BaaS News #8 – June

BaaS News #8 – June

Your gateway to the BaaS Universe!

A monthly exploration of embedded payments, Banking-as-a-Service and fintech ecosystem, as well as practical use cases.

1. BaaS & Fintech news

Nirio, a subsidiary of FDJ, launches payment cards and accounts for individuals in France. ????

In a world where simplicity is paramount and instantaneity has become the new norm, payments often lag behind. Premio, the new payment and budget management service from Nirio, a subsidiary of the FDJ Group (Fran?aise des Jeux), addresses these challenges by offering individuals value that goes beyond mere transactions.

A key to Premio’s efficiency, developed in just a few months, lies in its integration of payment features through APIs. Nirio Premio leverages a wide range of solutions designed and managed by Xpollens, including account management, issuance of physical and virtual Visa cards, transfers, and direct debits.

2. Xpollens Insights

From Excel to the Cloud: The Digital Transformation of Financial Departments

With the rise of new technologies and their increasing integration into financial tools, automation solutions enable financial departments to play a pivotal role in creating value for their companies. It is now easier to optimize financial processes, enhance operational efficiency, and make real-time, data-driven decisions. The trend is clear:?half of CFOs believe that digitizing their tools will improve their forecasting and anticipation capabilities1.

But what are the Key factors to ensure successful adoption of digital solutions by financial departments? ??

Our experts have compiled the list of must-haves:

  • Native-cloud platforms for real-time access
  • Automated accounting and financial processes
  • User-friendly configuration
  • Flexibility to adapt to business needs
  • Easy integration with other systems
  • Advanced analytics for strategic decision-making

Read the whole article:

1 White Paper: Optimizing the Finance Function for 2024 – Xpollens, Capgemini

Mathieu Taberlet, CTO of Xpollens, guides us through the foundations of our technical stack & strategic choices ????

In a rapidly expanding Fintech like Xpollens, services and technology evolve quickly. The challenge is balancing agility, stability, and high availability. Mathieu Taberlet, CTO of Xpollens, explains the foundations of their tech stack and strategic choices for success:

  • Talented Team: The technology team designs, develops, and maintains a state-of-the-art Banking-as-a-Service platform, focusing on best practices and system security. They are organized into squads, fostering collaboration and expertise.
  • CI/CD Pipeline: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment streamline and accelerate development, reducing deployment time and impact of issues, enhancing platform performance.
  • Tech Stack: Primarily Microsoft-based with .NET Core for API development, Azure Serverless for hosting, Linux for cost-efficiency and performance, and Bicep for Infrastructure as Code. This ensures reactivity, reliability, and compatibility with other clouds.
  • NoSQL Databases: Flexible and capable of handling large volumes of evolving data, essential for innovative environments.
  • API Integration: APIs enable seamless integration of services, enhancing interoperability and security.
  • Microservices Monitoring: Microservices architecture and webhooks facilitate platform evolution and maintenance, supported by a Site Reliability Engineer for high availability.

Read more:

MONEY2020 Amsterdam 2024 – It was great!

From June 4th to 6th, we attended Money2020 in Amsterdam, one of the leading events in the fintech ecosystem. This annual gathering is renowned for bringing together the brightest minds and innovators in the world of payments, banking, and financial services.

We were happy to share a booth with BPCE Digital & Payments and Payplug, showcasing our large expertise in payments. It was a good opportunity for our fantastic team Jean Guillaume, JOS & Pierre Lauzeral to dive into the latest trends shaping the future of finance & payments, such as : #Baas, #crossborderpayments, #FX, #KYB, #AML, #Fraud, #AI and #digitalscoring.

Can’t wait for next year!??

3. French Corner

Notre CEO sur La Tribune avec Gilles Leclerc

?? Découvrez l'interview exclusive de notre CEO, Jean Guillaume, sur La Tribune avec Gilles Leclerc. Jean partage sa vision sur le Banking-as-a-Service et explique comment nous transformons les paiements pour les entreprises.

Au programme?:

?? Nos solutions de paiement automatisées et en temps réel.

?? Les cas d'usage clés : l'expérience de paiement et la gestion automatisée des paiements.

?? Des exemples concrets de notre impact sur les entreprises.

?? Notre stratégie de croissance et notre engagement envers l'innovation et la scalabilité.

Oveo automatise ses paiements commerciaux grace à Xpollens?!

Oveo, marketplace de vente de véhicules en B2B, et client de Xpollens, est à l’honneur dans l’Agefi?! Un article qui décrypte comment la plateforme automatise ses paiements avec nos solutions de paiement intégré. Et une fierté pour nous d’accompagner un acteur en pleine croissance?! Pour Oveo, bénéficier de transactions très rapides et sans heurt pour ses vendeurs et ses acheteurs sur la plateforme était indispensable dès son démarrage.

Concrètement, il bénéficie :

??D’un rapprochement automatique des paiements des commandes, et d’une visibilité en temps réel sur ses opérations. Oveo sait donc clairement quels clients ont payé et quand ils l’on fait.

??D’un parcours clients simplifié?: le client peut effectuer un seul virement, alors que la part revenant au fournisseur et la commission d’Oveo sont réparties automatiquement.

??D’une gestion et d’une comptabilité allégée?: l’équipe financière peut se consacrer à des taches à plus forte valeur ajoutée que les rapprochements.

Accéder à l’article

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