Back to the Office- Selling Floor- Teams- Customers & Clients .. Jumpstarting Your Social-Emotional Thinking

Back to the Office- Selling Floor- Teams- Customers & Clients .. Jumpstarting Your Social-Emotional Thinking

He that would perfect his work first sharpens his tools

???????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Confucius


Abe Lincoln would agree

As he stated if he had six hours to cut down a tree

…the first four hours he would spend sharpening his axe


I’ve been writing since the Pandemic began that this Inflection Moment was going to come

….. when this Remote Work- Remote Learning would be seen in their failure


Remote Learning has been all but totally discredited because in the sphere of education we are constantly measuring metrics

The plunge – horrific drop in skillsets and acuity set off all the alarms along with the spike of mental unwellness that is endemic in our younger generations


The realm of Remote Work is now undergoing the same moment of sanity

So much has been lost in terms of ….forget productivity

…Quality has been on a downward trend for years


We have ignored this as our focus has been on lots of societal agenda pieces that more than achieve anything of value have created vast swaths of employees that are just so LIMITED

…in basic skills—cannot read- do simple math—forget write a sentence

… skills of engagement

…pride in their work- level of care for their customers and teams


Older people (like me) notice this more than younger people as we are a product of different times of much much higher standards

Back in the day …If you lack competency no one was going to hirer you

…still worse no one was going to carry you as a team member


There were no EEOC Box Agendas – employees were evaluated on Quality


In the years of this social experimentation

…American’s quality of life has collectively decline

….the majority of people have grown poorer

…our nation fiscal house manifests disturbing downward trends


We are in this Inflection Moment of a painful correction in which everything that we were told for the previous half dozen years is now the New Normal


…a sharp 180 turn has been shown-- they did not work


American Society’s extreme twist and turns is what drives me crazy

No one except us older people travel this Golden Mean Middle Road

I commiserate with all my DEI Supporter friends

..that in the space of sixty days after the election these efforts have become the Third Rail – totally toxic – thrown to the winds of change

Was there not even one good achievement for the time we invested?

So, we have two things going on here

#1- DEI is Out – MEI is IN – Time to Up Your Merit/ Added Value Game

#2- Remote Anything is seen as less authentic

?– Back to the Old Normal of Person-to-Person Engagement


Hopefully you’ve been adding to your credentials during the DEI Period as these are the new Gold Standard

Hopefully who have not become some recluse – sequestered in your home with all your less that health internet poor behaviors


Most people fall into the categories

….doing little to no self-improvement

….limited social interaction as it was the safest choice


The reality for you is harsh then

…like the feeling of stepping out the door at 8AM on a NH January Morning



While all of this creates no shortage of anxiety

It does not have to be that way


Back to Confucius….

Humans are amazingly adaptable


It’s time for you to map out your New Social Emotional Thinking Strategy


#1?? YOUR Triggers

Because we’ve been secluded from others along with living in our partisan siloes, we have become Hyper Reactive to everything

I find in many situations lately …I’m the only Adult in the Room

Everyone is 0-60 in Two Second—swear- rant –go off the rail as this is the role modeling, we have seen by American’s Leadership Class


In my new book I’m writing about Reflective Intelligence

Find a quiet moment—make a list of things that push your buttons

….. and read that every day before you start working

Focus on that and actively observe how this impacts you and others

Think before you open your mouth


#2?? YOUR Expectations

This one is simple – so many people’s Self Picture is far off from the Real Snap-Shot

?--- take the time to approach every situation asking the question

Am I being reasonable?


#3?? YOUR Perceptional Awareness

Another one that is not that difficult

Deep Listening--- Stop Talking – Become a Much Better Listener

Active Observation – Read Non Verbal Ques – Use your Instinctive Intuition ?


#4 ???YOUR Self-Discipline

You’re in Charge of your behavior

Unless you have self-control, you’re pretty much worthless as a dependable consistent preforming assets


#5??? YOUR Entitlement ?

You got to park that at the front doorstep of your place of business

We are made valuable by the originality of our uniqueness

Every day you got to make something beautiful out of what makes you special

Yes..its that simple


#6???? YOUR Expertise

Everyone loves people that do their job with such precision as easily as taking their next breath

Whatever you’re doing Be a Product Expert

Elevating your craft is what makes you a standout performer

Invest in Yourself


#7??? ??YOUR Responsibility

Be a Doing ..the laboring oar that gets stuff done without the need of being recognized

This is what true leadership is all about

Make deposits into others and your team

Don’t be the weak oar that subtracts from the team effort

People instantly know the difference


#8????? YOUR Empathy

Remember-- Its Never About – Its Always About Someone Else

Break the Victimization Culture that we’ve created

Be Bold- Brave – this initiative is the edge of your originality


#9 ?????YOUR Influence

You create the Culture that surrounds you

This is empowerment that possesses the ability for transformative results

Sitting at my study in no less my Pjs writing these posts over 2.5 M Impressions last year

Your Originality is what the world is thirsty to drink every day


#10? ??YOUR Impact ??

Not you but your Good Works has an impact beyond your conception

Be the Change You Seek to Find


Lots of Reflective Moments

….to in a Metacognitive Manner re-evaluate Your Total Self

? is work

But….You’re worth the investment


The trends I’m seeing is the need to really ramp up your game

What worked over the last five years is useless now

…seen as a Period of Error – Regressive and Harmful


Time to Re-Imagine YOUR SELF





You’re going to need a much sharper axe to cut down the trees in 2025







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