To achieve this, they decided to come up with ideas on how to convince society that they were brave enough and could be able to contribute to the welfare of society positively. After long consideration, they then decided that it was time they came up with ideas that would bring some changes not only in their families and the community at large but in the animal kingdom as a whole. They then came up with the idea, that, their community, and the animal community as a whole needed to change the way they did things and lived their everyday lives. They then decided that, since in the animal kingdom, from time immemorial they always knew or were made to believe that the king of the jungle was the Lion. So, the only way to be recognized in the jungle was to see to it that the status quo changed, so that, one day, all the animals in the jungle could wake up and find that the King of the jungle was no longer Lion, and instead, Baboon was now the King of the jungle, and therefore everyone would be singing of: “Baboon, King of the Jungle”.
This idea excited Baboon very much and made him think that he and his friends had finally come up with the most progressive idea that could change the animal kingdom in the jungle forever for the better. The next thing they had to do, was to go around the jungle convincing other animals to support their idea,?that time had come for the animal kingdom to have a change of leadership, and that, it was not a must that Lion should always be the only one who should be the king of the jungle. They, therefore, wanted the other animals in the jungle to join them in getting rid of the “backward and retrogressive way of thinking and beliefs” and that the King of the jungle needed not to be Lion only. They would then try and convince the other animals, that, for the animal kingdom to make progress, the animal kingdom needed to be dynamic in their way of thinking and doing things, unlike what it always was, and that, the leadership needed to change from time to time.
The first to be approached for support, by the baboons, were the hyenas. After explaining to them that the animal Kingdom needed a change in leadership, the hyenas, first, were hesitant in supporting the idea. But when they were promised a lot of meat in return for their support, even without being told where the meat would be sourced from, the hyenas decided that they would support the baboons in their idea about coming up with plans to the animal leadership, the reasons being that, in the jungle, the Lions were hyenas’ main competitors. When it came to who should get the big share of the meat that was available in the jungle with this opportunity maybe the saying “ Lion’s share” would eventually change when Lion was no longer the king of the jungle as long as the baboons kept their side of the bargain with the hyenas. The second group of animals to be approached for support was the small herbivores, like the antelopes, gazelles, and the waterbucks. They were told by the baboons that, since they were the main prey and victims of Lion’s greed in the jungle, they were the ones who would benefit most if what the baboons were planning eventually succeeded.
The herbivores at first, told the Baboons, that they did not want anything to do with such plans because they would eventually be the victims, in case those plans failed or if the plans were discovered beforehand. The Baboons reminded them that only the brave always lived to see another day without fear and that if one was a coward, he or she lived with the fear of even the unknown, and what would happen to him or her the following day.
The Herbivores after being told how their predicaments would be brought to a stop when Lion finally stopped being the King of the jungle, finally decided to support the baboons’ intentions, but on condition that Lion was not informed of their decision to support the baboons’ plans for they told the baboons, that what they were planning was high treason, and therefore they did not want any association with it. The baboons then assured the herbivores that they had nothing to worry about, and that, all they needed from them was their support, and nothing more, and whatever the outcome, they would not be answerable.?