Back to The Future of Education
And so it begins...
The back to school fever is in full swing at the time of posting this article and if you are a teacher..I am here for you.
Let's review some important questions!
With the introduction of very popular AI tools for both students and teachers, what does that mean for the future of education?
Will classrooms as we know them become absolete in the next five years?
Is the popularity of online classrooms on the rise?
Is our life becoming so fast paced, that students would rather have online classes while doing other activities?
So many questions, but what are the appropriate answers?
And the most popular of questions teachers have to face is:
Why do I have to learn this?
No doubt, that with the introduction of Google, SIR, and ALEXA, teachers have been competing to teach students the benefits of learning complex topics, but apparently useless topics, namely, alegbra, and calculus.
So, when students deem more and more topics useless and ask; why do I have to learn this if I am never going to use it in my life..what would be the appropriate response?
Teachers, I got you.
The appropriate response is..students, it's so your brain doesn't go numb.
It's not the algebra that matters, it's so you as students, can better your problem solving skills, that's if you see problem solving, as something useful in your life.
Yes everyone agrees that approaches to teaching has to change because teachers are competing with Google, and unfortunately, are no longer seen as a valuable sources of knowledge, in the more "developed" parts of the world at least.
So what does that mean for time spent in the classroom?
It means that more writing activities should be done in the classroom so the brain doesn't go numb.
It means math is a situation that is encountered in everyday life, for example, how can pizza be divided evenly between persons, how can you calculate your part of the dinner bill, if you phone has died because you were using it all last night and forgot to charge it this morning.
It means science is how you can boil an egg or noodles so you can cook your own breakfast in the future.
And of course, how much tax you have to pay before you actually buy that new phone simply because you can't find the charger for your old phone.
Now if you found some humour in what you read, that is if you made it this far, I thank you.
Patience is running out as the Internet gets faster, and so time is of the utmost importance in the classroom.
If students feel that the activities they do in the classroom keeps them busy while gaining the lesson's objectives, then it will be better for everyone.
This is the new challenge.
The last is the relationship building is vital and has to be based on respect. Simply use the golden rule in the classroom: treat others the way you want to be treated.
Teachers have faith in this new school year!
I still believe after 20 years as an educator, students are worth it.
If you do too, then best wishes on a successful school year.
And until next time, keep learning, and have fun.
Danya, xo