Back to School
Masoud Modarres, MPA
Connecting compassionate individuals with impactful causes in the world's most challenging environments. A knowledgeable expert in OFAC regulations and charitable initiatives.
Fall is almost here which means schools starts soon. With the new school season nearly upon us, we need not remind our friends and supporters of the great sense of responsibility we all share when we hear about less fortunate school kids across the globe who spend their summer days working hard so that they can earn enough money to pay for their school clothes, textbooks and supplies.
This year, Child Foundation is once again having a Scholastic Fund Drive to help young and needy school children with special educational backpacks called “Backpack of Hope” that containing books, notebooks, school supplies, and in some areas clothes. Our goal is to finish this drive with your help and support at the earliest possible time so that these packages can be delivered well in time for the start of the new school year. Last year, we were able to distribute more than 1,000 Backpacks of Hope and hopefully with your help we help more children this year.
Child Foundation invites all those who are willing to participate in this worthy and timely cause, to contribute online. Each backpack with its content costs is about $75. For those who donate at least 10 Backpacks of Hope, we will send pictures and information of children who have benefited from their generosity.
Either way, you will have the collective thanks and enormous gratitude of thousands of very grateful school children who will now experience a happy start to their school year.