles, or wait until after the first day of school to confirm which items can be personalized!
The Practical Traditions:
“We get our boys in the habit of going to bed earlier and doing our nightly school routine starting a week in advance! This helps prepare not only our children for school, but get’s us in the school year mindset too!” -Lauren Ellis, JCDS Parent and Associate Director of Admissions. If you happen to change your bedtime routine during the summer, then this one is a must! Trying to switch the summer routine to the school year routine the night before school starts can lead to your child being grumpy, irritable, and possibly lead to exhaustion and tears on their first morning of a new school year.
Annual organization day. Dedicate a day before school starts to organize school supplies, set up study spaces, and label personal items. This can help children feel prepared and reduce first-day stress.?
As we gear up for the new school year, these back-to-school traditions blend excitement and preparation, easing the transition from summer to school while instilling confidence and gratitude in students. Embrace these traditions or create your own to make this back-to-school season a memorable and inspiring time for your family.