Babies and Cleaning Chemicals: Risks Lurking in the Workplace
Force of Nature Clean
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Using traditional cleaners frequently around children and toddlers can put them at an increased risk of health issues including asthma, wheezing, and allergies. But did you realize that using these same cleaners regularly at work can bring many of these risks home to your little ones?
Before you go crazy cleaning your office, gym, restaurant, spa, doctor's office, or other facility with typical disinfectants, learn a little bit more about why choosing toxin-free alternatives can protect your employees and their families while ensuring a germ-free work environment.
What We Know About Babies’ Health and Cleaning Chemicals
The beginning of a baby's life is crucial to their development, especially their immune and respiratory systems. Babies are hyper-sensitive to ingredients that adults might not think anything of, so it's critical to select the right cleaning products in workplaces where new parents, hopeful parents, or one-day parents spend their time.
Luckily, the impact of cleaning chemicals on babies is highly researched, so we now know a lot about how exposure to toxic cleaners can impact little ones both today and as they grow up.
Babies, who spend the majority (up to 90%) of their time indoors and are frequently in close contact with surfaces around the home, are especially susceptible to chemical exposure through their delicate skin and lungs. However, the risk to babies isn't only through the cleaners used on home surfaces. It can also come through the cleaning practices used at parents' places of work, especially if they are frequently around or using harmful cleaning chemicals.
According to research from the University of Bergen in Norway, children had a 71% higher risk of developing asthma if their mother or father worked a job that frequently involved handling cleaning chemicals – even if their mother quit the job years before they were conceived! While it's not necessarily direct causation, this disturbing information suggests that cleaning chemicals have an effect on the reproductive system.
Cleaning Products to Avoid
The big takeaway from this (very worrying) research is that by pinpointing and eliminating harmful cleaning chemicals in the workplace and trading them out for healthier, toxic-free alternatives, you can help keep babies safer and reduce their risk of serious health problems like allergies, asthma, wheezing, and even cancer.
Not sure where to begin? Ditch the typical disinfectants, cleaners, sanitizers, and deodorizers at your place of work for an all-in-one product with no harmful chemicals.
We're proud to make Force of Nature, an EPA-registered disinfectant that kills 99.9% of viruses, bacteria, and germs and is EPA-approved for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Our electrolyzer device uses electricity to turn tap water plus a capsule of salt and vinegar into hypochlorous acid, a powerful work-friendly, baby-friendly disinfectant that works on just about every surface.
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