B E L I E F . . .
Gerda Muller
Allied Health Private Practice Business Consultant. I help you build a Self-Running Practice, giving your more time and financial freedom, as you help more people in better and more effective ways.
Belief is probably the number one pillar for starting and building a successful and sustainable private practice.
Belief in yourself... that you can do this.
Belief in your family... that they can handle you doing this.
Belief in your message... that this is all worth it.
Belief in your purpose... that you are doing this for a reason more important than money and ego.
The strength of your belief might wax and wane as challenges present themselves, but as long as you remember to reconnect back to the Belief that made you start this journey in the first place, you will get through it.
Questioning your beliefs is normal.
I would say it is even recommended, because if it was born out of truth and authentic alignment, then questioning will act as a re-affirmation off what you are here to do and why.
So I encourage you to allow your Belief itself to carry you through the difficult times.
When belief in you wanes, tune into the belief around your message.
When belief in your family wanes, tune into belief around your purpose.
When belief in your message wanes, tune into belief around yourself.
When belief around your purpose wanes, tune into belief around your family.
At the end of the day, everything starts with BELIEF ??
About the Author:
After starting her PhD on the topic of "Psychologists as Practice Owners: Current Challenges, Coping & Success Predictors", Gerda was appalled at the lack of support for Allied Health Professionals going into Private Practice and decided to do something about it.
This was the start of Private Practice Success Australia.
E: [email protected] | W: gerdamuller.com.au
WINNER: Adult Allied Health Private Practice Excellence Award
WINNER: Queensland MENTAL HEALTH Achievement Award for Best Small Business