Babies are Braver than Teens!!
Sudha Rangaiah
Counseling Practitioner - Emotional Health; Image Consultant, Life Coach
Don’t we all just find them cute and sweet and dote over them? But if you stop and observe, babies are those we should be admiring and getting inspired by!! Ask me why…
My own teen loses his patience and gets frustrated when he doesn’t get something right as he had expected and sometimes even wishes to quit whatever he is trying to accomplish. And I remember him as a baby, when he was trying to take his baby steps. As we adults watched anxiously, hoping he doesn’t fall, he would take shaky steps, trying his best to balance. He would fall ofcourse, to our horror and disappointment, but he would get up smilingly and try to balance himself on his little legs again. This would repeat multiple times till one of us adults, unable to see him going through that again and again, pick him up in our arms. We all would feel the ache in his little legs and massage them saying how tired he must be. And when we put him down, he would go at it again!! How brave! Braver than all of us adults infact!!
Truth is, every baby out there is like that….. brave and positive about life! Then why do our teens or we as adults feel lost when we fall or fail sometimes? Why is that our Teens feel no Hopes in pursuing their goals once they fail? Stop and think for once. When they all started out as babies, they were hopeful and smiling even when they fell or failed. What changed? Time to get back the original mindset – Hopeful and Smiling even when they Fall or Fail. And all that we adults should do here is, massage their hurt emotions with love and support.
For more & to talk to an expert on your teen issues, please connect with me. I’m open to DM and you can book a free 1-1 call with me on my Calendly link on profile…. ??
?#teens #dontgiveuponlife #lifepositive #parentingjourney #teentroubles #staystrong #ParentingWisdom?#lifehurdles