B2B communication in 2024 & beyond..
PR Pundit Havas Red
We are communicators, who ignite conversations that drive appeal and brand fame.
B2B or B2C is not the binary duo ruling the roost anymore, it has company from B2G, C2C, C2G, G2C, and maybe some more.
While the OGs – B2B & C existed in the marketing lexicon for long, the newer avatars owe their genesis to e-commerce marketplaces. We can be reasonably sure, that soon they will assume their rightful place too! However, the current theme is B2B so diving into that. It’s a landscape characterized by convergence of technology, personalization, and omnichannel engagement as enterprises strive to adapt to evolving customer preferences and market dynamics. All of this while maintaining trust and compliance in an increasingly digital and data-driven borderless world.
One of the key shifts that one is experiencing is revolving around interactive content formats which is no more the exclusive domain of those who sell to consumers directly. B2B audiences are increasingly demanding more engaging and interactive content experiences like quizzes, spot calculators, meters etc. Virtual product demos in various forms have gained massive popularity. They capture attention, drive engagement, and facilitate deeper interactions with the TG.
While talking about content, can delivery be far behind? Integrated Omnichannel Strategies is ruling the roost. B2B marketers are adopting integrated omnichannel communication strategies to deliver cohesive and consistent brand experiences across multiple touchpoints.
Adobe (originally Adobe Systems, started in 1982) is a case in point. The company utilizes an interesting mix of content marketing, direct mailers, social media, live events, and community forums to reach out to its core customers- the graphics and design community. By seamlessly integrating these channels and aligning their messaging with customer needs and preferences, Adobe has successfully built an iconic brand presence.
A proverb in the marketing world goes ‘The play button is the most compelling call-to-action on the web.’? Video continues to dominate and become stronger day by day with businesses increasingly relying on video content to convey complex messages, showcase product demonstrations, and engage with their audience in more dynamic ways.? Voice is no lesser As voice-activated devices and virtual assistants become more prevalent in both professional and personal settings, B2B companies are optimizing their content and communication strategies for voice search.? For example- a manufacturing supplier optimizes its product descriptions and specifications to match voice search queries related to industrial equipment or Voice-Enabled Product Catalogs - developing a voice-enabled product catalog that is accessible through their website or a dedicated app. Users can search for specific equipment by voice, such as " Show me robotic arms for pick-and-place operations."
While on the audio track, podcasts are coming of age too in India with a listener base that has grown from just about 16mn listeners in 2016 to 150mn in 2023. Podcasts can be a powerful B2B marketing tool for building brand authority, distributing valuable content, and increasing and fostering relationships (reasons probably immensely popular amongst the entrepreneurial community).
Have deliberately stayed away from the mighty A & I as I believe it’s a horizontal technology that impacts all aspects from insights gathering to analytics and everything in between enabling data-driven decision-making, personalization, automation, and optimization. As it grows leaps and bounds, consultants & and marketeers (of all varieties listed at the beginning of this article) will increasingly rely on AI-powered tools and solutions to stay competitive and sharp.
To sum up, borrowing from Valeria Maltoni – a conversation agent “Your campaign doesn’t have to be boring just because it’s for other businesses. Businesses have people who read, hear & experience stuff.”
With more than half of Fortune 500 companies (approximation) being B2B, it’s a huge impact orbit!