Baby Care with Ayurveda

Baby Care with Ayurveda

What the Ancient Science of Ayurveda says about Baby Care


The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic made us realize the actual value of our wonderful ancient Holistic Science of Ayurveda that we Indians took for granted whether it be the life-saving Kadhas to fight-off the virus or the general lifestyle lessons like a plant-based diet and a touch-free Namaste. Here, we will look at what Ayurveda says about taking care of your young ones. These recommendations were an essential part of the earlier Ayurvedic lifestyle which we now seem to have forgotten largely due to various reasons. These are easy to implement in your busy modern-day schedule but result in a genuinely profound motherhood and childhood experience.

Softness in Words, Music and Action

The baby cannot speak but experiences fear, anxiety and negative emotions just like adults do. ?Ayurveda says one must speak softly to the baby, make sure not to jerk the baby when it is sleeping or be very loud while sitting in the same space.

Sometimes, the common playful gesture of tossing the baby in the air can instill flight or fight response in the baby's mind, thus it must be avoided. Play gentle music, melodious bhajans, sing lullabies till the baby is one year old and do not leave the baby unattended. Harsh and loud words and tone should be avoided in front of the baby at all costs.

Limiting Access to the Baby

Traditionally the newborn baby was kept in a separate space or in a separate room in the house and the only person allowed to access the baby was the mother or other elderly females of the family. This was done to prevent people from touching the baby and reducing the risk of infection as Ayurveda recognized that the Baby's immunity is not developed until the third or fourth month of its development.

Upward Herbal Oil Massage

The umbilical cord takes around 15 days to dry and fall off naturally, only after which one should start massaging the baby as per Ayurveda. Ayurveda also recommends using ashwagandha, shalparni, the root of the castor plant, castor oil, sesame oil, turmeric and goat milk for massaging the baby. Ashwagandha in sesame oil or mustard oil used to be applied to the baby’s body in the reverse direction, which was called udhwartana.

Fumigating the Baby’s Room & Space

This was another age-old Ayurvedic tradition where it was ensured that the baby gets the best environment in his room. For this purpose, the baby's room was fumigated with ayurvedic resins, leaves and herbs to counter negative vibrations and infuse an aura of positivity in the room. Brahmi, heeng, gugulu and jatamansi can be used to fumigate a baby's room, clothes and other things This also helps by neutralising the germs and microbes in the air.

Exposure to The Sun and The Moon

The sun and moonlight have various health benefits that the baby needs during the initial months. As per Ayurveda, the baby is kept secluded inside the room for four months with the only exception where the baby is shown the morning sunlight for a few minutes. This sometimes can also be done while staying in the room, if there is a window from where the morning sunlight comes in. Similarly, the moonlight is also beneficial for the baby’s nervous system and helps in balancing the gynaecological cycle of the mother.

?So, one can see that Ayurveda is a vast ocean of practical knowledge that effectively deals with various aspects of one’s life. Following an Ayurvedic lifestyle can help enhance the quality of both you & your child’s life in many a way if followed with full sincerity.?



