Back to Basics for 2020...
Katie Farrell
The Human Potential Coach | #1 Bestselling Author | Helping purpose-driven leaders to create more impact, without the overwhelm!
...and other lessons from an old boiler!
After a very busy end to 2019, being in 'delivery mode' almost non-stop, I'd decided to book my first week back to work in the new year to working 'on' my business, rather that 'in' it.
I'd honoured my other plan, which was to switch off completely from work over the Christmas and New Year break. As often happens when we step back and have some down time, I had lots of ideas pop into my head during the holidays and made notes to take action on them during this week.
And the week got off to a pretty good start, with some new content being written and plans for new courses & programmes taking shape (more on those to come!).
However, the boiler at home had other ideas. It decided on the 2nd day of the new decade to stop working...and has been struggling ever since! We're still without hot water and heating now, 9 days on (despite a 36hr reprieve where we thought the engineer had fixed it, only to then have a gas leak), which has taken quite a bit of juggling arrangements, planning and logistics - not to mention hours spent on the phone with insurers and engineers!
Whilst this has been rather frustrating, as I've not been able to complete anywhere near as much as work as I'd planned, it has also taught me a few other valuable lessons, which I'm committing to take with me throughout 2020.
I thought I'd share them with you here, in the hope that you'll find them beneficial too...
brrrr! Hope you're warm now!