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Squideo - Animated Explainer Videos for Business
Real Results with Animated Explainer Videos - Made Right Here in the UK.
This week, I chatted with one of Squideo’s finest: video producer Hannah Bales. She’s been with Squideo since early 2020 – I know, what a time to start – and in that time we couldn’t imagine the company without her. From dreams of Disney to pet cameos, read on for a deep dive behind the scenes.
I thought I’d get the hard question out the way first. Life on the line, you have to decide. Mickey Mouse or Minnie?
Like Walt Disney said, “It was all started by a mouse”. That’s Mickey Mouse in my eyes. So I have to choose Mickey. Out of those two. I think you should’ve mentioned Oswald and Ortensia though, the real Disney power couple.
Any client who ever video conferences with you must learn pretty quickly that you like Disney (given Cogsworth and Lumiere are in the background of your office). Did your love of Disney inspire you in any way to go into video production?
100%! I’ve always enjoyed doing anything creative, and having the chance to animate videos is an absolute dream.
You knew Squideo’s production manager – Callum – before you joined the company. How did you two meet and when did you join the team?
We went to the same school and college. Me, Callum and Sarah all did Graphic Design and Illustration together at college. We did a taster animation session there too. I would always see posts on social media of Squideo and I would always be so jealous of Callum for having such an awesome, fun job. Then one day he got in touch and recommended I apply for a position. I then started in early 2020.
Of course you weren’t the only one to join the team! Everyone at Squideo loves a pet cameo – can you tell me a little about yours?
Crazy Cody, as we like to call him, is our Dalmatian. He loves to try and be involved in client calls. Fun facts:
Getting to work from home must be an advantage as a pet owner. What else do you like about Squideo’s remote office? And is there anything you miss about the old offices?
What is one of your favourite projects that you’ve worked on at Squideo?
I always love working on GoGirls! It’s such a great cause and we produce lovely, calm, informative videos for them. I also really enjoyed working on Steelshield as it was classic cartoon fun.?
You get involved in both the storyboarding and production of our videos. Which job do you prefer doing?????????????????????????????????????????????
That’s a tough question! Overall, I am grateful that I get to meet the clients and also see the project go through most of the process. If I had to choose, I guess it would probably be the production side, as I love animating and getting any opportunity to learn new animation skills and techniques.
Our clients can get very involved during the scriptwriting and storyboarding stage, but don’t see much after that until the first video draft is produced. What goes on behind the scenes of making these videos?
There is so much that goes on behind the scenes. As a Creative Director and Video Producer, I can be working on multiple projects, at any stage of the process. All of us work really hard to create the best videos, whilst also improving our own skillsets and helping Squideo become the best it can be! There’s a lot of teamwork involved and everyone plays a part. So even if you only see one or two of us throughout the process, just know that everyone has contributed something.
Did you learn about video production on the job, or did you study graphics or animation at school?
I worked really hard in Business and Art at school, and then in college I worked on a course called ‘Graphic Design and Illustration’. On this course we explored lots of different types of media (including animation). I also did a photography course alongside that. I then did Game Design at University, and I taught there too for a little bit. I’ve worked alongside some really creative friends. And I’ve always followed a creative journey.
We’ve been able to stay in touch as a team really well since going remote, through regular meetings and occasional staff outings. Last time was a trip to the bowling alley; where do you want to go next?
Disney World… just kidding (but I wouldn’t say no). I would love to have a Squideo Party – food, drink and also play some NightQuest, curtesy of Ben.
Ben had a wild suggestion of the Squid Squad taking the ferry to Amsterdam for the Christmas holidays. Which would mean crossing the North Sea in winter. Who do you think would be the first Squid to turn green?
I feel like one of the guys. They always set funny challenges for each other and most of the time they include hot sauce or spicy food. [Laughs] I don’t think that would mix well with a ferry over the North Sea!
Finally, my next profile will be of our Production Manager and your friend: Callum. Have you got any good question suggestions?
If you could only listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Check out our next post to learn about Squideo's production schedule as I sit down to talk with our Production Manager, Callum Major.