Back in the High Life Again
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Day 10 of 365 Days of Songs.
Today's post seems fitting for a Sunday. Back in the High Life Again by English artist?Steve Winwood
This song is special to me because it reminds me of my mom, who left her journey on earth nine years ago. She introduced me to Steve Winwood and all of his music and bands including Traffic.
This weekend I was emotionally down, almost in a fog and I asked the Universe for a sign that things would get better. Part of my personal and professional consulting practice is to ask the Universe for signs directly. It might sound woo-y but it works. When you allow space to notice noticing, life becomes much more meaningful.
Yesterday I ask for a sign, and out of nowhere a cord to a song emerged in my head, by way of one of those annoying cords you can't place right away. I stood in my kitchen typing various version of what I thought might be words that corresponded to the lyrics into with World Wide Web. Everything was wrong as in very wrong songs and just as I was about to give up, Steve Winwood hit and I scrolled through his hits until I found the song that matched the melody in my head, back in the high life again.