Back to Basics with Graphic Design
Christopher McLean
We are the Kings of Business Cards! Alongside being Fantastic at Designing Websites, Graphic Design and Supplying Promotional Items!
With us having to stay at home and work from home, video production has become something that is off the table for now.
Maybe it might be time to go back to basics with graphic design. All is not lost though as graphic design has come a long way in recent times with the use of animation and illustration.
Graphic designers at the moment are working from their home which gives them the peace and tranquility to come up with some of their most creative work. There is nothing like a change of environment to create inspiration.
This gives businesses a great opportunity to come up with a new marketing campaign that can change things up a bit.
Video has been a great marketing tool in recent times as it quickly tells a story, is cheaper than it has ever been to produce and extremely versatile. Graphic design has always been this but is generally more subjective.
This subjectivity gives it a dimension that right now might be the answer to what businesses are looking for with upcoming campaigns. As video production comes back on line this can enhance the work of some clever design.
Maybe you should use the current climate to rethink your businesses marketing strategy and make use of some of the incredible talent there is available through the many graphic design agencies that are on offer.
Of course my team can help or answer any questions should you have them.
Thank you for your time; Chris McLean, [email protected]