Azure Portal Azure Kubernetes Resource Viewer vs Kubernetes Dashboard

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As announced, in this article Kubernetes resource view is in public preview, I will review and give my thoughts on this new feature Kubernetes Resource View in the Azure Portal compared to the OSS Kubernetes Dashboard (Web UI).

A prerequisite is that the AKS Cluster needs to be enable Azure AD integration.

The biggest convenience factor is to easily and quickly view between different AKS clusters and get a basic view of resources and do basic troubleshooting.

My general hassles with Kubernetes Dashboard is managing many Kubernetes clusters across of dev, test and prod environments.

  • I usually have to login (one at a time) into each cluster with az aks get-credentials, load up the Kubernetes Dashboard application in the browser.
  • I regularly get tangled up with permissions, network traffic issues, any DNS URLs, certificates and any client browser issues. This depends on the level of sophistication of each cluster and environment.
  • I don’t like the frequent login timeouts with Kubernetes Dashboard, but there is a way to configure that, but the point is, it is another hassle to deal

Keep in mind, there is a way to clean up and streamline these hurdles and inconveniences with scripts and automation, but when managing a few clusters multiplied by dev, test and prod environments, it can get cumbersome and keeping everything consistent and up to date.

The following is a side by side comparison between Azure Portal’s Azure Kubernetes Service Resource Viewer and Kubernetes Dashboard.

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