Back by popular demand! CASCAIDr's community care legal framework courses - commencing September 2022
Following a hugely successful first year, we're running another round of year-long?Care Act courses, for evening study.
You'd be a graduate of either the Professional or Public levels of these courses, by?October 2023?- read on for the significance of that date, for work opportunities, please!
This is CASCAIDr's bid to further?legal literacy?amongst tomorrow's leaders in social care and health, and to skill up the public as well, to be better able to self-advocate, efficiently and assertively, in an increasingly?brutish?decision-making culture - one where having the law on one's side is no longer enough to ensure anyone gets their full legal rights. It doesn't matter whose fault that is - it just needs to?stop.
The lack of awareness across the whole sector, about the formal legal framework under which care and support are funded, affects?very many groups of people - all of whom are welcome on our courses:
There?is clear recognition that there is already insufficient expertise nationwide to deal with Care Act assessments, care plan reviews and revision work -?even?before?the assessment workload?doubles?within councils, next year, when the care costs cap comes in.
At that point it is inevitable that these crucial tasks will be handed to non-social work qualified people or retired people who have not even practised since the Care Act came in.??So, taking this course, at one or other level, is bound to keep you IN work, or GET you work, as a professional, even if you are not a social worker.
Those who ARE qualified social workers still need to prepare for?combining?Care Act thinking with the mental capacity and best interests aspects of the Liberty Protection Safeguards?-?which is not something one can easily be taught the nuance of, through e-learning, we suspect.
So, if you want to take charge of your own learning, please click on the link below and follow the instructions on how to apply.