Back pain doesn't always equal a bad back
A cause of back pain, that can be easily fixed
Due to the amount of time that people are sat around, whether it be at their desks at work, driving to and from work or other forms of travel and sat at home relaxing watching television. People are suffering with lower back pain more than we have in previous years. Some of it can be put down to the way people are sat, not getting the proper back support, sitting incorrectly putting more pressure on the lower back.
One thing that some people may not be aware of, is that lower back pain can be caused by small muscles at the front of the body getting tighter and tighter. Pulling and causing strain on the lower region of the back, going unnoticed for years, apart from the constant niggle from behind. These muscles are the hip flexors, which run from the top to bottom of the hips at the front of the body. As pointed out in the opening paragraph, with all the additional hours sat in many different ways, these muscles will start shortening, getting tighter and intern start to pull the on muscles in the lower back. Causing them to stretch and weaken, giving you back pain which will not be fixed with any amount of attention given to the area that hurts.
When googled, there are a few simple stretches that can be done with a small amount of space needed, to help ease and release the tension of the hip flexors. If done regularly, the hip flexors will start to loosen up, easing the tension put on the lower back and COULD reduce the pain. This is just an example that some may not be aware of, something to help without needing to go to the doctors or spend hard earned money on massages or other therapy treatments. It is not a guarantee to fix all back problems.