Back here again.

Back here again...March 20th, 10 weeks until the end of this academic year and once again no announcement about the PE and Sport premium funding.

For those unaware, the government have committed this budget to schools since 2014 to faciliate the development of PE within the primary sector. Details found here

Over the past 3 years (inclusive), the same cycle has transpired. No annoucement, news or information on the subject up to this point and then questions asked, occasionally by me!

I really dread this time of year anyway (summer PE aside - which is amazing!) as the re-contracting process with schools can be very arduous. Throw in funding uncertainty, general lack of school money, Moving Matters staff eager to understand their futures and it's all very stressful. Markets don't fair well in uncertain times, ours is no different.

Sadly despite the investment (which has been considerable) the physical activity landscape remains pretty depressing:

  • 9% of early years children meet their recommended dose of PA (2-4 hours daily)
  • 22% of 5-16 year olds do 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a day

The pandemic has hardly helped matters, instead changing habits that have lead many away from sport in particular.

The most recent National child measurement programme creates even greater cause for concern for Public Health England, this generation are the largest EVER. Pair this with current statistics that 41% (2019) of Britains men are overweight, 31% of women and you have a whopping BIG problem.

The above are not small issues. Inactivity impacts life expectancy. Obesity impacts public health.

Activity isn't the sole cure but if Doctor's could prescribe it, they would! It would be the Miracle Pill (thanks Peter Walker - great book btw, must read).

Would love to see a greater focus on this within the school enviornment.

How does this happen? Premium continues but with...accountabilty and targets for schools.

Either way, let us know what's going on, i'm getting bored with this!


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