B 07-Acronyms used in Transformer Engineering-3
This is the last part of this series on acronyms used by transformer engineers. This also includes protection relay numbers and means to keep oneself updated on National standards and transformer literature.
UHF????-Ultra High Frequency?????
UHV????-Ultra High Voltage
UHVDC-Ultra High Voltage Direct Current
UL???????-Underwriters Laboratories
ULTC ??-Under Load Tap-Changer (Canada), OLTC
UPFC??-Unified Power Flow Control
UPS????-Uninterruptible Power Supply
USB????-Universal Serial Bus
VAM -Vibro-Acoustic Method?( OLTC diagnostics)
VBA?-Visual Basic for Applications
VCB -Vacuum Circuit Breaker
VCC -Vacuum cast coil (A type of Dry Transformer)
VDE- German-Association for Electrical, Elektronic and Information Technologies
VEE- Validation, Estimation and Editing
VFD- Variable Frequency Drives
VFT –Variable Frequency Transformers, Very Fast Transients
VOP -Vacuum oil Processor
VPD -Vapor Phase Drying (drying out of transformer in factory using heated kerosene vapor) = DVP
VRDT -Voltage Regulating Distribution Transformer
VSC??- Voltage Source Converter (technology for HV DC Transmission)
?VSD ??-Variable Speed Drives
?VT????-Voltage Transformer
WAM ???-Wide Area Monitoring
WAMS -Wide Area Monitoring System
WAMPAS- Wide Area Monitoring Protection and Control
WAN- Wide Area Network
WPP- Wind Power Plant
WPS- Welding Procedure Certification
WTI??-Winding Temperature Indicator
XLPE -Cross Linked Polyethylene (cable)
XML ??-Extensible Markup Language
XRF ??-X-ray Fluorescence (PMI to find elements in a metal alloy)
Zo????-Zero sequence impedance
Zn O -Zinc Oxide (Arrester)
Zp ???- Positive sequence impedance
Relay Numbers for Transformer Engineers (IEEE Std C37.2 -2008-Standard for Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers, Acronyms, and Contact Designations)
In the design of electrical power systems, the IEEE device numbers identify features of a protective device such as relay or circuit breaker. Device numbers are used to identify functions of devices shown on a schematic diagram. One physical device may correspond to one function number, for example "29 Isolating Switch", or a single physical device may have many function numbers associated with it, such as a microprocessor numerical protective relay. Suffix & prefix letters may be added to further specify purpose & function of a device.
24?????-Over fluxing Relay
26Q1 -Top Oil Temp Alarm (60deg C)
26Q2 -Top Oil Temp Alarm (90deg C)
30?????-Annunciator Relay
33?????-Position Switch
49?????-Transformer Thermal Relay
49W - Winding Temperature Relay
49C??- Cooler actuation relay with WTI
50????- Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay
51????- AC Inverse Time overcurrent Relay, Phase overcurrent relay
51NS- Standby Earth Fault protection
52G – A C circuit Breaker
59N??-Over voltage Relay
63 ??????-Pressure Switch; Rapid Pressure Rise Relay Tank-Trip
63P ???-Pressure Relief Tank
63VP-V - 3.5 Vacuum Alarm
63VP -P-7.0 Pressure Alarm
64????-Ground detector Relay, REF Relay
67???- AC Directional overcurrent Relay
67N ?- Directional earth fault protection
68?????-Blocking or out of step relay
71Q1 - Liquid Level Switch-Low
74????-Alarm Relay
80????-Flow Switch (oil or water)
81????-Frequency Relay
87B ?- Bus bar differential
87G?-Generator Differential
87L ??-Line Differential
87N?- Restricted Earth Fault
87T ?-Transformer Differential Relay
IEC 61850- Communication protocol (protection)
AFD -Arc Flash Detector CLK Clock or Timing Source
DDR -Dynamic Disturbance Recorder
DFR -Digital Fault Recorder
ENV -Environmental Data
HIZ ??-High Impedance Fault Detector
HMI ?-Human Machine Interface
HST ?-Historian
?LGC -Scheme Logic
MET -Substation Metering
PDC -Phasor Data Concentrator
PMU -Phasor Measurement Unit
PQM -Power Quality Monitor
RIO -Remote Input / Output Device
RTU -Remote Terminal Unit / Data Concentrator
SER -Sequence of Events Recorder
TCM -Trip Circuit Monitor
Suffixes & Prefixes Suffix letters or numbers may be used with device numbers. For example, the suffix “N” is used if the device is connected to a neutral wire, hence 59N is a relay used for protection against neutral displacement & suffixes X, Y, Z are used for auxiliary devices. Similarly, the "G" suffix is used to denote a "ground", hence "51G" is a time overcurrent ground relay. The "G" suffix can also mean "generator", hence "87G" is a generator differential relay while “87T” is a transformer differential relay. "F" can denote "field" on a generator or "fuse", as in the protective fuse for a transformer.
Suffix numbers are used to distinguish multiple "same" devices in the same equipment such as 51-1 & 51–2. Device numbers may be combined if the device provides multiple functions, such as instantaneous & inverse time overcurrent relay denoted as 50/51
Dissolved Gases in Oil
C2H4 ?-Ethylene
C2H6 ?- Ethane
CO?????- Carbon Monoxide
CO2 ???- Carbon dioxide
TCG???-Total Combustible Gas
TDCG -Total Dissolved Combustible Gas
Standardization Organizations
ANSI –American National Standards Institute
???????????1430 Broadway, New York, NY?10018
???????????https://www.ansi.org/ ANSI
API- American Petroleum Institute
ASME- American Society of Mechanical Engineers- https://www.asme.org/
ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials
??????????100 Barr harbor Dr., W. Conshohocken, PA, 19428- https://www.astm.org/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/index.shtml?E+mystore
BIS- Bureau of Indian Standards- www.bis.org.in
BSI- British Standards Institution
CSA –Canadian Standard Association
DIN- Deutsches Institute for Normung
EEI – Edison Electric Institute
?????????111 19 th Street SW, Washington, DC 20036
EPRI – Electrical Power Research Institute
????????????P.O. Box 10412, Palo Alto, CA 64303
IEC- International Electro-technical Commission
???????1, Rue de Varembe, Geneva, Switzerland
IEEE- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
?????????445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854
ISO- International Organisation for Standardisation
MIL- Military Specifications
NEMA- National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association
?????????????2101 L Street, Washington, DC 20037?
NETA – International Electrical Testing Association
?????????????P.O. Box 687, Morrison, CO 80465
NFPA- National Fire Protection Association
For buying all standards esp. American Origin –www.techstreet.com
https://global.ihs.com/ Global Engineering Documents
https://www.aws.org/catalogs/index.html American Welding Society 2002 Catalog Index
https://assist.daps.dla.mil/quicksearch/ ASSIST-QuickSearch
https://www.tssonline.net/standards.htm Technical Standards Services Online
https://ulstandardsinfonet.ul.com/ UL Standards Info?Net
https://www.dstan.mod.uk/ DStan Corporate Web Site
https://www.rtca.org/ RTCA Standards
https://www.nfpa.org/Codes/index.asp NFPA Codes and Standards Home
https://www.uiaa.ch/commissions/download.asp?idobject=34 UIAA Online Standards
https://www.ili-info.com Standards Infobase (cross-referenced with materials suppliers) (* MLoew)
How to keep abreast of the standards relevant to Transformers
National standards are continually updated and new standards on various aspects of transformer engineering are also published frequently. Transformer engineers should know these new standards apart from the revisions and the latest version of already published standards. To know the latest ANSI/IEEE standards visit the following site:
You can see the list of IEEE standards, sorted by numbers in ascending order. Here in this site, there is an option for listing up standards by ‘newest number first’. When you select this option, you can see what all IEEE standards (including C57 series that specifically covers transformers) are in the process of revision or preparation of new standards. In case you take subscription, you can download the standards too.
In the above ieee.explore site, you can also search for technical papers on specific topic published so far in IEEE journals. For accessing the papers, of course, you should take subscription.
You can join the IEEE and then its Power Engineering Society and sign up for the PES database of papers, not the IEEE wide database (way too expensive) but just the Power Engineering database for about $50-$60 per year over the price of IEEE membership and the PES Society membership. Go to www.ieee.org to join IEEE.
When you join IEEE and PES data base, you will find an almost overwhelming volume of professional papers on almost any topic in the power field. Many of them are tutorials so if you are not up to the speed in an area, you have help available. You can do a very specific search to find what you need and then download it for your use.
IEC is publishing a newsletter at the beginning of every month listing up titles (by subject wise) of new IEC standards published during the previous month. You can subscribe for this newsletter free of charge. Standards on transformers and related topics can be seen under ‘Electrical Engineering’.
Instrumemt Transformer Design Software Provider & Design Consultant
3 年Well said
PowerTransformer Manufacturing Expert at Self-Employed
3 年Many people think that they know everything but sometimes the simple things are ignored. You have given such a wonderful dictionary for transformer engineers. Eager to read many more articles from you. It would be good if you can write on “partial discharge” in oil filled - especially power transformers.
18.10 Years Exp. In AIS+ GIS Substation
3 年Sir, pl share PPT sheet regarding Transformer erection and commissioning.
Director - Technical at Foretec Electric India Pvt Ltd
3 年Sir, All of your articles about Transformers will be more than simply articles. You are passing on your decades of hands-on technical experience to the emerging engineering community as a reference document. Thank you for everything you've done for society,?Sir.
Retired from Power Grid Corporation Of India Limited as GM
3 年Sir Very informative and thanks a lot