B2B Trade Communication, is there a NEED

B2B Trade Communication, is there a NEED

As the owner of a B2B communications company... this article might be a little biased but go with me, it comes together in the end.

So, quickly, what do we at SA Media & Digital Holdings Do?

Let’s see

We publish 27 Digital Demand B2B Publications

Sectors covered; Medical, FMCG, Hardware and Pharmacy.

Now here is why we do what we do

There is this inherit gap between brand manager and the retailer, divisional buyers and franchise owners.

All the brand manager wants to do is consumer, consumer, consumer and more consumer advertising. Which, don’t get me wrong is great. But let me paint you a picture quick. “you see a new product being advertised everywhere and gets you thinking, damn I want one. So, jump in your car drive down to your local food or convenience store and surprise, surprise the store doesn’t have it. Now in your mind you blame the store but think about it this way. The store manager never sees the new campaign for said product because they are busy, don’t think so. Ask yourself these 4 questions"

1.    Is your local store open when you go to work?

2.    Is it open on the way home?

3.    Is it open on weekends?

4.    Is it open on public holidays?

Now do you still think they have time to notice consumer advertising via tv, radio, magazines (above the line) etc. No

Now those simple four answers is Exactly why our publications exist. An aggregator of the industries monthly news to keep the retailer updated and most importantly advise them of new brand activity.

Why is this important?

This is so important because as much as the brand manager would love to think that the end consumer is their client they are ultimately the client of the retailer. Making the retailer the client of the brand manager, wouldn’t you agree that it is of utmost importance to keep your clients up to date. Especially if the change means they must stock up for the (now) increase in demand due to a big consumer drive campaign.

Not saying tell the retailer your years strategy (that’s exactly what I am saying). If the retailer new that a campaign was coming up they could stock accordingly and merchandise effectively in conjunction with the brand. Don’t mean the basic seasonal trends, a good retailer knows this, and our publications provide them with reinforcement of these trends, what I am talking about is any one of the thirty reasons below.  

1. New product

2. Pack design change

3. Pack size change

4. Formulation change

5. Consumer target market shift

6. Seasonal activity

7. Competitor activity

8. Consumer campaign to increase/ protect sales volumes

9. Range extension

10. Sales success in region/ store group/ consumer niche

11. Create positive perception

12. Decrease sales reps

13. Support sales reps

14. Pending price increase support

15. Target consumer for that market

16. Importance of pack image

17. Innovations in packaging

18. On-shelf presence

19. In-store location importance

20. Range of products creating “brand” strength

21. Market share of brand

22. Importance of convenience size packaging

23. Supplier reputation as a buying aid

24. Brand availability as a buying aid

25. Sales linked to event timing

26. Maximising on consumer demand

27. Creating store traffic

28. Merchandising products

29. Store image vs Brand image

30. Consumer trends

Any one of these needs to be conveyed to the retailer (the brands customer) as it will affect the buying habits of their customer (the end consumer).

As much as this is a product push for our magazines (I did mention earlier it would come together) you must keep your customers informed and we have the direct link for you to communicate with them.



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