Back to Normal...part 375
It seems, whether normal was good or not, we are all going back to it. You see business calling people back to the office. Events are moving in person. Aside from gas prices being what they are, baby formula being on D&D quest levels and inflation reaching the stratosphere, things are heading back to pre-pandemic levels.
With the return of all the things, there is a pressure to innovative and aspire for so much beyond the normal. I think you can see across a variety of industries. The idea seems to be not only are we back to normal but we have to be better than normal. After 2 years of decidedly not normal, this mindset seems like whiplash. Not just that, employees are crying out that they are burned out. A vacation does not solve burn out. More work does not solve burn out. I know the things "to be done" above and beyond the normal are probably good things. I'd even say they are probably great things, things that absolutely should happen.
I'm going to make a radical suggestion. Instead of forging ahead with new/different/more things for already burned out employees to do, don't. No new initiatives. No new plans. Let's take this year and do the things that are required and do them well. Let's be honest, there were things happening pre-pandemic, required for the job things, that weren't happening in the best way possible. Maybe this is the year for reflection and evaluation.
What things should we be doing?
How well are we doing them?
Could we do them better?
If you can answer yes to the last question then now is not the time for more/new/different things. One thing I can promise you, no new plan no matter how awesome it is will be as effective as it could be when done by burned out employees.