B 05-Acronyms used in Transformer Engineering-1
An?acronym?is a?word?or name formed from the initial letter or letters?of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term. Acronyms are usually formed from the initial letters of words, as IEC?(International Electro-Technical Commission) and?EU?(the?European Union), but sometimes use syllables, as in?Benelux?(short for?Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg). Acronyms can be pronounced as words, like?CAPEX and OLTC; as individual letters, like in?ONAN and?ACSR. ?
Transformer engineers, like in any other profession use a large number acronyms in their daily communications and writing. I have compiled common terms used by power engineers with regard to transformers. Please see how many of them are familiar to you. Please supplement if I have missed any commonly used acronyms.
A???? ?- Ampere
AAC –All Aluminum Conductor
AC?? ?-Alternating Current
ACB ?-Air Circuit Breaker
ACFTD- Air cleaner Fine Test Dust (ISO particle counting test –see MTD)
ACLD- Alternating current long duration test. (Long duration induced overvoltage test)
ACSD -Alternating current short duration test. (Short duration induced overvoltage test)
ACSR- Aluminum Conductor, Steel Reinforced
ADC - Analogue to digital conversion
AF???- Air Forced (transformer cooling)
AFWF- Air -Forced /water-forced (transformer cooling)
AI?????–Artificial Intelligence, Aluminum
AISI – American Iron and Steel Institute, USA
AN? ?-?Air Natural (transformer cooling)
ANN - Artificial Neural Network
ANSI - American National Standards Institute, USA
AR????-Auto- Reclosure
ARU –Active Rectifier Unit
ASC?-Arc Suppression Coil
ASEA- Allimana Svenska Electriska Aktiebolaget (Swedish Electrical Company, 1893-1984)
ASME- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA
ASTM- American Society for Testing and Materials, USA
ATE -Assessed Thermal endurance index
AVR -Automatic Voltage Regulator
AV - Applied Voltage Test
B2B- Business to Business
BAT- Best Available Technique
BCT- Bushing Current Transformer
BEA -Boundary Element Analysis, Also BEM Boundary Element Method
BEP- Best Environmental Practice
BHT- Butylated hydroxyl toluene = DBPC (oxidation inhibitor for oil)
BIGT -Bi-mode Insulated Gate Transistor
BIL ??-Basic Impulse Level (impulse test level for transformers)
BIS - Bureau of Indian Standards (= IS), India
BOM - Bill of Material
BSL ?-Basic Switching Impulse Insulation Level
BTA - 1,2,3 Benzo Trazole (metal passivator for oil)
CAD/CAE – Computer-aided Design /Computer-aided Engineering
CAPEX- Capital Expenditure
CBIP - Central Board of Irrigation and Power, India
CBM- Condition Based Maintenance
CC?? ?-Circulating Current
CCD – Covered Conductor Deposition (Test for detecting corrosive sulfur in oil)
CEA –Central Electricity Authority, India
CESI-Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano (High Power Lab in Milano, Italy)
CFD - Computational Flow Dynamics
CFL- Compact Fluorescent Light
CFR- Cost, Freight (for marine transport)
CI -?Computational Intelligence
CIF – Cost, Insurance & Freight (for marine transport)
CIP -Carriage & Insurance Paid to (for transport)
CIGRE- Council on Large Electric System
CIP - Continuous Improvement Process
CIT - Combined Instrument Transformer
CM - Condition Monitoring
CO2 –Carbon dioxide
COG -Coefficient of Grounding
CM -Condition Monitoring
CMB- Common Marshalling Box
CPRI- Central Power Research Institute (India-High Power lab at Bangalore & Bhopal)
CPT –Carriage Paid To
CPU -Central Processing Unit
COPS-Constant Oil Pressure System (oil Preservation system with air cell in conservator)
CRC –Circulating Reactive Current
CRCA-Cold Rolled Continuously Annealed (steel for radiator panels)
CRGO- Cold Rolled Grain Oriented (Silicon steel)
CS -Compact Switchgear
CSA -Canadian Standards Association
CSM -Charge Simulation Method (calculation of electric field)
CSS-??Compact Secondary Substation
CT-?? ?Current Transformer
CTC-??Continuously Transposed Cable (for making transformer windings)
CVT -Capacitor Voltage Transformer
DAR- Dielectric Absorption Ratio
DAP- Delivered at Place
DAT- Delivered at Terminal
DAU- Data Acquisition Unit
dB -Decibel
DBP- 2,6 di–tert-butyl- phenol (oxidation inhibitor for oil)
DBPC-2,6 di-tert- butyl –para-cresol (oxidation inhibitor for oil) or 2,6 di-tertiary, butyl para cresol = BHT
DBDS- Dibenzyl Disulphide (Sulphur compound found or added as inhibitor in oil, which can result in copper sulphide pollution in paper)
DBS – Dibenzyl sulfide (Sulphur compound found in oil)
DC -Direct Current
DCB -Disconnecting Circuit-Breaker
DCM- Dynamic Capacitance Measurement
DCS -Distributed Control Systems
DD - Dielectric Displacement
DDP - Delivered Duty Paid
DER -Distributed Energy Resources
DETC-De- Energised Tap-Changer, Off -Circuit Tap-Changer. Same as OCTC, NLTC
DF -Dissipation Factor
DFR -Dielectric Frequency Response (Test) = FDS
DFSS -Design for Six Sigma
DGA -Dissolved gas Analysis (of oil)
DIL - Design Insulation Level
DIN -German Institute of Standardization
DISCOMS- Distribution Companies (Electric)
DLA – Tangent Delta
DM -Driving Mechanism (of Tap-Changer)
DOE- Department of Energy (USA)
DOL- Direct On line (starting of motor)
DP- Degree of Polymerization (For paper) Die Penetration Test (for welds)
DPv – Average Viscometric Degree of Polymerization (for insulating paper)
DPV -Distributed photovoltaic (power generation system)
DPG -Distributed Power Generation
DR -Domain Refined (CRGO Type)
DRM- Dynamic Resistance Measurement (of OLTC contacts)
DT -Distribution Transformer
DTMU- Distribution Transformer Monitoring Unit
DTMP -Dynamic Transformer Management Program (ABB)
DVC- Damodar Valley Corporation (Power Utility in West Bengal/Bihar), India
DVP- Dried Vapor Phase Process (=VPD)
EAC- Estimated Actual Cost
EAF- Electric Arc Furnace
EBoP -Electrical Balance of Plant
ECT -Electrostatic Charging Tendency ( of oil)
EEI – Edison Electric Institute, USA
EHV-Extra High Voltage
EIM- Electrical Insulating Materials
EIS- Electrical Insulation System
EMC- Electromagnetic - Compatibility
EMU- Electric Multiple Units (coaches)
EN -European Standard (German: Europa-Norm)
ENS- Energy Not Served (penalty)
EPC- Engineering, Procurement, Construction (contract)
EPR- Ethylene Propylene Rubber
EPRI- Electric Power Research Institute,USA
ERIP- Epoxy –resin Impregnated Paper
ERW –Electric Resistance Welding (tube)
ETC - Estimated to Come (Balance)
ETM -Electronic Temperature Monitoring (for transformers)
ETOS - Embedded Transformer Operating System (Siemens -Open system solution for reliable monitoring, control, regulation and digitalization of power transformers)
EU - European Union
EXW – Ex works
FA – Forced Air cooling
FACTS- Flexible AC Transmission Systems
FAL- Furfural (of oil) 2-FAL
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FAS - Free alongside ship (for marine transport)
FAT- Factory Acceptance Test
FC-Fault Calculation
FCA- Failure Cause Analysis, Free carrier (for transport)
FDS-Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (capacitance and tan delta variation with frequency)
???????(for checking the moisture content in paper insulation) = DFR
FDM- Finite Difference Method (calculation of magnetic field)
FDS – Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (Measuring insulation power factor from 1mHz to 1kHz)
Fe -Iron
FCAN- Full Capacity Above Nominal (tap)
FCBN -Full Capacity Below Nominal (tap)
FEA - Finite Element Analysis
FEC – Fire Extinguishing Cubicle (For NIFPES)
FEM –Finite Element Method (Calculation of Magnetic Field)
FEMM- Finite Element Method Magnetics
FES –Front End Sales
FDA- Finite Difference Analysis
FID –Flame Ionization Detection ( for Gas chromatography)
FMEA –Failure Mode Effect Analysis
FMECA - Failure Mode Effect (and Criticality) Analysis.
FMSA- Failure Mode and Symptom Analysis
FO -Fiber Optic
FOA - Forced-oil, forced-air cooling
FOB - Free On Board (for marine transport)
FOCS - Fiber Optic Current Sensor
FOW -Forced-oil, water cooling
FQ? - Fluid quality (oil testing)
FQP - Field Quality Plan
FPI -Fault Passage Indication
FR -Filter Reactor
FRA -Frequency Response Analysis
FRLS- Fire Retardant Low Smoke (XLPE Cable)
FRP - Fiber–Glass Reinforced Polyester
FRSL - Frequency Response Stray Loss
FV - Fine Vacuum
GC - Gas Chromatography
G&T –Generation and Transmission
GDP- Gross Domestic Product
GE - General Electric, USA
GENCOS -Generation Companies (Electric Power)
GIC- Geomagnetic Induced Currents
GIL- Gas-Insulated Transmission Line
GIS-Gas Insulated Switchgear, Gas Insulated Substation
GIT- Gas Insulated Transformer
GOOSE- Generic Object Oriented System Event (Substation Protection- service for speedy transmission of time critical information between IEDs))
GOR - Gas & Oil Relay ie Buchholz Relay
GPA- General Paralleling Application
GRP- Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyester
GSU-Generator Step -Up Transformer (=GT)
GT- Generator Transformer (=GSU)
GTO- Gate Turn Off Thyristor
GTP- Guaranteed Technical Particulars
H&S - Health and Safety
Hi-B- High flux density (A grade of CRGO for high working flux density)
HMI- Human Machine Interface
HOLA- High Oil Level Alarm
HPLC- High Performance Liquid Chromatography
HRC –High-Rupturing-Capacity (fuse)
HTS – High Temperature Superconducting (Transformer)
HV-????High Voltage
HVAC-Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HVDC- High Voltage Direct Current
HVIC- High Voltage Insulator Coating
Hz – Hertz, unit of frequency
IC – Interval of Confidence (of expected value eg IC 95 %)
IEC- International Electro-technical Commission (standardization body)
IED- Intelligent Electronic Device (Protection)
IEEE- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, USA
IEMA - Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers’ Association (later became IEEMA), India
IEEMA- Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers’ Association, India
IFT-Interfacial Tension (oil characteristic)
IGBT- Insulated (integrated) Gate Bipolar Transistor
IGCT –Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor
I/O – Input /output
IOT –Internet of Things
IIOT-Industrial Internet of Things
IMB – Intermediate Marshalling Box ( cooler control cubicle)
IP-Ingress Protection Rating, International Protection Rating (Code number for Cubicles)
IPC- Industrial PC
IPP- Independent Power Provider
IPR- Intermediate Pressure Reduction (with VPD drying)
IR- Insulation Resistance
IS- Indian Standard (also BIS)
I2R – Resistive heating
IRR –Internal Rate of Return
ISO-International Standardization Organization
IT-Information Technology, Instrument Transformer
ITMA –Indian Transformer Manufacturers Association, India
IV -Intermediate Voltage
IVPD – Induced Voltage PD (test)
Manager - Production.(14+ Exp of transformer field)
3 年Nice knowledgeable all thing at one place, great ??????, thanks sir.
Principle Engineer- Unit DfQ Leader
3 年Thanks for list Mr P Ramachandran.. I see both AESA and GE are in the list, but I have not seen two historical players which are AEG (Allgemeine Elektricit?ts-Gesellschaft) from Germany and GEC ( General Electric Company ) from UK. Interesting thing is all of them means "General Electric Works" including ASEA ( stands for "General Swedish Electrical Limited" ) and GE as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASEA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Electric_Company https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AEG https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Electric ??
Project Manager at Millennium Challenge Account Nepal (MCA-Nepal)
3 年Sir, Fantastic compilation indeed. I beg to submit as below AI?????–Artificial Intelligence, Aluminum has been mentioned Sir, but probably AI should not serve for Aluminium. Aluminium probably will have AL as an acronym. DETC: has been defined as Deenergized Tap Changer but has been mentioned same as NLTC. Sir, NLTC term has probably been done away with these days as it may give wrong impression that the Tap Changer may be operated under No Load(NL) condition whereas we know DETC or OCTC shall never be operated on No Load Condition(defined as Load not connected at the load side but Transformer may have been energized from the other side(supply side)). DDP: Dimond Dotted Paper mostly used as layer insulation in cylindrical/layer winding may find place in the exhaustive compilation it is. Sir, I might have erred in one or another aspect above and would love to seek guidance from you, the Master in the field. Thanks and Best Regards Sanjay Nepal
Transformer and Reactor Designer
3 年Thanks sir
At Bechtel-Project Supplier Quality Supervisor Ex- GE, ALSTOM, AREVA, TATA, L&T
3 年Thank you Sir for sharing the list. Great compilation indeed ! Of course, list is ever growing with advent of new materials / technologies. Few Acronyms I would like to add here : AAAC- All Aluminium Alloy Conductor DCRM- Dynamic Contact Resistance Measurement (e.g for Circuit Breakers) You have actually included: DIN- German Institute of Standardization . If some one is wondering for what actually DIN stands for - Deutsches Institut für Normung (German version for German Institute of Standardization ) ??