Back to the Basics: How to Improve Relationships, Reduce Worry, and Solve Problems
Bert Danner
Global Negotiation Expert | Growth Mindset | Human Performance | Bestselling Author
Over sixteen years ago, at the beginning of my sales and negotiation journey, I came across Dale Carnegie's book How to Win Friends and Influence People. It radically changed my point of view on how to relate to others in all spheres of life. The jewels of wisdom in this book have helped countless people in the area of human relations.
Also, I read Carnegie's other famous book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. It could not have landed in my hands at a better time. It probably saved my health and sanity during a very challenging season.
I have read both of these books several times over the years, especially when I felt like I was getting off track in some way during my personal and professional journey. From time to time, I find that it is good to recalibrate and get back to the basics regarding what's really important in life - relationships, along with our overall health and well-being. Below is a list of rules of thumb that may be beneficial if you find yourself ready to get back on track relationally with others, dealing with worry, and solving day to day problems.
Whenever you’re worrying about something, you need to do three things:
A simple framework for reducing worry:
A simple framework for solving problems at work:
Bert Danner is an expert in business development and contributing writer in the areas of negotiation and personal development.