Baba, Am I Not Your Daughter?

Baba, Am I Not Your Daughter?


Devastated by hearing and reading every where about recent story of self styled Religious Guru involved in raping minor girls and involved in murders. One sigh of relief for society that ultimately law and order won and said Guru sentenced for twenty years for raping two minor girls after fifteen years of filing rape complaints. The brave girls got justice may be more than after two decades of painful brutal rapes.

Inspired by these brave girls courage, honesty of investigation officer and respect of Judicial system have dared to write a fiction below.

These type of incidences cannot be done by a man alone until and unless more people help him in doing so. Somewhere some humans should be held responsible for letting these heinous crimes happen, Just think for it. Thinking positive that this fiction story may bring some awareness for the betterment of society. Please don't miss to read last chapter.


A little young girl of 14 years with flowing blood on her milky legs throws away her clothes and fell down on floor fully naked. Her pains & agony are clearly evident and can be seen even by any blind person. 

Oh my dear Nirmala, what is this? What happened to my dear child? Who has done this to you. 

Mataji (Mother), I am no more a dear Nirmala. My honor has been looted. I am no more a virgin now. I have been brutally raped.

Just tell me our Guru Baba ji will not leave that bastard alive. Let me take you to our God Baba. You tell Baba about that bastard, who has raped my baby girl. I promise you Baba will kill that culprit with his own hands. Just get up and wear this clothes. it's already seven in the morning, Baba ji will be coming for morning prayers. Let this rapist be brought to books, he has not only spoiled my innocent girl but brought humiliation to our sacred Ashram.

Her mother is still cursing the rapist and the circumstances and in the meantime her husband comes in their allotted small home of the Ashram. Their daughter is still lying naked on the floor in a pool of blood. It is being written in shame with embarrassment that pool of blood is not due to gun shot or knife, it is the blood of killing the honor of a young virgin girl. 

Father at once takes out the bed sheet and throws on her daughter. Starts weeping without a sigh, puts the head of girl in his lap and shouts what happened to our little angel? tell me tell me, I will not leave that son of a bitch. We will go to our God Baba ji, he will do justice and will never leave that bastard alive. Sulekha you make our Nirmala ready we will go to Baba ji right now.


Sadhvi A: When did you finish your periods?

Nirmala's face turned red turned with shy. What are you saying Auntie, I am hardly fourteen and still a Kanjak (Indian term used for Girl who has not attained the age of puberty yet and is prayed for pleasing Mother GODDESS)

Sadhvi A: Good for you, you are blessed, Baba has called you in evening prayer room.

Nirmala: Auntie I can't believe my ears, Are you sure Baba has called me, that is only me in his prayer room?

Sadhvi A: Yeah baby, Baba has chosen you for his today's rituals and prayers. Just get ready.

Nirmala: What is the need of getting ready, I am already wearing Ashram dress. Firstly I am too excited to meet Baba ji for getting his blessings, I wish to share this news first to my mother.

Sadhvi A: Don't be fool. Prayer time is about to start, you may miss the chance. Baba will call Sujata otherwise. Come on I will make you ready.

Two of Sadhvi A & B bath and wash little young Nirmala with own hands in perfumed water. Sadhvi A gives Nirmala a new colored dress to wear and apply Itr (Indian Perfume) on her. Another Sadhvi C comes with two Baba's helpers and angrily says: Where is the today's prayer girl, Baba is getting angry.

Sadhvi A: Here is she.

Sadhvi C: I am sure, you remember today is Friday.

Sadhvi A: How can I miss? She is totally pure like milk without any teenage dirt and perfect for Friday prayer.

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Nirmala the innocent girl, who adores her Baba as GOD since last two years when she came in to his Ashram with her parents. Her parents worship Baba blindly because he was the one who gave them shelter when their own village Panchayat thrown them out after passing on sentence for stealing 5000/- rupees from their neighbor house. Nirmala had heard speeches of Baba often and seen him from distance till last Sunday prayer. Last Sunday she and her friend Sujata got a chance to sit in front row to listen Baba's speech. This was the time when far sighted Baba got his eyes struck on little blooming beauties.

Nirmala & Sujata both are almost of same age. As natural process both are in the age of getting converted their body assets from beris to oranges. This is what got immediate attention of Baba's dirty eyes. Baba who is in early sixties and is head of his so called empire since three decades. Old people residing in Ashram whispers between themselves that Baba got control of this rich Ashram by killing his own Guru. 

Coming back to current story, chief medical advisor of Baba's ashram suggested him that he should use virgin girls for his pleasures at least once a week to keep his manual vigor alive. That is why this so called self created God/Baba has termed his Friday evening pleasures as Rituals with pure young virtuous holy girls. It is not so Baba is not enjoying on other days. His pleasure practice is regular on all evenings with other girls, who are termed as Sadhvi. 

Nirmala without any doubt or fear enters the huge spacious bedroom, oh oh sorry again the prayer room of Baba. She slowly slowly walks inside the room, which is now locked by the vigil security personnels (Who are converted eunuchs by Baba) 

She suddenly feels some body from the back have strongly groped with the feeling of pinching beard on her body. She does not understand the pressure of some object at her back, she tried to turn back but grip was strong. Baba turned her towards his chest. She got fainted by seeing her God Baba totally nude with hair all over his body like that of a wolf. 

Baba picked her to the bed and after few minutes she gained senses back. She smelt some foul smell coming from his mouth who was forcing his lips on her lips. The bad odor was of alcohol, it was her first experience to smell this because Baba had ordered complete prohibition policy in his Ashram. There are so many firsts for little Nirmala, seeing Baba so close, seeing him nude, groping & kissing etc.

She slowly slowly gains her conscious and evaluates what has happened and what is going to happen. She pleaded with folded hands to leave her and go back home. She is sobbing and praying Baba to let her go with all possible prayers that she is virgin, has not attained even the age of puberty, her honor, her life, being his daughter, she treats him as God as her father etc.etc.

Baba sits and take her forcibly on his lap. Listen Bitiya (Daughter) I am not doing any sin, I am the God, I am here to help you all.

Nirmala: You, yourself saying me daughter then why do you wish to spoil my life.

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Baba: This human birth is given to all the sinful people, as per sins committed in last birth. The virtuous people enjoy heaven and go to eternity that is Me. I am going to pardon you for all your last birth sins. You know all the gopis (As per epic story Lord Krishna had thousands of gopis as HIS devotees) who had affair with Lord Krishna got Heaven after they got pardoned by Krishna. Krishna is no one else it is Me, I am here for all you people. Now leave all this to me, it is time for prayer. Come join me in this act of prayers, you will get little pain initially which is phase of your sins getting washed. Later you will enjoy the prayers.

Nirmala lays down at his feet. Please forgive me, I don't need pardon, let me go. No one will marry me later.

Baba: Don't be a fool, it is not your marriageable age. You have to join me in prayers and rituals till you are twenty five. Once you attain that age it is my duty to get you married with one of my disciple. 

Nirmala pleads, prays, request, scream, yell but all in vain. Baba forced himself on her, shatters her dreams, her body, her virginity, her Soul. The inhuman acts goes on since morning. Baba goes to sleep, then she finds courage to go from that room and rush for her home. Now the gates of room are open as security persons know that Baba has completed his prayers.

Back to Story

Nirmala: Still sobbing, Pitaji (Father)Mataji (Mother), whose door you wish to knock for taking help and getting sentence to the Monster. It is no one else the monster the animal who had ruined, raped your baby girl is no one else, it your God Baba only.

Mother Sulekha: Don't scream Bitiya, some body will hear and we will be in trouble.

Nirmala: What more trouble do you expect Mataji, there can be nothing worst than this.

Sulekha: You keep mum, Baba is our father. Don't be so stupid. Just forget about this incidence. Now gone is by gone. You are not going to get back your so called honor and virginity back. Now past is past and adjust yourself in current circumstances, you are still alive. Go and take bath.

Father Chamandeep: What are you talking Sulekha? Our daughter has been brutally raped. We should not keep quiet.

Sulekha: These words does not sound well from your mouth. Why do you have double standards? If your wife is being raped/used, you don't have any problem. If same person rapes your daughter, you have an objection. It's ridicules.

Chamandeep: Don't try to make further issue, you know under which circumstances we had to take shelter in Baba's Ashram. If we had not surrendered to Baba's demands, you might have to face more such rapes by multiple people.

Sulekha: Why me getting raped from persons for crime committed by you. The whole world is not like ashram of Baba.

Hot discussions are on, simultaneously two Sadhvi and four security men enter their house. They forcibly pick Nirmala like a bundle of cloth and shouts: Shut your bloody mouth. Your daughter needs medical help and she will stay now in Baba's palace for regular prayers. Baba has named her as Sadhvi Nimmo. 

Younger brother of around ten years, who was listening all this drama quietly comes out with vegetable knife in his hand and rushes to save her sister. Security persons slaps him black and blue in his parents presence, throws him away and take their bundled parcel Sadhvi Nimmo with them.

The younger sister of Nirmala of eight years is hiding behind the door sobbing and totally shocked, unaware of meaning of words Rape & monster.

Next Friday: Sujata, who is still not aware about whereabouts of her friend Nirmala, is made ready and sent for Friday prayers of Baba. She is given pardon by Baba and named as Sadhvi Seeto.

Six Years Later

Sadhvi Nimmo and Sadhvi Seeto are forced to adjust in the daily routine of life and Ashram activities. Now usually their rituals and prayers with Baba are once/twice in a month. Both are famous as rebellious women but being the favorite of Baba, no one dares to object their orders. 

Once their senior Sadhvi forced them to convince and bring some little young girls for Baba's Friday prayers. They both denied and their complaint reached to Baba. Baba didn't take nay action because they were still his favorite prayer players.

Both live in the Baba's Palace looking after other comforts of Baba. They hardly meet their family members. Nimmo keeps touch with her dear younger siblings. 

One day Seeto sees that two senior Sadhvi are convincing and motivating younger sister of Nimmo for Friday prayers. By using her relations Nimmo convince the seniors to forgive her younger sister for this act. Senior Sadhvi replies: okay I may help you to save her for maximum one or two weeks because Baba himself has selected after seeing her beauty. 

Nimmo's brother is assigned the duty of driver in ashram for selling vegetables in local market. He helps Nimmo, Seeto and his younger sister to escape from Ashram by hiding them under the bags of vegetables in tempo.

After dropping them at railway station for escape he comes back to Ashram As a reward for helping his sisters he is murdered in the Ashram and hardly anyone complained this. 

12 Years Later

Today is the pronouncement of quantum of sentence to Baba for raping Nirmala and Sujata multiple times. Baba was held guilty after a long wait for marathon twelve years and was taken into custody three days back. During which bold Nirmala and Sujata had to undergo lot of trauma, mental agony and social harassment.

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Thanks to the investigation officer and Courts who stood tall for the cause of betrayed neglected girls. Which is also one of the biggest menace of society. Courts not only directed for safety of girls but ordered for arranging a new identity of both girls. Investigation officer played a heroic brave role of fatherly figure without surrendering to money & power pressure. He was instrumental in getting both girls married with new identity.

Political parties and media who were always showering praises for Baba, may be due to money and vote bank power. Suddenly changed their goal post, all and all are now doing postmortem of life of Baba and coming with all stories in establishing that Baba is a human devil monster. There is nothing new that brought in by them, they have only brought the facts to the society, which were already buried under the sheet since long. Social media is now fully occupied with these news.

The Court has pronounced life imprisonment to Baba. The sufferers Nirmala and Sujata are still not satisfied. They write complaint letters to the High Court and The Prime Minister praying for sentence for all involved in the said crime.

High Court double bench take the letter as petition and gives following judgement after due process:

This is rarest of the rarest case, which shows the bravery of young girls on the one hand and on the other hand shows the evils of the society in large. It is shame on such people who blindly believe the so called head of religions and let their own children to go through this hell. By passing on one judgment won't set the society right, its people who have to stand for making this society for perfect living for them and for generations to come.

- All the moveable and immoveable assets of Baba and his all ashrams to be attached with the Court with immediate effect. Which is estimated to be twenty billions of rupees. 

- Baba is sentenced for imprisonment till his death.

- Jail superintendent is directed to complete follow jail manual for prisoner Baba and any laxity found in that will attract immediate suspension of Jail superintendent and concerned staff.

- Mrs. Sapna, Registrar is appointed as dedicated approver of this case.

- All moveable and immoveable assets recovered should be sold within four months from the date of this order. All receipts thereof to be deposited with the Registrar General, High Court.

- None of Baba's family members, trusts and/or any associate will be having any rights on the moveable and immoveable assets recovered and its receipts thereof.

- Appointed Registrar to release advertisements in leading news papers within seven days for calling of any complaints to be filed against Baba with her office within next thirty days.

- All complaints received to be evaluated and adjudicated in next three months i.e. four months from this order.

- All complaints related to financial frauds to be paid for the sum evaluated.

- All criminal complaints filed for murders in Baba ashrams and found correct should be compensated by giving reward of of Rs. Twenty Millions each to their family members within next thirty days i.e within five months from the date of this order.

- All criminal complaints of rapes found correct should be compensated by giving financial compensation of Rs. Thirty Millions to the victim. Identity of all victims not to be revealed to anyone. Registrar will get new identity of all victims, if asked for by them. All this to be completed within next two months i.e. six months from the date of this order.

- Complainants Nirmala and Sujata, whose new identity is concealed here to be compensated with Rs. Fifty Millions each.

- Sadhvi A, Sadhvi B and Sadhvi C who has helped Baba in his act of rapes with complainants and other innocent girls are sentenced to one year imprisonment each. There sentence should have been more for indulging in to these acts, Court has taken a lenient view because years back they were also victimized by the Baba. 

- Mother of complainant Sulekha is sentenced to two years imprisonment for helping accused Baba for raping her own teenage daughter. When daughter reported this rape incidence to her mother, instead of helping her. She prompted her to agree to Baba's ill demands. She is also equally responsible for multiple rapes of her daughter.

- Father of complainant Chamandeep is sentenced to three years imprisonment. One year for his crime, when her wife reported her for being raped by Baba, he did not object and never took any preventive action. Two Years for his crime of not helping her raped daughter and rather prompting her of being raped by Baba on multiple occasion.

- A new committee of seven persons to be formed for running affairs of all ashrams of Baba. Which shall consist of One retired High Court Judge, One retired Army personnel of not less than the rank of Brigadier, One retired IFS officer, One retired Doctor with qualification of M.D. and above, One retired engineer with qualification of M.E. and above, Two members of society with proven track record of self less service of two decades and above. News paper advertisement for such recruitment should be done within next seven days. Appointed Registrar will prepare the list of all eligible applicants within next two months to the office of Chief Justice of High Court. Senior three members bench will finalise the new committee out of that list. All the process of selection shall be completed within next three months.

- All the funds saved after paying of all compensations ordered above will be transferred to newly appointed committee ashram account.

- New appointed committee to ensure by utilizing funds in appropriate social welfare schemes in Ashrams for making all the residents of Ashram self sufficient for running their respective families respectfully.

....................end of story.......................and beginning of new era......................

May GOD bless society for respecting women and mankind.

Always Indebted & Grateful to my Parents (GOD).

? Pavan Datta


This is a work of fiction.

Pavan Datta

Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness

1 年

Hi Nasrin Jahan #HappyWeekened?Breaking News!!!! Famous Hollywood director Bob Cruise is found with a bullet wound in his head, he has been rushed to hospital. It is still not confirmed whether he is alive or dead. I had written this story keeping film screenplay in mind, with two ending options. First ending with Hollywood style & Second ending with Bollywood style. Enjoy the story & suggest your option of ‘ending story’

Pavan Datta

Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness

1 年

Hi Rajashree Kv #HappySunday Breaking News!!!! Famous Hollywood director Bob Cruise is found with a bullet wound in his head, he has been rushed to hospital. It is still not confirmed whether he is alive or dead. I had written this story keeping film screenplay in mind, with two ending options. First ending with Hollywood style & Second ending with Bollywood style. Enjoy the story & suggest your option of ‘ending story’

Pavan Datta

Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness

2 年

Hi Vivek Pachauri Hope you are doing well . Read My story “Sex! Love, Lust, or Necessity?” at:

Pavan Datta

Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness

2 年

Hi Vivek Pachauri Hope you are doing well . Read My story “Sex! Love, Lust, or Necessity?” at:

Pavan Datta

Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness

2 年

Hi Rajashree Kv World leaders are busy in making public sleep in the fear of world war & on the other hand around 9 million people die of hunger alone. The money required for eradicating hunger completely from world needs only 30 billion dollars per annum whereas Global?military expenditure?stands at around $1.7 trillion?annually?It’s high time to think…. Read my story “Hunger Vs Hope” at:?



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