Back on the frontline
You may have noticed that I have recently moved back from a non-exec role to the Managing Director role at #GardPass that I held previously. You may be wondering why…
Firstly, let me say that I am excited about the future – for GardPass and for our clients who are generally seeking to address their needs in more effective ways – cost-wise and for better outcomes.
Clients are demanding more return on investment especially innovation [our strength] – whether that is supply of skilled personnel, provision of key services or training.
Few will dispute, I’m sure, that the world is facing an ever-increasing need for cyber and IT resources. There is much talk about the use of AI and Machine Learning etc, but the battlelines are constantly moving and it is clear that we need a mix of technology and people.
Our marketplaces are evolving as they need to. I have observed this even within our large clients, such as NATO and the UN.
Secondly, I know we have a strong core team and several like-minded proactive partners: e.g., @CyberQ Group and @Ask4Support – plus a few others we will be linking up with in 2023. We also have good opportunities over the next few years with key clients and I know that GardPass and its partners are in a strong position to respond in imaginative and effective ways.
Finally, I personally want to play an active part in pushing forward the innovation that the free (non-criminal) world desperately needs. I will be focussing on new ventures and new ways to deliver.
Your thoughts would be welcome on how we can achieve more effective responses to the increasing cyber and geo-political threats.