Back in the Day

Back in the Day

Back in the Day

Photography and Article by Nancy Cozart

Way Back When

Back in the day, times were simpler. There was less stress and more time to enjoy spending with family and friends.

When I was growing up in the 70s, the neighborhood kids would play outside when the weather was nice. We played kickball, or tag. We played on swingsets. We walked to the park and played on "Jungle Gyms" and "Monkey Bars". We rode our bikes. We played "Jacks" and Jump Rope. We roller skated on the side walk. We played Hopscotch. We played board games like Scrabble, Trouble, Checkers, Chess and Masterpiece. We knew all of our neighbors.

Fast forward to 2018. Many kids spend time on their computers and cell phones. Board games have been replaced by computer games. Going to the mall to hang out has been replaced by shopping online.

How Terminology Has Changed

Times have changed. Life today is very different from the way it was back in the day. My Grandpa lived during the Great Depression. He used to tell me that the kids in his neighborhood did not have toys. They played with cardboard boxes and played "Kick the Can" with tin cans. Life is very different today. Kids today have the latest electronic gadgets, such as cell phones, I-Pads and laptops.

Terminology has changed, too. Some words have evolved to take on new meanings. Many terms around today did not even exist back in the day.

  • Fishing. The word "Fishing" has evolved. Back in the day, fishing was an enjoyable activity at a lake involving a pole, some bait, and a boat or dock. Today, a new word has been spun off: "phishing". "Phishing" involves identity thieves trying to hack into your online accounts, as they "phish" for information.
  • Laptop. Back in the day, my laptop was an Etch-a-Sketch. I played on it for hours, creating delightful artwork. Erasing and starting over again. Today, many kids have laptops that they use for playing video games.
  • Phones. Back in the day, phones were attached to walls. They had long, spiraled cords that sometimes stretched across a room. If we left home, we always had coins on hand, in case we needed to make a call. Way back when, mobile phones were called "Pay Phones". If I was going to be late, I would need to look for a pay phone so I could call my mom and dad. Fast forward to today. Cell phones have replaced home phones and pay phones. Instead of using coins to make a call while away from home, family share plans cost hundreds of dollars. Everyone in the family has their own cell phone. Pay phones of the past are obsolete.
  • Shopping. Back in the day, shopping involved going into a "dime store" or a "five and dime". Shopping might have entailed going to a mall and walking from store to store until you bought everything you needed. Today, you would not be able to find anything that costs a nickle or a dime. Shopping malls have been replaced by Amazon and Ebay. Consumers, especially Millennials, are increasingly buying on line. I can no longer be a "Toys R Us Kid", because Toys R Us has gone out of business.
  • Cable. Back in the day, if you refered to "cable", you were probably referring to a heavy chain link rope. Today, cable could mean Cable TV. When I was a kid, TVs had "rabbit ears", known as "antennas". There were only a few TV stations when I was a kid: ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS. Today, Cable TV and Satellite Dish TV provide hudreds of channels for viewing.
  • Remote. Today, if you want to change the channel, you use a "remote". When I was a kid, "remote" was a distant place, like a remote island. If we needed to turn the channel, we needed to get up, walk over to the TV and turn the dial or knob on the TV. I was often the channel changer. For all intents and purposes, I was the "remote" for my family.
  • Virus. Back in the day, if you had a virus, you probably needed to go to the doctor and get a prescription for medication. Today, if you have a virus, you may need to call "Tech Support" to get rid of the virus and de-bug your computer.
  • Text Message. This term did not exist back in the day. Today, if you need to send a message to a friend, you simply send them a text message from your phone. Back in the day, to send a message to a friend at school, you would need a piece of paper, a pencil and the fine art of Origami. You would write the note on a piece of paper. You would fold the paper into many little triangles. You would then pass the notes back and forth, or throw them to your friends. You would wait for the teacher to turn his back to the class. You would hope the teacher would not turn back aound and see the note.
  • BFF. Today, this would mean a best friend forever. Back in the day, there were no acronyms used for this description. We would simply say "best friend". Today, words are make it quicker for typing text messages.
  • Social Media. Back in the day, being social meant playing with your friends after school. It meant playing games like Tag, Red Rover and Duck, Duck, Goose. The term Social Media did not exist.
  • Tweeting on Twitter. Back in the day, Tweet was the sound a bird made. Twitter was the sound of tweeting birds. Today, Twitter is something used by celebrities, politicians and people across the world. More recently, many people have been fired or have gotten in trouble due to Tweeting remarks that are inappropriate in nature.
  • Facebook.  Back in the day, a face was something on the front of your head. A book was something you read. A pocketbook was something you put a wallet in and you carried it around. There was no such thing as Facebook, way back when. Today, Facebook is a social media platform in which friends can spy on each other, gossip about each other, "Like" each others posts and "friend" or "unfriend" each other.
  • Instagram. This is another word that did not exist back in the day. Instagram back then could have been a telegram that arrived in an instant. It could have meant a mother who instantly turned into a Grandma when her grandchild was born. It could have meant a mammogram with instant results. But it was not a type of Social Media like it is today.
  • LinkedIn.  Way back when, we were not linked. Linkedin back in the day might have meant a chain link fence in your backyard to keep your dogs in. To keep your pets from roaming the neighborhood. Other than that, we were linkedout, not LinkedIn. Today, LinkedIn is a social media platform and a tool for networking. Back in the day, networking might have meant watching TV on your favorite network. Today, it means who you know. Who is in your network of business acquaintances.
  • Posts. Back in the day, a "post" was made of wood. You could post a poster on it. You could hitch a horse to it. You could tie a boat to it. Today, a "post" refers to social media content that is posted on a "wall" of a social media site. There are many kinds of posts, including the dreaded political post which often leads to unfriending anyone who does not share your political points of view.
  • Polaroid Pictures. Back in the day, a Polaroid Picture was a picture taken with a Polaroid camera. You would shake it and then look at the picture. Today, most people have cameras on their Smart Phones.
  • Blockbuster Videos. Back in the day, people would drive to a video store, such as Blockbuster Video. They would walk around the room in search of a video, so that they could watch a movie using their VCR at home. Today, VCRs have been replaced with DVRs. Blockbuster Video stores have been replaced by cable TV, cable on demand and "Redboxes".

TV Shows

TV shows back in the day were more wholesome and family friendly. Shows like "Lassie", "I Love Lucy", "My Three Sons" and "Leave It To Beaver" were appropriate viewing options for families. Today, family friendly programming can be found on PBS. However, many of the prime time shows today are not necessarily appropriate for children.


Back in the day, movies depicted kids doing activities that did not involve social media, cell phone or computers. Movies like "Sandlot" and "Bad News Bears" depicted kids playing baseball.

"The Breakfast Club" was about teenagers at school serving detention. They talk, get to know each other and come to realize that they have more in common than they initially thought, despite their societal labels and stereotypes.

If "The Breakfast Club" had been filmed today, it may have been completely different. It would have depicted teens serving detention at school. But it probably would have depicted those teens as spending the entire time looking down on their phones, rather than interacting with their classmates.

Back in the 70s, movies like "Saturday Night Fever" paved the way for disco clubs, disco dancing and disco music. Then, "Urban Cowboy" in the 80s led to an increase in line dancing, country music and country music line dancing clubs.

As time went on, VCRs and videos became popular. Then, videos were replaced with DVDs. Later on, cable on demand and Redboxes took over. More recently, Netflix and Sling surfaced.


Back in the day, I saved up my allowance and babysitting job money and went to a Record Store to buy vinyl records. I played the records on a turntable. I had a "Boombox" and I listened to the radio. I also took blank cassette tapes and pushed the "record" button when my favorite songs came on the radio, to create a mixed tape.

As time went on, CDs became popular. More recently, Youtube, I-tunes, Pandora and Sirius Radio gained in popularity.


Over time, modes of transportation have changed. Way back when, only wealthy people owned a car and everyone else owned a horse. Today, it is the other way around. Mostly only wealthy people own a horse, and the majority of people age 16 and up own a car.


Back in the day, there were "Chia Pets" and "Pet Rocks". There were "Mood Rings", bell bottom jeans, and tie dyed t-shirts. There were smiley faced t-shirts and t-shirts with peace signs. There was Woodstock. There were hippies with long hair, mini skirts and maxi skirts. There were "Cabbage Patch Kids" to adopt, too.


It's fun to reminisce about the good old days and remember all the memories of the past. Nostalgia reminds us of all the good times way back when. Listening to songs from back in the day brings back many memories, too.

When we were kids, we had a childlike sense of the world. We drew pictures with crayons. We painted in art class. We sang songs in music class. Our sense of creativity was uncensored when we were very young. We drew colorful pictures in coloring books and went outside the lines. We painted abstract finger painting works of art. We were creative and artistic on our own terms in a non conformist way.

When we were kids, we couldn't wait to grow up. We couldn't wait to get older. When we were in college, we couldn't wait to graduate and get "real jobs" in the "real world". When we get older, we realize that our teenage years and college days were some of the best days of our lives. We may look back now and wish we had not been in such a hurry to grow up. Nostalgia is like turning back the pages of the book, and reminiscing about days gone by.

Similarities and Differences 

Back in the day, there were a lot of differences, but some similarities. Life continues to get more complex as new technologies surface.

Sometimes improvements and technological advancements are helpful. Sometimes not. For example, as robots and machines take over, people lose their jobs. As Amazon and EBay become more popular, stores like Toys R Us have lost market share and have gone out of business.

Families continue to take their kids to the lake to go fishing. Hopefully, anti virus software will help to curtail "phishing" criminals from hacking into computers and stealing identities.

Families still go out for dinner, watch TV, go out to the movies or watch movies at home. People still go on vacations and enjoy spending time with each other.

The more some things change, the more they stay the same. Times change. Terminology changes. But life goes on. Who knows what the future may bring. Only time will tell.

Visit my blog, "My Wonderful World of Words" at

#BackintheDay #Nostalgia #TimesChange #WayBackWhen #Memories #Daysgoneby #Glorydays #Thinkingaboutthegoodtimes #Reminiscing #Remembering #GoodOldDays



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