Baby on Board
I have never had a difficult baby on a flight and never attended a movie where people talked during the film. Those are common occurrences. I can believe they happen. So far I have lucked out.
Entering an airplane, I sat next to a woman with a lap infant. She apologized in advance. This was the baby's first flight. Her daughter looked at me with those big blue eyes I recall from my sister at a comparable age.
How can you not make eye contact with a baby? There isn't much to do with a baby. I didn't feel right kissing this baby on the forehead or tapping her nose. She barely made noise. I have heard babies cry on airplanes.
It is brief and easily remedied. The fact some airlines have "No Child" sections is not going to inspire me to buy a ticket on those flights. Famously I flew IAD-LAX and an adult snored at least to The Grand Canyon.
Don't ask how he slept on an airplane. That is usually a last resort. He was probably medicated. Regardless, my seat mate and I were amazed how loud the snoring was. I prefer ambient noise on a flight.
I have sat across the aisle from various infants. When my sister had her first child she took him on a few flights. I noted that baby was closer to Premier Silver status than I was that year. His mother would have attained status if she did.
You never know who you will be seated next to. If it is a family with a toddler- they have a lot to think about. Children run the gamut of emotions. And I don't? Not necessarily on an airplane. Those children need to visit relatives who might be seeing them for the first time so take advantage of having a baby in your row.
If the Original Baby in my life taught me anything, adults can be far more helpless. Babies are curious and learning so take advantage of that. A flight is a brief exchange. Even if a child has a bad flight- it is brief and you will still make it to your destination. No child is as rude as people who feel entitled to lean all the way back or take their shoes off and stick their bare feet into the next row.