BABLE Smart Cities 2023 Chronicles

BABLE Smart Cities 2023 Chronicles

Join us in welcoming the New Year by taking a moment to reflect on the highlights of the past year. As we embark on this new journey, we reflect on just a handful of the significant events, launches, and experiences of 2023, setting the stage for what lies ahead in 2024. Ready to accelerate even more in 2024?

New Year, New Partnerships: February

Cooperation with Chilean Network DO! Smart City

The year began on a high note with the establishment of a new partnership, spanning across the globe. Our CEO and Founder, Alexander Schmidt , represented us in Santiago de Chile as a delegate accompanying Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut , Minister for Economic Affairs, Labor, and Tourism of Baden-Württemberg. During this visit, he officially sealed the partnership with the Chilean smart city ecosystem, DO! Smart City . This collaboration aims to expedite and enhance the implementation of Smart City solutions for municipalities and businesses on both sides of the Atlantic.

"By working closely together, we will be in an even better position to further disseminate existing solutions and jointly bring new, targeted projects to the streets. As a result, our sphere of action is no longer limited to Europe, but we can now also take off in Chile."- Alexander Schmidt

RECI Podcast Series Partnership

In February, our collaboration expanded with the Red Espa?ola de Ciudades Inteligentes (RECI) . This process has been a journey marked by insightful dialogues and collaborative exchanges, aimed at bridging connections between RECI members and cities beyond Spain.?

This collaboration yielded four podcast episodes, recorded at prominent events like the Urban Future Conference in Stuttgart (Germany), the Global Mobility Call in Madrid (Spain), and the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona. At the heart of these conversations lies a central question: How can cities effectively tackle global urban challenges within their unique local contexts??

In correlation with the insights from the podcast series, we produced a series of articles where we tackled this question in different regions. Listen to the episodes and read the articles to hear from the following experts and practitioners:

Opening of a new office in Düsseldorf, Germany

In addition to these partnerships and collaborative endeavours, BABLE proudly extended its presence with a new office in Düsseldorf. This strategic second German location aims to facilitate cross-border exchange with neighbouring countries, promoting the use of technology and data to enhance residents' quality of life, improve sustainability, and optimise city services.

Cultivating Collaboration: March

BABLE Workshop Guides Onda's Smart City Strategy Towards 2050 Vision

In March 2023, BABLE Smart Cities Iberia partnered with Ajuntament d'Onda in Spain to host a pivotal co-creation workshop, advancing Onda's Smart City strategy in alignment with the ambitious Onda 2050 vision. The collaborative session united professionals from the tourism, technology, and mobility sectors to brainstorm innovative ideas.

The activity was conducted through four thematic roundtables that focused on the areas of highest priority for the city:

  • Tourism - further enhancing sustainable tourism.
  • Mobility - promoting sustainable mobility to industrial areas.
  • Energy - integrating renewable energy sources to combat climate change.
  • Environment and Quality of Life - a clear commitment to sustainability and improved quality of life.

Key outcomes included a focus on sustainable urban mobility, a commitment to clean energy sources, and an exploration of public-private collaboration for tourism and commercial growth. Deputy Mayor Oscar Valero Manuel was in charge of welcoming the participants and highlighted:

In this workshop, we are going to imagine the future and shape it. We will think and reflect on the city we want for ourselves and future generations. And we will see how technology and innovation can facilitate our daily lives and add quality of life to the people of Onda.

This activity led by BABLE was attended by a large representation of the council, in addition to the active participation of local companies of relevance in each of the priority areas such as IoTSense , GESTIóN 400 or Nucs among others.

Climate Action Workshop in Ireland

Another successful workshop moderated by BABLE in March 2023 was led in Castlebar, Ireland to deep dive into the results of the Baseline Emissions Inventory we developed with the following Local Authorities, to better understand their implications and start the discussions on how to leverage this data to take the first steps towards climate action. The one-day workshop, attended by 25 participants, featured interactive sessions with co-creation and active learning elements. Specifically tailored for public sector representatives leading climate action initiatives.

The workshop was attended by a great group of people from Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe / Galway City Council , Sligo County Council , Galway County Council , Donegal County Council , Mayo County Council , and the Climate Action Regional Office-Atlantic Seaboard North .

Our Global Urban Futures expert Peter Griffiths ? commented:

Cities have long been at the heart of conversations around Climate Action, but that's quickly moving to smaller and more rural places. I'd keep an eye on the work Climate Action Regional Office-Atlantic Seaboard North is doing in Ireland.

Welcoming the Spring: April

EU-Funded SMCNetZero Project Kick-Off

In other news, the EU-funded SMCNetZero project officially kicked off in April. The kick-off meeting gathered consortium members including BABLE Smart Cities , WE BUILD DENMARK, Smart City Cluster, UrbanDNA, ODRAZ-Sustainable Community Development, Southern Regional Assembly, and BLOXHUB.

SMCNetZero aims to create a Satellite Network of innovation actors supporting public sector representatives from Small and Medium-sized cities (SMCs), SMEs, academia, NGOs, and investors across Europe. The project focuses on facilitating knowledge-building activities and digital resources to increase capacity for planning, deploying, and scaling up decarbonisation solutions. Overall, it aims to increase the intellectual assets for planning, assessing, and implementing net zero innovations in SMCs.

Explore the topic of Small and Medium Sized Cities (SMCs) in our newsletter edition dedicated to the project:

Flowers of Progress: May

BABLE's Rebranding

May 2023 marked an exciting chapter for BABLE, with the unveiling of our refreshed brand identity as the Facilitator for Smart Cities in Europe. This makeover was more than skin deep – after six years of driving change, we shifted our focus to accelerating transformation, driven by the need for agility and speed in the market.

Having already supported over €2 billion in Smart City projects, our new identity came with a promise of greater responsibility and impact. As we embraced this change, we committed to providing more knowledge and access, all wrapped up in a fresh look and feel.

Smart and Sustainable Mobility Accelerator Programme Launches in Dublin

In May, we kicked off the highly anticipated Smart and Sustainable Mobility Accelerator Programme in Cork, Dublin, and Carrick-on-Shannon. More than 80 participants from local authorities in the Southern, Eastern and Midlands, and Northern and Western regions of Ireland attended the kick-offs and a seven-week training programme with Irish and European mobility experts. The event also brought together 35 participants, including representatives from Local Authorities, regional assemblies, the Department of Transport , national transport associations, and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage .

This programme, aligned with the Irish National Sustainable Mobility Policy and National Climate Action Plan, aimed to promote safe, integrated, and eco-friendly mobility solutions, with a focus on reducing emissions in the transport sector.

Highlights from the initial event included:

  • Embracing Multidisciplinary Approaches: Recognising the importance of diverse perspectives for fostering innovative solutions and driving sustainable mobility forward.
  • Building Communication and Collaboration Skills: Effective communication and collaboration emerged as essential for successful implementation, overcoming obstacles, and fostering partnerships for a greener future.
  • Prioritizing Monitoring and Evaluation: Stressing the importance of regular assessment for measuring progress, identifying areas for improvement, and ensuring the continued success of sustainable mobility initiatives.
  • Breaking Down Silos: Vital for achieving true transformation, breaking down silos and fostering collaboration across sectors, departments, and organizations was emphasized for a holistic and integrated approach to sustainable mobility.
  • Engaging the Community: The involvement and engagement of the local community were highlighted as paramount. Actively involving residents, businesses, and stakeholders ensures co-created solutions that meet their needs and aspirations, resulting in sustainable and inclusive mobility systems.

These representatives are supported with mentoring from the aforementioned experts and have had in-person networking opportunities with each other. Additionally, they are connected on the Sustainable Mobility Academy platform where they have access to training materials as well as best practices, mobility-related resources, news, and additional content.

Hot Days in Summer: June

Secretariat of CIVINET Iberia

In 2023, we became the Secretariat of CIVINET Iberia : the new local network of CIVITAS Initiative in Spain and Portugal, dedicated to promoting sustainable mobility in both countries and by the summer, we were able to officially launch the new network. The CIVINET has the main objective of facilitating knowledge transfer and sharing good practices, as well as fostering collaborative projects focused on sustainable and user-oriented transport. It focuses on promoting sustainable urban mobility and improving the quality of life of citizens. As time passes, this network is getting stronger as our ambassadors are getting stronger. We are working every day to expand our dialogue with more key actors, fostering political engagement and leveraging collective experience. We aim to equip cities with the necessary tools to put mobility at the heart of decarbonisation. Are you interested in getting your municipality, transport operator, association, cluster, or company involved in the activities of CIVINET Iberia? Visit the link below!

"Between Smart & Green" Side Event

In our hometown of Stuttgart, Germany, we gathered urban representatives at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart, for an Urban Future side event titled "Between Smart & Green," hosted by BABLE Smart Cities, Gemeente Breda , and their EU-funded initiative GreenQuays .

During the afternoon session, Nina Steinh?user , BABLE Smart Cities' DACH Lead, addressed the audience after a networking session to introduce 'Solution Rooms.' These rooms were facilitated by three city representatives who brought specific challenges for discussion. Each city presented their challenge, leading partners to share their perspectives, with participants actively engaging to find practical outcomes.

While expecting fully developed solutions from a single afternoon workshop may be unrealistic, the main goal is to shift the focus from discussions to actively addressing challenges. The approach involves collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to explore practical ways of reframing challenges and finding solutions. By highlighting challenges, mistakes, and lessons learned, instead of solely showcasing successes, the aim is to collectively progress towards achieving Net Zero in our urban environments.

Read all about it here:

Smart Building Strategy for the Smart Region Schwalm-Eder-West

After a meeting end of May between Dr. Philipp Rottwilm Mayor of Neuental, Sarah Honerkamp , Head of the Department of Order and Digital, Michael Meichsner , Digitisation Officer of the Smart Region and our Smart City Expert Philipp Riegebauer , the kick-off meeting for the concept of smart buildings was held in June with the responsible companies SES-Ingenieure GmbH and deZem GmbH , marking an important milestone in the journey towards integrating digital technology.

The project's primary goal is to digitalise municipal buildings, promoting energy efficiency through a comprehensive building management platform. Key focus areas include integrating digital measurement, control, and platform technology into municipal structures, targeting reduced energy consumption in heating, pumps, lighting, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.

This initiative perfectly aligns with the overarching Smart Building Strategy of the Smart Region Schwalm-Eder-West , emphasising their commitment to driving innovation and sustainability in the region.

A Green Summer: July

Launch of the Rail4Cities Project

The RAIL4CITIES project, whose central ambition is to develop a new model of stations as sustainable city promoters (SCP model), held its kick-off meeting on 11-12 July 2023. The project takes inter-dependent impediments (profit-orientated business model, complex web of agents and stakeholders, policy gaps) into account and provides decision-makers with the tools to transform stations into promoters of sustainable cities.

Among other prominent mobility players such as the UIC - International union of railways #UICrail , SNCF Hubs & Connexions , RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana , NMBS Internationaal - SNCB International and others, BABLE is part of the project's consortium which is coordinated by FACTUAL.

The RAIL4CITIES project ("Railway stations for green and socially-inclusive cities") focuses on stations, which hold a unique position in the urban landscape. The project will develop a new operational model for stations called the "SCP model," which will then be corroborated with evidence from five Living Labs in France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Belgium, and three additional case studies from Portugal.

These tests will specifically examine how railway stations can play a substantial role in sustainable urban development. Based on these findings, a refined SCP model, as well as a highly applicable tool and methodology, will be elaborated and readily available for use by stakeholders involved in other European stations. This presents a significant first step in making railway stations more decisive for urban players and game-changers across Europe.

Back to School: September

€5.7 Million Investment Led by Drees & Sommer

Furthermore, we achieved in September a momentous milestone in its journey towards reshaping the future of cities - BABLE secured close to €5.7 million in private investment, with Drees & Sommer emerging as the principal investor in this transformative venture. This significant infusion of private investment was complemented by a total of €3.4 million in innovation grants.

Our CEO and Founder Alexander Schmidt expressed the impact of this collaboration, stating:

“Several cities we are actively working with are each committing to invest around €1 Billion per year on climate-neutral solutions – and more will join this group. At BABLE, we can continue doing what we have been doing, but now at the tremendous scale needed. Together we can solve urgent challenges and facilitate future-proof, smart and green cities.”

Sascha Hempel , International Partner at Drees & Sommer, added:

“Together we aim to develop the leading B2G platform and boost our reach in the consulting business for the public sector and governmental services. With this new partnership, we will be able to match the growing need for public, social, and digital infrastructure in a sustainable, innovative, and economically viable way for a world we want to live in.”

Together, Drees & Sommer and BABLE set ambitious targets aligned with the global urgency to achieve climate neutrality, underscoring this partnership's immense impact on shaping sustainable and intelligent cities worldwide.

Learn more about how BABLE and Drees & Sommer join forces to scale up impact in Smart and Climate-Neutral City development and implementation here:

Harvesting Innovative Ideas: October

Transforming Sustainable Mobility - CIVINET Iberia meeting in Sevilla

In the culturally rich and historically significant city of Sevilla, recognized as the 2023 European Capital of Smart Tourism, the “Transformando La Movilidad Sostenible | Encuentro de CIVINET Iberia en Sevilla 2023” event unfolded on October 11, 2023. Acting as a precursor to the European Commission's Urban Mobility Days, this gathering served as a nexus for regional ideas on sustainable urban mobility, offering valuable insights and engagement opportunities.

BABLE facilitated discussions on mobility and tourism, on-demand transportation, and shared mobility strategies. An open debate addressed influencing behaviours and attitudes towards sustainable transportation choices, emphasising adaptive policies, reduced reliance on private vehicles, strategic urban planning, public participation, and effective education and communication strategies.

Read the comprehensive overview of the event here:

Innovation Norway - Market Support for the Global Growth Programme

On October 16th, our Global Organisational Development leader, Pierre Adrian Filohn , had the opportunity to support with our data knowledge and expertise in the German smart technology market as part of the Innovasjon Norge Development Program led by Tina Fraune and Gunnhild Brumm.

Innovation Norway is developing a new type of action support for Norwegian companies interested in internationalising their business and innovation capacities in the areas of Urban Development, Mobility and Smart Buildings towards the German market.

It was inspiring not only to witness the innovative companies showcasing their offerings in Hamburg with the assistance of Innovation Norway but also to meet the people driving these companies: Innocode , SurplusMap , Sensorita , Bitmesh- Firemesh AS , Defigo , AGAIN X , Bikeloop , and Aqua Alarm AS .

Innovation is coming to town: November

The Metropolitan Dialogue of Barcelona

As 2023 was coming to an end, we had to finish it in the best way possible. With Barcelona in the spotlight as the first European Capital of Democracy for the years 2023/24, it also became the setting for a meaningful international event at the Canòdrom – The Center for Digital and Democratic Innovation in Barcelona celebrated on 06 November with the occasion of the Smart City Expo World Congress 2023. Together with Pla Estratègic Metropolità de Barcelona (PEMB) , àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) , Ajuntament de Barcelona , CIDEU and BABLE Smart Cities , we brought together key city representatives, influential networks, dynamic clusters, and esteemed partners from across Europe and Latin America assembled under one roof for a groundbreaking dialogue. The focus? To chart a course for participatory processes and stakeholder engagement, elements that are now more crucial than ever in the realm of urban development.

Want to know more about the event? Read the full newsletter edition here!

Lots of smiles and new connections after an inspirational afternoon!

Urban Shark Tank at the SCEWC23

This amazing gathering was then followed by a great time at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2023, where we organised an exhilarating Urban Shark Tank session where three bold companies, KOBIL , Pelicad and Innocode stepped into the arena to showcase cutting-edge use cases for building Smart Cities. Horst Thieme, Ronan Herron and Isabella Longo the City 'sharks' scrutinised the replicability of solutions and posed tough questions, transforming the session into a dynamic exchange of ideas.

Urban Shark Tank wasn't just a pitch competition; it became a hub for collaboration, inspiration, and forging actionable partnerships. The goal was to cultivate a vibrant ecosystem of innovation, where cities and visionary companies unite to co-create a more sustainable future. Want to know who the winner was?

Let it snow! December is on

'Twas the end of the year, and a hush fell over the city as if nature itself was preparing for a grand finale. The BABLE Team gathered around their virtual fireplace, reflecting on the tales of the past year.

As the clock ticked towards midnight, a whisper of excitement filled the air.

"2024 is a new chapter waiting to be written," said one team member with a twinkle in their eye. "Filled with new partners, opportunities, and events that will be the stars in our story."

With gratitude in their hearts, the team expressed their thanks to all who had been part of this unforgettable journey. "Let's see what 2024 has planned for all of us," they declared.

And so, with a heartwarming "Thank you" echoing through the virtual halls, the BABLE Team ventured into the unknown, ready to unwrap the surprises and pen a new, delightful chapter in the story of 2024.

Christel-Silvia Fischer

DER BUNTE VOGEL ?? Internationaler Wissenstransfer - Influencerin bei Corporate Influencer Club | Wirtschaftswissenschaften

10 个月

Thank you BABLE Smart Cities


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