To "B" or not to "B"...
Budgeting…the “B” word…ewe, right? Actually, it’s way more ewe if you DON’T do it!
Listen…it doesn’t have to be restrictive or feel like you are trapping your hard-earned money in a cage. The reality is…it’s not really our money anyways…we’re just stewards, doing our best to turn one dollar into five until it comes time for us to pass the torch on to the next generation.
It is my belief that we are entrusted with this role by God, but regardless what you believe you are NOT taking any of the money you earn with when you you might as well do right by it while you have it in your care!
There are two proven tools that can pretty much guarantee you will achieve the financial freedom we all desire:
1) A financial plan and, 2) A monthly budget! With these tools at your fingertips, you can get out of debt, save for an annual vacation, pay for your kid’s University, save for a down payment on a house, buy a new car, spend Christmas on the slopes, or even save enough to retire!
Some of the things you can expect with a budget…well without one, the data suggests that you can expect debt! The main reason being that it’s WAY too easy to spend more than you earn if you are not tracking what is coming in and going out OR if unexpected expenses arise. As soon as that starts, it means you probably have to dip into your trade lines…credit cards, line of credit, HELOC…don’t get me wrong, these are great tools when used as intended, but not when you have to use them due to a lack of planning. And once those interest payments start, they quickly add up and it’s really tough to break free!
Luckily, budgets are super easy to make and to stick to with a little bit of discipline! You’ll be glad that you did…imagine being able to pull out your DEBIT card when the brakes start to squeak, or the fridge stops working or the kids need school clothes or there is a seat sale to that destination you’ve been dreaming of…
Budgeting is NOT the enemy…it’s just one of the tools that can set you free!