B is for Belonging

B is for Belonging

The Benefits of Fostering Belonging in the Workplace.

Studies show that a sense of belonging at work can greatly enhance business performance.

But what does "belonging" mean, exactly?

At its core, it's about feeling valued and socially connected – experiencing acceptance and inclusion among colleagues. By creating a sense of belonging, companies can improve performance, decrease turnover, and reduce absenteeism.

To achieve this, it's important to understand different perspectives, encourage mentorship, and empower teams to make changes that promote inclusivity.

Did you know that 'Belonging' is one of the default Workplace Drivers in the FormScore for Managers solution?

Curious about your team's 'Belonging' stats? Why not run a free poll to find out?

Creating the poll takes less than 60 seconds for the manager, and employees can complete it in just another 60 seconds.

Double Win!



