Przewalski's Horse (pronounced sheh-val-skee's) also known as Takhi, is a success story that puts a positive spin on zoos and man's determination to do the right thing. In many of my blogs, I have told you that man and his poor management and use of the environment has threatened and caused the extinction of many animals and left countless numbers of endangered animals struggling to survive in diminished habitats. In the case of Przewalski’s Horse, the story is pretty much the same. Man does, however, have the capacity to make a difference. We have the ability to make things right, and the Takhi is an example of man doing the right thing. Read all about the LAST WILD HORSE, at Aussie Fantasy's blog. There's also a great video on the actual reintroduction. It's amazing - Don't miss it. If you like what you see, share it! Click HERE! to read more about it.