B of Networking
Now that we have started the journey of learning A to Z of Networking & having understood the A of it, lets move on to the B
When we were kids & attending school, it was quite a challenge for the teacher to grab our attention & more so, to maintain it. Many of us would rather quite easily slip into our own fantasy world. And lo, when the Teacher shook us up & posed a question from the recent lessons, there we stood up blinking like innocent cats. It was much later, that I realised the importance of Being in the Room. It is not just the physical presence. Rather, its about being attentive. There is many a slip between the cup & the lip. It pays to be attentive, for, a sincere attention in a networking meet can get you your Dream Referral
It is not without a reason that wars are fought. Sovereignty is a hard kept Control. From even a slightest feeling of encroachment, stems a nervous unrest. First in own's own mind, then the surrounding before breaking into a wild fire. The root of all this is crossing the line either knowingly or inadvertently. Recognising & Respecting Boundaries consciously not only helps in maintaining Harmony but also an important pre-requisite for building healthy relationships, which is the very objective of Networking. Demonstrating Professionalism while communicating, with respect to mutual Boundaries in hindsight, will certainly bode well to establish a good rapport
Trust is instantaneous and Respect builds over time. This is something that I strongly believe in. Unfortunately both these words are rather loosely & interchangeably used. Lets look at the example of taking an escalator. We trust that the speed will remain same & not change during motion, or for that matter the taxi driver who we hire for the first time, in driving us safe to the destination. This is Trust. A consistent performance & keeping up to the promise builds respect. Rahul Dravid was called 'The Wall' of Indian Cricket for living up to this expectation. Being Believable is a step even before this Trust & Respect. Claims of any tall order have to be substantiated by a good track record of delivering on promise. When planning to visit a restaurant we either read reviews or ask friends and family. Word of Mouth spreads the credentials & one of the most influencing factor in decision making.
Hence Being in the Room, respecting Boundaries & Being Believable are essential characteristics of a good Networker.
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