BaaS News #10 - October

BaaS News #10 - October

Your gateway to the BaaS Universe!

A monthly exploration of embedded payments, Banking-as-a-Service and fintech ecosystem, as well as practical use cases.

Farewell, Jean — Welcome, JOS!

This month, we bid farewell to our CEO, Jean Guillaume , who has been instrumental in shaping Xpollens over the past six years. Under his leadership, Xpollens grew into a state-of-the-art BaaS platform, adapting to the diverse needs of our clients, from corporates to startups. Jean’s vision and dedication laid the groundwork for our expansion, helping us to tackle key projects and build a resilient team united by values of solidarity and excellence. We will miss him dearly but wish him all the best in his next venture.

Taking the helm now is Jacques-Olivier Schatz (JOS ??), who has been a crucial part of Xpollens' journey as General Manager for the last 18 months. His leadership, insight, and strategic mindset will drive Xpollens through its next phase of hypergrowth. As JOS puts it, "Our mission is to continue to strengthen our position and innovate in an ever-competitive market."

With a clear vision for expanding embedded payment solutions across Europe, and with the trust of our key clients, we are excited to see where this new chapter will take us!

1. BaaS & Fintech news

iPaidThat joins Groupe BPCE

iPaidThat , a leading platform for automating financial processes, has recently partnered with Groupe BPCE to enhance its payment capabilities. This partnership reflects the growing demand for innovative solutions in the finance and accounting tech (comptatech) industry.

At Xpollens, we partner with comptatechs to deliver streamlined financial workflows and automated cash flow management, enhancing operational efficiency for businesses..

Read more about our solution for comptatechs here

Wero: A New Era for European Mobile Payments

Introducing Wero, a new mobile payment solution by EPI (European Payments Initiative), set to replace Paylib and revolutionize mobile transactions in Europe. Supported by major European banks, including Groupe BPCE, Wero aims to simplify account-to-account payments and will expand to e-commerce and in-store payments by 2026.

What’s at stake? Competing with global giants like Visa and PayPal, while ensuring the security of instant payments across Europe. Wero is Europe’s answer to systems like Pix in Brazil or UPI in India.

Curious about the future of instant payments in Europe?

Follow Xpollens as we contribute to reshaping the payment ecosystem! ????

2. Xpollens Insights

When SEPA Direct Debit Delights E-commerce Merchants

SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) is a key tool for e-commerce merchants, offering a cost-effective, automated, and secure way to manage recurring payments. By eliminating manual processes, SDD reduces the risk of errors and missed payments, improving cash flow and operational efficiency. For customers, it's a seamless experience—once authorized, payments are automatically collected, ensuring convenience and trust.

With Xpollens, e-commerce merchants can fully leverage SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) to streamline payment operations, particularly for high-value transactions, recurring payments, and subscription services, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and simplifying cash flow management.

Discover the benefits of online SEPA direct debit

3.French Corner

En septembre, nous avons eu le plaisir de vous rencontrer lors de plusieurs événements marquants :

  • Paris Retail Week (PRW) : Trois jours intenses à la Paris Retail Week, marqués par des échanges stratégiques sur les projets de digitalisation des retailers, e-commer?ants et marketplaces. Aux c?tés de Payplug et Oney, nous avons formé la super team BPCE Digital & Payments, avec de nombreux projets prometteurs pour des parcours de paiement simplifiés et fiabilisés.
  • DAF Day : Une journée passionnante où nous avons présenté notre vision plus agile et plus fluide de la gestion financière mais aussi où nous sommes rentrés dans l’univers de la facturation électronique notamment avec de nombreux acteurs et potentiels partenaires. JOS, notre CEO, a participé en compagnie de Mickael de Sa, Allianz Trade, Sebastien Loison, Finegan et Alexandra Zana, Mastercard à une table ronde dédiée aux traitements des paiements inter-entreprises.
  • Salon INN?: Amandine est parti à l’aventure ce mois-ci dans le fief des mutuelles à Niort pour rencontrer gestionnaire du risque, assurances et mutuelles pour démocratiser le paiement intégré.

Si vous étiez à l’événement et vous n’avez pas pu la rencontre, n’hésitez pas à la contacter???

Pour octobre, nous serons présents aux événements suivants :

  • 14/10 Fintech Revolution?: on y sera ! On va même en profiter pour y tourner une vidéo avec notre partenaire en Open Banking Bridge… stay tuned???

Client à l’honneur, Money Walkie

Ce mois-ci, Raphael LEPRETTE Money Walkie, est à l'honneur dans le podcast Finscale. Il y aborde le dual BaaS, la levée de fonds, la stratégie de développement, l'évolution du produit, et plein d'autres sujets passionnants.

Ecouter le Podcast

4. How did you learn about Xpollens?

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The marketing team thanks you in advance!

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