Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI for Data Engineering
Rodrigues (Rod) Lopes
Azure Data Engineer | Power BI Specialist | Data and Reporting | Data Architect
Solution Architecture
This section is designed to guide you through the process of collecting, processing, and visualizing data using Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI. The diagrams provided aim to visualize the workflow and interactions between different components.
The following summarises the key components used in our solution architecture.
?The term “Solution architecture” may be new for those beginning their journey into the world of Data Analysis, Science, and Visualisation. ??
Imagine you're putting together a complex project and need to use different technologies, like software and databases, to make it work. Think of it as setting up an advanced setup for playing video games where you need the console, games, a screen, and maybe even virtual reality gear. In our case, for our green taxi service in New York City, we're using Power BI and Azure Synapse together with our datasets to present our clients with information to help them improve their service.
A solution architecture is a detailed plan that shows how to combine and use these technologies effectively. It’s like having a map that shows where each piece of your gaming setup should go to get the best experience.
The person who creates this plan is known as a solution architect. They understand what you're trying to achieve, like making it easy to order taxis online or providing drivers with the best routes. They then choose the right technologies (like Power BI for looking at data and Azure Synapse for handling large amounts of information) and figure out the best way to link them together. They ensure everything works smoothly together, so you end up with a system that perfectly meets your needs.
In essence, solution architecture is about drawing up a master plan for building a system where every part interacts seamlessly to accomplish your goal..
Data Ingestion and Storage:
Azure Synapse Analytics: Imagine a giant brain that can take in all sorts of information, sort it, and think about it differently. Azure Synapse Analytics acts like this brain for our project. It gathers (or ingests) raw data from various places, such as spreadsheets (CSV files), much like how our senses gather information to process.
Data Lake Storage: We will use Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 for this project. Think of it as a massive, secure warehouse where we keep all our data. It's like storing all your different tools and materials in one place before starting a big DIY project so that everything is there when you need to use it.
Data Processing - Data Lake: Bronze, Silver, and Gold Layers: When professionals talk about transforming data, they often use these metal names as metaphors for the stages of data refinement.
Serverless SQL Pools: This is the workbench where our raw data is sculpted into something meaningful. Using SQL, a programming language used to communicate with databases, we refine our data without worrying about the tools and machines (servers) needed for the job. It's like having an automatic workbench that adjusts itself for every project. This allows us to focus on creating actionable insights rather than maintaining the equipment.
Visualisation and Reporting:
Power BI: Once our data is processed and stored in the Gold layer, Power BI connects to Azure Synapse Analytics to fetch this data. Power BI turns our data into beautiful, easy-to-understand reports and dashboards. Imagine Power BI as an artist who can take our refined gold (data) and create stunning jewellery (visualisations) out of it. These pieces help everyone understand the value and insights hidden in the data, aiding in decision-making about encouraging the use of card payments and better meeting customer demand for the taxi service.
Solution Diagrams
Here is a set of Diagrams that help you understand how the solution is defined and how the data will progress through different stages until it is ready to be used in the visual tool.
Synapse Services is involved in the solution.
Here is the list of Azure Synapse Services selected to attend to client demand. This diagram shows the chosen services to be used on the client Synapse Solution.
Solution Architecture diagram
Here's the ETL solution that shows how we'll handle the data until it's ready to meet the client's needs and create visuals in the visualization tool.
This diagram shows how the ETL process will unfold. Our data lake has three layers: bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each layer receives data at a different stage.
In the Bronze layer, we get the raw data from the client's files and store it as is. The data won't undergo any transformations in the Silver layer, but the file extension will be changed to Parquet – a safer and faster file format. Lastly, the Gold layer will handle data aggregation and main calculations. It'll be converted into a view that Power BI can use.
This diagram illustrates how each service collaborates with the others to create the solution.
Developing the Solution
Creating the Data Warehouse Structure
To develop the solution, the database infrastructure, which comprises the Database and Bronze, Silver, and Gold schemas, must be created.
The image below contains the command to create the database and the Data Lake schemas—Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
NYC Green Taxi Data Files Overview
The client has the data in different file formats, such as CSV, JSON, and TSV. The data source is composed of several types of files. [SD1] The trip file is the factual data—a factual table where all transactional data is located. The other files are Dimensional tables—this data is used to help understand the Transactional data.
This section provides a better explanation of how data flows within Delta Lake. The diagram outlines the main steps; the first is the Discovery layer, where the analyst conducts initial analyses of the data to understand the information on each resource involved in the solution. In the Ingest layer step, data is moved from the Bronze layer to the Silver layer; during this process, the data can begin to undergo enrichment. However, in this solution, the files from the Bronze layer were moved to the Silver layer only by changing the extension to parquet, a saver and faster file format. Additionally, in the transformation layer, the data from the Bronze layer undergoes data transformation and aggregation, creating a Green Trip table. The last step is the Present layer, the final stage where the information has undergone all the transformations and is ready to be used in visualization tools. For this solution, the gold.vw_trip_data_green table is created.
Serverless SQL – Data Discovery - Bronze Layer
The steps for understanding the data analysis by the consultant are to understand the data before starting the process.
Steps to understand the data analysis process before starting:
Data Migration:
Data Analysis of the data.
Serverless SQL – Ingest – Silver Layer;
USE nyc_taxi_ldw;
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE silver.usp_silver_trip_data_green
@year VARCHAR(4),
@month VARCHAR(2)
DECLARE @create_slq_stmt NVARCHAR(MAX),
@drop_sql_stmt NVARCHAR(MAX);
SET @create_slq_stmt = 'CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE silver.trip_data_green_' + @year + '_' + @month +
' WITH (
DATA_SOURCE = nyc_taxi_src,
LOCATION = ''silver/trip_data_green/year=' + @year + '/month=' + @month + ''',
FILE_FORMAT = parquet_format_name
VendorID as vendor_id
,RatecodeID as rate_code_id
,PULocationID as pu_location_id
,DOLocationID as do_location_id
FROM bronze.vm_trip_data_green_csv
WHERE year= '''+ @year +'''
AND month = ''' + @month + '''';
Print (@create_slq_stmt)
EXEC sp_executesql @create_slq_stmt
SET @drop_sql_stmt =
'DROP EXTERNAL TABLE silver.trip_data_green_' + @year + '_' + @month;
Print (@drop_sql_stmt)
EXEC sp_executesql @drop_sql_stmt
USE nyc_taxi_ldw;
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS silver.vw_trip_data_green
CREATE VIEW silver.vw_trip_data_green
result.filepath(1) year,
result.filepath(2) month,
BULK 'silver/trip_data_green/year=*/month=*/*.parquet',
DATA_SOURCE = 'nyc_taxi_src',
vendor_id INT
,lpep_pickup_datetime datetime2(7)
,lpep_dropoff_datetime datetime2(7)
,store_and_fwd_flag char(1)
,rate_code_id INT
,pu_location_id INT
,do_location_id INT
,passenger_count INT
,trip_distance float
,fare_amount float
,extra float
,mta_tax float
,tip_amount float
,tolls_amount float
,ehail_fee INT
,improvement_surcharge float
,total_amount float
,payment_type INT
,trip_type INT
,congestion_surcharge float
)AS [result]
Serverless SQL – Transformation - Gold Layer
USE nyc_taxi_ldw;
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE gold.usp_gold_trip_data_green
@year VARCHAR(4),
@month VARCHAR(2)
DECLARE @create_slq_stmt NVARCHAR(MAX),
@drop_sql_stmt NVARCHAR(MAX);
SET @create_slq_stmt = 'If OBJECT_ID(''gold.trip_data_green_' + @year + '_' + @month +''') IS NOT NULL
DROP EXTERNAL TABLE gold.trip_data_green_' + @year + '_' + @month + ';
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE gold.trip_data_green_' + @year + '_' + @month +
' WITH (
DATA_SOURCE = nyc_taxi_src,
LOCATION = ''gold/trip_data_green/year=' + @year + '/month=' + @month + ''',
FILE_FORMAT = parquet_format_name
CONVERT (DATE, td.lpep_pickup_datetime) as trip_date,
cal.day_name as trip_day,
CASE WHEN cal.day_name in (''Saturday'',''Sunday'') THEN ''Y'' ELSE ''N'' END AS trip_day_weekend_ind,
SUM(CASE WHEN pt.payment_type_desc = ''Credit Card'' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS card_trip_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN pt.payment_type_desc = ''Cash'' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS cash_trip_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN tt.trip_type_desc = ''Street-hail'' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS Street_hail_trip_type,
SUM(CASE WHEN tt.trip_type_desc = ''Dispatch'' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS Dispatch_trip_type ,
SUM(td.trip_distance) as trip_distance,
SUM(fare_amount) as fare_amount,
DATEDIFF(MINUTE, CONVERT (DATE, td.lpep_pickup_datetime),[lpep_dropoff_datetime]) AS trip_duration
from silver.vw_trip_data_green td JOIN silver.taxi_zone tz on (td.pu_location_id = tz.location_id)
JOIN silver.calendar cal on ( = convert(date,td.lpep_pickup_datetime))
JOIN silver.payment_type pt ON (td.payment_type = pt.payment_type)
JOIN silver.trip_type tt on tt.trip_type = td.trip_type
where borough <> ''Bronx''
GROUP BY td.year,
Print (@create_slq_stmt)
EXEC sp_executesql @create_slq_stmt
SET @drop_sql_stmt =
'DROP EXTERNAL TABLE gold.trip_data_green_' + @year + '_' + @month;
Print (@drop_sql_stmt)
EXEC sp_executesql @drop_sql_stmt
Serverless SQL – Present
USE nyc_taxi_ldw;
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS gold.vw_trip_data_green
CREATE VIEW gold.vw_trip_data_green
result.filepath(1) year,
result.filepath(2) month,
BULK 'gold/trip_data_green/year=*/month=*/*.parquet',
DATA_SOURCE = 'nyc_taxi_src',
borough VARCHAR(15),
trip_date DATE,
trip_day VARCHAR(10),
trip_day_weekend_ind CHAR(1),
card_trip_count INT ,
cash_trip_count INT ,
Street_hail_trip_type INT ,
Dispatch_trip_type INT ,
trip_distance FLOAT ,
fare_amount FLOAT ,
trip_duration INT
)AS [result]
--SELECT * FROM gold.vw_trip_data_green
-- WHERE year = '2020' and month = '01'
use nyc_taxi_ldw;
Power Bi & Synapse
Serverless SQL – Present – Power BI
The Power BI desktop will initially connect to Synapse Serverless Pool (Present layer). Once the connection is made, the gold.vw_trip_data_green is imported to the Power BI desktop. The Power BI Developer will create the visuals. Once the visuals are created, the report is uploaded to Power BI Service, where the users will have access.
Connecting Power BI to Synapse SQL Serverless Pool
It is essential to show how to connect Power BI Desktop and Synapse. The next steps will show you how to do this.
Power BI Desktop is a software tool where developers can freely to download the softeware to develop the reports Click here if you want to download the software .
With access to the Power BI Desktop, the connection can be started.
From the home menu, access Get Data; Then Select Azure Synapse Analytics SQL.
To enable Power BI to access Synapse Analytics, you must provide the Workspace SQL Endpoint. This information is found in Synapse under Manage > SQL Pool > Built-in.
Enter the Workspace SQL Endpoint in the Server field in Power BI Desktop. In this instance, the Import Method is selected.
Therefore, Power BI will have access to the list of servers created on the Serverless Pool. Next, open the nyx_taxi_ldw server and select the view gold_vw_trip_data_green. The table, views, and so on are displayed when the database is selected. Consequently, the data can be loaded directly into Power BI Desktop, or you can choose Data Transform, in which case the table will be sent first to PowerQuery.
Power Query and Dax Function The dataset creation and data manipulation can be done on the level of PowerQuery or using DAX Functions on the Power BI desktop. ?
Creating tables, columns, aggregations, and so on can be done at the PowerQuery level.
Campaign Report
Initial Business Requirement: Encouraging Credit Card Payments.
The primary goal is to increase the use of credit card payments for taxi rides, aiming for a 90% card payment rate. This goal is set to reduce cash transactions to only 10%, and the shift in payment preferences will be monitored as an indicator of success.
What we need to look at
·??????? Payment type trend analysis: Undertake Connect me to a comprehensive review of the prevailing payment methods chosen by customers. The aim is to monitor and analyse these trends over time to gain a deeper understanding of customer payment habits, which can guide strategic decisions to promote preferred payment methods. We can split this requirement into two parts:
o?? Analysis of payment types by day of Connect me week: This focus is on finding patterns or differences in the choice of payment methods such as credit card versus cash between weekdays and weekends. Such an investigation seeks to unearth insights into how customer payment preferences may shift based on the day of the week, informing targeted strategies to encourage the use of credit cards.
?? Based on the report, Sunday and Monday are the days with the lowest numbers of car trips paid for by Cash or Card.
o?? Analysis of payment types by location: This involves identifying specific regions within the city where the use of credit cards for taxi payments is significantly lower than average. This assessment aims to pinpoint areas that may benefit from targeted marketing and incentives aimed at increasing card payment adoption, thereby encouraging a shift towards cashless transactions in these locales.
?? Brooklyn, with 1.2 million, has the lowest volume of Cash transactions, while Queens, with 2.1 million, has the lowest volume of Card transactions.
Secondary Requirement: Enhancing taxi availability.
Main goal: The primary goal is to ensure taxis are available at the correct times, days, and locations across the city to meet customer demand.
What we need to look at
·??????? Analysis of taxi demand: Using our data to identify trends or patterns for demand across different boroughs and time periods to make informed decisions about license distribution. By analysing demand, the aim is to help our client achieve a balance between supply and customer demand to improve service availability and efficiency. We can split this requirement into four parts:
1.??????? Demand Distribution Mapping: This involves a detailed analysis of taxi usage across city boroughs to identify areas with high and low demand. Using this information, we can decide where to add more taxis to meet demand, making sure taxis are available when and where people need them.
?? Manhattan has the highest usage, with 9.1 million trips using the Street hail trip type. On the other hand, Staten Island and EW have 0 usage.
?? The Dispatch trip type has almost no usability.
?? Based on the client's decision, they will know how many extra licenses will be required.
1.??????? Temporal Demand Assessment: This involves identifying patterns of taxi demand during various times, such as weekdays versus weekends, to understand when taxis are most needed. If we find out one type of taxi service is more prevalent in certain areas or times, we can introduce new services or promote existing ones to meet this demand.
?? Sunday and Monday are the days when there are fewer people using the Street hail trip type.
? Conversely, the Dispatch trip type has almost no usability across the week.
1.??????? Service Preference Analysis: This involves analyzing customer preferences for different types of taxi services, including on-the-spot hailing and advance booking (dispatch). We'll use what we learn about when taxis are needed the most to ensure we have enough taxis available during those peak times.
?? Throughout the year of analysis, it's evident that the Street Hail Trip Type is more popular among customers compared to the Dispatch Trip Type.
1.??????? Comprehensive Ride Data Evaluation: This involves reviewing information on taxi rides, including journey distances, durations, and fares, to gain insights into daily taxi usage patterns. Based on our findings, we can create marketing campaigns to let people know about our services, especially in areas or times when they might need to learn how easy it is to get a taxi.
Accessing Power Report
Once the report is developed on the Power BI Desktop, there are two ways to visualize it. The first is on Power BI Service, where the users can access the report and make small changes. The second way to access the report is to have the solution created on Synapse. From Synapse, access to Power BI Service can be created, where the developer can access the reports. At this point, small changes can also be made.
Power Bi Service
Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to help you create, share, and consume business insights to serve you and your business best.
Once a report is finished in Power BI Desktop, it can be uploaded to Power BI Service.
o?? The report can then be changed.
o?? Smail changes can be done on the Power BI service level
o?? Any deeper changes such as columns, tables, aggregations, and so on must be done in Power BI Desktop.
§? The developer needs to download the PBIX file and make the new changes.
o?? Then upload the changes to Power BI Service.
o?? Users can access the report.
o?? Dashboards can be created using the report visuals.
Azure Synapse – Power BI
Power BI and Azure Synapse are natively integrated, allowing users to analyse petabyte-scale data in seconds seamlessly. Bring data into every part of your organization with a simple, unified, and scalable experience. Be confident that your data is more secure with a holistic and compliant data platform.
Once a report is finished in Power BI Desktop, it can be uploaded to Power BI Service. Once the report is located on Power BI Service, it can be visible in Azure Synapse.
o?? The report can then be changed.
o?? Smail changes can be due to the Synapse level
o?? Any deeper changes such as columns, tables, aggregations, and so on must be done in Power BI Desktop.
§? The developer needs to download the PBIX file and make the new changes.
o?? Then upload the changes to Power BI Service.
§? Then upload the changes to Power BI Service, and they will be updated in Synapse – Power BI.
o?? Users can access the report.
o?? Dashboards can be created using the report visuals.
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7 个月Great second part Rod Lopes congrats ??
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7 个月Looking forward to diving into the details of your tutorial! ??
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7 个月Beautiful work, Rod! Great job!?