At The Back Of My Head
It was another one of those first days of the month which nearly always serves up a plethora of small and large duties and tasks needing to be completed, but at least I managed to stay busy all day and so much so, I later found I hadn't stopped for a bite to eat, so I unknowingly pulled-off a 12+ hour fast. Like I really need to be on a weight loss program. Right?
A buyer I've been working with for some months, ended up changing his preferred price range on me, so I now have to get my mind re-calibrated to his needs. I did show him one home today which had recently come on the market, and in spite of my thinking it would be a good fit, something about it must've turned him off, and since I've learned long ago not to question his judgement, I'll simply continue to show him homes until the right one comes along.
After seeing how many new listings have come on the market this week, along with the number of price reductions, I'm beginning to think the days of the many multiple offers will soon be over. Since we're now past the month of May, we may also be experiencing a summertime slow-down. Of course Clear Lake's market has just begun because the bulk of their activity takes place between Memorial and Labor Day.
Shortly after I arrived at office early this morning, I sat down at my piano and ran thru those six hymns I was given to learn which I'll be playing at First Baptist Church this coming Sunday. After my quick run-thru, I'd say they're all just about up to speed, so hopefully I won't make any noticeable mistakes. Given the number of hymns they likely have which I've never heard, I'll soon be expanding my folio of religious hymns, and if it gets any thicker, I'll have to create an additional. If someone would've asked me ten years ago if I could easily play some of the difficult ones I've since learned, I would've answered, “Not in this lifetime.” I guess when one is called on to play something, it becomes a time sensitive quick-learn.
After looking at who won in yesterday's primaries, there were some I was happy about, and others I was hoping wouldn't win, but we have to simply dismiss it as the voice of the people. I'm only hoping from here on out, the politicians won't be as vicious as they've been with each other over these past ten or more years, and only because I'm still not used to such corrosive language. To this day, I quickly get agitated whenever I'm in the presence of someone who's continually using the 'G.D.' and the 'F' words. As far as I'm concerned, a very little of such language goes a very long way.
One of my out of State visitors mentioned something I had to laugh about, and only because he's seeing things which we've all grown used to here in North Iowa, and that being the number of men whose faces are covered with beards and/or mustaches which show no signs of management. Since he's always one that has this 'cause and effect' mentality, his current reasoning is our many months of cold weather, calls for them to grow all that facial hair to keep them all the warmer. The look I gave him after hearing that could've been memorialized because in my mind, his thoughts couldn't be farther from the truth.
Because I'm working at being more of a gentleman, I can only say I've got my theories as to why they don't shave, or at least keep themselves better groomed. I'll also add the fact that once upon a time while vacationing in Europe, I decided to leave my facial hair grow, and it lasted no more than a week because what I was seeing in the mirror, was definitely not to my liking, and thank goodness I don't have the genetic disposition where I have hair on my back that meets what's at the back of my head, and definitely not the amount of hair we see coming up from the chests of some men which folds right into the hair under their chins. I dare say if I had that going on, I'd be visiting 'Bare Sugar' around the corner of my office on monthly basis until it was gone for good.
Thank Heaven my visitor wasn't with me as I was driving past a City worker who had quite the noticeable 'bush' on his face, and all I could think of was, “How can you stand having that in this heat and humidity?” Evidently where my visitor comes from, one rarely sees a man with facial hair like that unless it's a homeless person on a park bench. Of course he also had some words regarding the way men and women are dressing in public which I'll save for another day.
My firm and fast thoughts on the subject of the way many appear in public, is my longstanding belief that our outward appearances are a reflection of how we inwardly feel about ourselves. I dare say my mindset on the matter was a learned behavior from my mother who'd never go out in public unless she considered herself presentable.
I've also been recently noticing more of our younger people who're not taking care of their teeth because a person can't help but notice a mouthful of teeth that haven't been brushed in days. Are people getting that lazy, or do they just not care anymore?
Tonight's One-liner is: Two wrongs don't make a right, but they do make a good excuse.
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