B2B Event Series "The City of Vision"
The interactive B2B event series "The City of Vision" informed international media and travel industry representatives on the Vienna Tourist Board’s upcoming theme for 2023, which celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Vienna World's Fair.
This autumn, the Vienna Tourist Board raised awareness of its annual theme for 2023: “Vision & New Beginnings – 150 Years of the Vienna World's Fair” as part of its B2B event series in Milan, Paris, Madrid, Zurich, London, Washington D.C. and Chicago. In the series, #Vienna was presented to international media representatives and contacts from the travel and mobility industry as an innovative, modern and forward-looking city whose journey towards becoming a true world capital was shaped considerably by the Vienna World's Fair in 1873.
It is precisely this inventive spirit that the Vienna Tourist Board is looking to rekindle. At the events, the respected future researcher Andreas Reiter took guests on a journey into an imaginary city of the future, which they are then were invited to map out themselves using a multimedia application.
Participants were asked to consider a couple of questions on a range of topics including traffic, art, #tourism and public spaces with the support of a purpose-built decision tool app, which draws on a pool of AI-generated images. ?? Based on the responses given, the visuals were merged before the final result was presented: an animated version of the city of the future that the participants had just designed and created in real time using artificial intelligence.
A handful of impressions from the events in the various markets, as well as some visions for the future of each city, can be seen below.
All information on the annual theme 2023 can be found on b2b.vienna.info/vision