Baby Boomer Woman – Be Legendary
Marianne Cherico, Home Stager’s Coach
Get more business, make more money and live the life you want with Business Coach, Speaker and Best Selling Author
Ok so you changed the world for women through the Women’s Movement and carved out a new definition of women’s rights in the world, but do you really think that your work is done?
I mean, now is not the time to rest on your laurels and sit on your rocking chair, right? There is still more work to be done and I believe that we are just the generation of women to do it!
So how can you be legendary?
I would like to propose 3 ways:
1) Show your daughters and future generations of women how great aging can be. Wear what makes you happy. Do what makes your heart sing. Live your life authentically. If you want to let your hair go gray-do it. If you want botox because it makes you feel better-do it. Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks. Love yourself from the inside out and follow your rules-not the rules that society has decided for you.
Remember when you were a rule breaker? Heeeeheeee… was sorta fun, right? Get some of that groovy, fearless “ditch the rules†power back and go rock your smokin’ hot second half.
2)Take A Stand for Women-Whether you are beating the drum for equal pay for women, supporting human rights issues or leading by example, show the world what you believe in. Remember, if you give other women a hand up it strengthens the power of us all. We need more of that feminine energy that comes from the heart? What do you stand for? And how can you make something happen to make the world a better place? (BTW-this feminine energy makes the world a better place for Men and Women alike).
3) Write the Story of Your Life- You create the life you want so start writing your next chapter now. You have helped everyone else build their dreams and worked really hard and now is your time to think about how you want to live these next years. This is your time to create what really matters. What have you always wanted to do but put off doing? Where would you like to be 10 years from now? Take some time and write that chapter-then the next. Make it matter. Make it count. Have no regrets. Play big-take some bold action towards your dreams. Start today! What have you got to lose?- (oh I know-your BEST life-that’s all)!
Fabulous, brave, soulful Baby Boomer Woman-now is your time to show them what you are made of-authentically, fearlessly and fabulously you!
What are you waiting for?
Stop marking time and start creating your legend!
Now that’s what I am talkin’ about!