B 06-Acronyms used in Transformer Engineering-2

This is the second part of the acronyms commonly used by transformer engineers.



KPI- Key Performance Indicators

kV – kilo Volt

kVA- kilovolt–Ampere

kWh- kilowatt-hour


LCM –Life Cycle Management

LAN- Local area Network

LCC-Line Commutated Converter Technology (for HV DC Transmission), Line current compensation (tap changer control), Life cycle cost

LCD-Liquid Crystal Display

LD -Logical Devices (Protection)

LDC –Line drop compensation (for tap changer control)

LED -Light Emitting Diode

LF -Ladle Furnace, Load Factor

LFH- Low Frequency Heating (for transformer dry out)

LFT -Low frequency Transformer

LI -Lightning Impulse

LL -Load Loss

LN -Logical Node (Protection)

LN2 -Liquefied Nitrogen

LOI -Letter Of Intent (for purchase order)

LOLA -Low Oil Level Alarm

LSF -Loss factor

LTC -Load Tap-Changer (USA), same as OLTC

LTI -Liquid Temperature Indicator (USA), same as OTI

LV -Low Voltage


MB -Marshalling Box

MCB- Miniature Circuit Breaker

MCC- Motor Control Centers

MCCB-Molded-Case Circuit breaker

MCOV- Maximum continuous operating voltage (of Surge Arrester)

MEPS- Minimum Efficiency Performance Standards (for Transformers)

MF???-Master follower (tap-changer control)

MFT -Medium Frequency Transformer

MIG- Metal Inert Gas (Welding)

MIND- Mass impregnated non-draining cable (EHV Cable)

MMI – Man -Machine Interface

MMS- Maintenance Management System

MO??- Mineral Oil

MOA?-Metal Oxide Arrester. See SiC

MOG ?-Magnetic Oil Level Gauge

MOSA- Metal Oxide Surge Arrester

MOV-Metal Oxide Varistor. See SiC

MSD – Molecular sponge dry out

MTBF-Mean Time between Failures

MTD ?- Medium Test Dust (ISO Particle counting Test- see ACFTD)

MTI???- Motor Torque Index ( Diagnostics of OLTC)

MTMP- Mature Transformer Management Program (ABB)

MTTF - Mean time to failure

MV -Medium Voltage

MVA- Mega Volt Ampere –one million VA

MVAr-Mega Var –one million VAr

MW - Megawatt – one million watts


N2?????????- Nitrogen

NCC?????-Network Control Centre

NEMA??–National Electrical Manufacturers Association, USA

NHPC ??-National Hydropower Corporation, India

NHPTL –National High Power Test Laboratory (at Bina, India)

NIFPS?- Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System

NIFPES -Nitrogen Injection Fire Prevention cum Extinguishing System

NLL?????- No -Load loss

NLTC???-No-Load Tap-Changer, OCTC, DETC, OCS ( correct term DETC)

NPV ?????-Net Present Value

NR???????-Negative Reactance

NTPC??-National Thermal Power Corporation, India


OCEF – Open Circuit Earth Fault

OCTC –Off-Circuit Tap-Changer, DETC, NLTC, OCS

OCS???- Off-Circuit Switch, OCTC, DETC, NLTC (correct Term is DETC)

OD?????- Oil Directed

ODAF – Oil-Directed, Air-Forced (Cooling System)

OEM -Original Equipment Manufacturer

OES - Optical Emission Spectrometry (a PMI to find alloy content in metals)

OFAF- Oil-Forced Air-Forced (Cooling System)

OGA- Outline General Arrangement

OIP??- Oil Impregnated Paper (Condenser Bushing)

OIT??- Oil Insulated Transformer

OLCM- On-Line Condition Monitoring

OLTC- On-Load Tap-Changer, On-Line Tap-Changer, LTC, ULTC (Canada)

O&M –Operation and Maintenance

ONAF- Oil-Natural Air-Forced (transformer cooling)

ONAN- Oil-Natural Air-Natural (transformer cooling)

OT –Operational Technology

OTI- Oil Temperature Indicator


PAC- Project Acceptance Certificate

PAR -Phase angle Regulator (USA) =phase shifting transformer

PBR –Performance Based Rate

PCA-Polycyclic Aromatics (in oil)

PCB- Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls (non-inflammable insulating fluid, now banned for use)

PCD –Pitch Circle Diameter (for bolting)

PCM- Production Cost Monitoring

PCT-Poly Chlorinated terphenyls (Insulating fluid)

PD- Partial Discharge

PDC- Polarization Depolarization current (method) –diagnostic test for finding out moisture content in Transformer insulation

PDIV- Partial discharge Inception Voltage

PDU –Power Distribution Unit

PE??? -Poly Ethylene

PEI?? -Polyetherimide (enamel covering for conductors)

PEN ?-Polyethylene Naphthalate (enamel covering for conductors)

PF ???-Power Factor

PGCIL-Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd?

PI?????- Polarization Index (related to IR)

PIM ??- Product Information Management

PLC??- Programmable Logic Controller

PM ???-Protective Margin (Lightning Arresters)

PMI??-Positive Material Identification (chemical analysis by XRF, OES etc)

PMU - Phasor Measurement Unit (for Protection)

PNRV-Prestressed Non-Return Valve(in Buchholz pipe between conservator and tank )

PO???- Purchase Order

POP?-Persistent Organic Pollutants

POW -Point of Wave Switching, Controlled Switching

ppb ?–parts per billion

PPE?-Personal Protective equipment

PPLP-Polypropylene Laminated Paper

ppm- parts per million

PPS- Polyphenylene Sulphide

PR- -Protective Ratio (Lightning Arrester)

PRD- Pressure Relief Device, same as PRV

PRV- -Pressure Relief Valve –same as PRD

PT- Potential Transformer

PTC- Projected to Come

PU- Polyurethane

PV – Photovoltaic (generator, inverter)

PVA –Poly Vinyl Acetate (glue)

PVC-Polyvinyl Chloride

PVT- Power Voltage Transformer (voltage transformer for feeding auxiliaries)

PWM – Pulse-Width Modulated (Power Converter for AC drives)


QAP- Quality Assurance Plan


RAL- Imperial Commission for Delivery Terms and Quality Assurance (German)

R&D –Research and Development; Rating and Diagram Plate

RBP- Resin Bonded Paper (type of bushing)

RBM- Rehabilitation Based Maintenance

RC- Resistive Capacitive

RCD- Residual Current Protective Device

RCM- Reliability- Centered Maintenance

R&D- Research &Development

RDBMS- Relational Database Management System

RDC – Remote Diagnostic Centers

REF –Restricted Earth Fault

RIO- Remote Input-output unit

RIP- Resin Impregnated Paper (Condenser Bushing)

RIS-Resin Impregnated Synthetic (Condenser Bushing)

RIV- Radio Influence Voltage (USA)

RLA –Residual Life Assessment

RMS –Root-mean-square (also rms, r.m.s)

RMU-Ring Main Unit

ROI –Return on Investment

RPRR- Rapid Pressure Rise Relay, same as SPR

RSD – Relative Standard Deviation

RT??-Routine Test

RTCC- Remote Tap-Changer Control Panel

RTD-Resistance Temperature Detector/Device

RTE- Relative Thermal Endurance Index (of insulating materials)

RTU-Remote Terminal Unit

RTV-Room Temperature Vulcanizing (methyl-vinyl- Polymer material)

RVM- Recovery Voltage Measurement – diagnostic test for moisture in transformer insulation


SAS- Substation Automation System

SAT-Site Acceptance Test

SCADA- Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

SCC-Short Circuit Calculation

SCCL-Short Circuit Current Limiter

SCL- Substation Configuration Description Language (XML based)

SD-Switch- Disconnector


SEB-State Electricity Board

SECRC – Sweden Corporate Research Centre (of ABB)

SF6- Sulphur Hexafluoride (gas)

SFRA-Swept (sweep) Frequency Response Analysis (frequency range 0. 1mHz -25MHz)

SI????- Switching Impulse

Si C- Silicon Carbide (arrester) See MOV /MOA

SLD-Single Line Diagram

SLG – Single line to ground (fault)

SMAW- Shielded Metal Arc Welding

SOE- Sequence of Events

SOP-Standard Operating Procedure

SPAR- Single Phase Auto-Reclosing (of Transmission lines)

SPDD – Self Protection and Disconnecting Device (for Self-Protected Distribution transformers)

SPE – Solid Phase Extraction (connected with gas chromatography)

SPR- Sudden Pressure Relay, Same as RPRR

SRBP- Synthetic Resin Bonded Paper (Condenser Bushing)

SRI- Silicon Rubber Insulator

SSRV- Solid State Reduced Voltage (starting of motors)

SST – Solid State Transformer

ST????-Special Test; Smart Transformer

STD -Average Standard Deviation

STATCOM-Static Synchronous Compensator

SV- Step Voltage (IR Test); Sample values (of currents and voltages)

SVC –Static Var Compensator

SVS –Static Var System

SWER –Single Wire Earth Return (Transformer)


TAI -???Transformer Assessment index

TBCM –Time -Based Condition Monitoring

TBM- Time - Based Maintenance

TCG – Total Combustible Gas (DGA)

TCIV – Transformer Conservator Isolation Valve

TCM- Trouble Call Management

TCO- Total Cost of Ownership

TCR- Thyristor –Controlled Shunt Reactor

TCS –Total Corrosive Sulphur

TCSC- Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor

T&D - Transmission &Distribution

TDCG- Total Dissolved Combustible Gas (DGA)

TDD- Total Demand Distortion

TDR –Time Domain Reflectometry (for locating fault point in cables)

TDSP- Transmission Distribution Service Provider

TGC –Typical Gas Concentration (DGA)

THD- Total Harmonic Distortion

TLM- Transformer Lifecycle Management

TICM -Transformer Intelligent Condition Monitoring

TIF- Telephone Influence Factor (Test for Distribution Transformers)

TIG – Tungsten Inert Gas (Welding)

TOBS –Transformer Oil Base Stock

TOC- Total Owning Cost

TOV- Temporary Overvoltage (of Surge Arrester)

TPI –Tap Position Indicator

TRANSCOS- Transmission Companies (Electric)

TRGI –Typical Rate of Gas Increase (DGA)

TRV- Transient Recovery Voltage

TS??- Tests at Site

TSC –Thyristor switched Capacitor

TSR –Thyristor Switched Reactor

TSSC-Thyristor -Switched Series Capacitor

TT- Type Test

TU??- Thermally Upgraded paper

TV-Tertiary Voltage

TVRT- Transient Voltage Resistant Transformer


Rodney Hughes B.Eng-Elec FIEAust CPEng NER APEC IntPE Aus

Power System, Protection and IEC 61850 Specialist

3 年

Correction: OCEF - Over Current & Earth Fault


EHV/HV/MV Electrical power and protection ,engineering/start up/commissioning specialist.

3 年

Rebrushing again -nice exercise indeed.

Ramesh Suryavanshi

QG Director, SMIEEE, Renewable Energy, HVDC / FACTS, Synchronous condenser, Grid Connection, Power system study.Complex Oil & Gas,Steel Industry ,Cross Country Connection,Grid Code Compliance,IEEE Working Group,

3 年

Thanks people will get familiar


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