Back to Local GIS After Transitioning to Esri Site Scan Solution: Part 2
In a previous story, I shared the cost savings Dudek has benefited from by converting our business to Esri Site Scan Solution. We had previously been a Pix4D and Agisoft based business, and our transition to Site Scan saved Dudek $80,000 in year 1 on just software and Workspot reductions.
That was just the start of our cost savings. After completing our transition, we started planning how to leverage the Image Hosting aspect of the Site Scan Solution. At Dudek we used imagery stored on our virtual servers, with GIS staff accessing the imagery via the Workspot solution. This was the most efficient way to access the large imagery datasets to create site planimetrics that support our Land Surveying business.
At the beginning of 2024, our Workspot renewal was coming up. We tested accessing the imagery that was processed and hosted on Site Scan using local laptop computers on our now-remote team that was working mostly from home. The testing revealed that the latency was gone, and the integration with Site Scan hosted imagery was a superior solution.
The end result was eliminating 20 seats of Workspot. The transition improved our operations and also saved our company $120,000 in year one. We now had a combined savings of $200,000 in the first year. This was a significant cost savings for our company. Since the conversion, we have seen a 35% reduction in time needed per project for the site planimetrics creation. This is a 35% savings we passed along to our clients. We are happy to share our experience and hope that others will pursue the same cost savings.