"Back in The Game" - Navigating the Return To Work After a Career Break.
Arpitha H.
General Manager - Sales & Operations | Strategic Business Planning, Business Development
For a career-oriented woman, a career break is a big deal. A woman decides to take a career break in very few sensitive situations. Her reasons are marriage, children, taking care of the elderly etc...
According to some statistics, 43% of women take a career break. The number of people returning to work will decrease significantly. After the first child, 24% of women leave work. After 5 years, 17% have not relapsed. After 10 years 15% of women do not attend work. Years passed and her condition would not allow her to return to work.
Many women face this challenge, children, or their future? while they are at the peak of their career. Few ventures to balance the two, But a lot of women's dream shatters.
After all these, even a woman decides to return to work, she will have a lot of questions or barriers.
·??????? Will I be hired after these many years career gap?
·??????? Will I be able to survive the competition as my skills are so out of date?
·??????? ?Will I be able to get a job which fits around the family?
Well, these are the topics which have been in discussion a lot of time. Are women who had career break capable of managing the tasks? The answer is Yes. “They are the untapped talents”. Who are ready yet a bit touch up is needed to shine in their jobs.
Gender diversity has been a focus for many companies. Even government enforcing a lot of workplace equality. They both are coming up with new ideas & launching new programs to bring back women to the workforce. “Udaan” From Mahindra Logistics (launched in 2018), “Fly Again” from AIRBUS & many similar programs from IBM, Accenture, Tata Group has been helping these talents to re-start their career after the break. They even have MBA & other training programs to make them feel they haven’t missed updating themselves to be in the race of knowledge & skills.
But only government & companies cannot enforce workplace equalities. This change must be at homes too. This applies to both Men & Women. Over time men have started contributing more at house chores too. Childcare is increasingly seen as a shared responsibility. But Men spend a very less time here but a women do an unpaid job.
As the saying goes… “Women are expected to work as if they don’t have children and raise the children as if they don’t have job”. ?until this changes, the rate of women returning to work will never increase.
Cultivating an inclusive culture, extended family support are the force that reintegrate a woman into the workforce after their career break.
#Inclusiveculture #Inspireinclusion #internationalwomensday