Kevin Corrigan
PROGRESS PULSE AI - a full-service AI automation agency. A group of AI specialists helping businesses install "AI-Powered Solutions" Check out our GymBot in action - ai.progresspulse.net/gym
Over the last 30 years, I have developed these four ultra-simple rules for B2B writing. And they indeed are simple. They're so simple that even I can follow them.
The benefits of persuasive writing are unbelievable. And everything hinges on it. You will be more successful at your work and accomplish your goals faster. Imagine writing business documents that produce enthusiastic responses. People will feel like you were speaking into their minds and answering unasked questions.
Business writing with these rules is as easy as filling out four boxes on a form. Of course, the wandering mind will come up with dozens of other questions, but with these, you will keep your target's mind from wandering.
Of course, the recipient isn't actually verbalizing these questions. He might be thousands of miles away from you. But if they start reading your document, this will be the order in which they proceed. Your job in writing the document is to take control of their thought process and direct the narrative.
Question #1. What's in it for Me?
This could have been, "What's in it for me?" When you begin writing your document, briefly describe your target's pain. They might not even be aware of it. Then explain the benefits of your solution. First, educate them about the pain they are suffering (which is the negative benefit) and then describe the positive benefits of fixing it.
Writing Example for this Rule:
"We looked at your site and noticed that you aren't getting any conversions. You have thousands of visitors, but you are bleeding potential customers. Unfortunately, this problem is pervasive in our industry. 78% of websites are underperforming. We can fix that for you. You can have more appointments with better leads. That means more home visits and increased sales. Also, your salespeople will be happier, so you will have lower turnover."
Question #2. Why should I believe you?
Hear those guard dogs barking? Their names are "doubt" and "suspicion." It's good these dogs are here because they keep your competition away. You can quiet those dogs by being the expert and telling your prospect that you have solved this problem for other companies. Give examples, industry statistics, or market trends. Remember, your goal is not to make the sale. It's to stop those annoying dogs from barking. You can't enter someone's front yard if their dogs are barking at you.
Writing Example for this Rule:
"XYZ company had a similar issue with their site in 2019. They had over 7,000 monthly visitors but only a handful of conversions. It turned out that their sales funnel was too complex and confusing. We fixed it by adding an estimator tool that generated a written estimate and a customer survey. This provided the sales team with a steady….."
Ha! Now you can't even hear those guard dogs. Sit! Be quiet! Behave! Good doggies.
Question #3. How does it work?
Once you reach this point, the goal is yours to lose. If a prospect is asking about the mechanics of the solution, it is a done deal. Present the significant steps of how you go about the fix. Big picture only. Oh, anecdotes are good in this stage. They're exciting and make it fun to read. Your goal now is to build trust. Show your target that you know what you are doing. And that won't screw up.
Writing Example for this Rule:
"Our engineers will survey your site's back end and internal structure and identify the issues." Or "ABC in Texas had a similar problem in 2020 except theirs was….. We were able to solve it by ….."
Question #4. What is my first step? How do I get started?
This stage is when you deliver the Call-to-Action. Remember, you have been directing this show. You have been leading their thought process, and you can't give up now. But until now, this has been an academic exercise for your prospect. No real commitment. This entire effort will result in nothing unless you tell them what to do next. Tell them the next step. After all, they asked. Deliver the CTA, the Call to Action. "Call me at this number"- "Click the button to set an appointment" – "Reply to this email" – "Send a pigeon."
Good Guidelines and CopyWriting Practices