Back of a Napkin Start
Janel Van Beek
Executive Coach | Strategy | Product | Program Management | Organization Change | Leadership and Organization Effectiveness
“How do you do it?”
“Do what? I’m still unemployed, remember?”
“Yes, and how do you stay positive? You have a lot of reasons to be angry and disappointed, and yet you seem so resilient and focused.”?
“I can’t give up. I’m not that kind of girl…” “I know you won’t quit.”
“And, I’m learning a lot.”
“But it’s way, way more than not giving up. You seem to be…thriving.”
<pause...not awkward, not authentic do I go with this person? I'm going for it...>
“What I’m learning now is not just about my job search. It’s about how I want to intentionally live my wild and precious life.”
After many conversations like this, I resolved it was time to share my approach to building an intentional job search, and offer supportive coaching for it. I want people to know that just because their income stopped (or has not started) does not mean their growth has to stop.
The Intentional Job Search is strategic, focused, and includes wonderful-human-well-being practices and tools for a neurodiverse population. Unlike other services, groups, councils, and tools, The Intentional Job Search fosters personal care and personal growth that you can carry with you well past your job search, into the next chapter of your life. If you are willing, The Intentional Job Search supports and grows all of you. ?
You are invited! Next week, you will have access to the Intentional Job Search tool and the online course that supports it. The work is strategic, focused, and includes wonderful-human-well-being practices and tools for a neurodiverse population. Unlike other job search services, groups, councils, and tools, The Intentional Job Search fosters personal care and personal growth that you can carry with you well past your job search, into the next chapter of your life.