Azure Newsletter
Chris Marin (He-Him)
Helping Clients Create Positive Business Outcomes using Cloud
Dear Clients,
Thank you (again) for being a Microsoft client and contributing to our success in fiscal year 2020. I hope to impact YOUR success as well. Please continue to reach out with Azure questions, support requests, etc. If I am no longer your account representative I will do my best to align you to someone who can help.
This month’s Azure newsletter features a fantastic SoftServe BCDR event on July 22nd, many Security seminars, updates from partners CCG and Informatica and much, much more (including free Azure resources).
Please feel free to share the information below with others. Thanks in advance and be well!
P.S. Thanks to my colleague Funmi Omoliki for authoring most of this content.
July 22nd - Modern DR
It is my great pleasure to introduce SoftServe to many of you. SoftServe understands hybrid cloud extremely well, from complex development scenarios involving containers to developing BCDR strategies. Inadequacies in disaster recovery plans are often not discovered until it’s too late, costing businesses their excellent reputation and considerable resources.
Join SoftServe on 7/22 they as they share tips and techniques to develop a streamlined and improved disaster recovery plan using advanced cloud design. Learn real-world cloud strategies with disaster recovery in the cloud and walk though recent success stories.
Azure Blog
Microsoft Build 2020 On-demand Catalog: Watch all the sessions at Microsoft’s annual developer conference. For a quick summary of all announcements, read Microsoft Build 2020 Book of News.
Azure Maps Creator now available in preview - Extend location intelligence to indoor spaces. As enterprises continue to evolve in their digital transformation journey, there is need to augment Azure Maps content with project-specific and private business knowledge of places.
WanDisco announces LiveData migrator for Azure: This offering works in conjunction with WanDisco’s LiveData Plane to establish an active-active data plane consistency between an enterprise’s Big Data Hadoop environment located on-premises and in Azure Data Lake Storage.
Responding to COVID-19 together: Microsoft’s page for all news related to COVID-19. See page for Health and Technology tips/resources for best work while working remote.
Service Offerings
App Dev and Data & AI Proof of Concept
Microsoft is investing in Proof of Concepts to help customers resume efforts on business-critical workloads that may have been impacted by COVID crisis. If your organization is interested in kicking the tires on any workload in categories below. Reach out to your account team.
1. Data & AI: Leveraging AI, machine learning and visualization tools for deeper insights on changing business trends and customer behaviors
2. Application dev: Building a mobile/web app/BOT or leveraging Azure DevOps/Cognitive Services
Microsoft Technical Specialist + Databricks Tech Specialist Offer: Microsoft and Databricks teams are collaborating to help customers with Azure databricks related projects. Reply email to if you are interested in leveraging this collaboration for new or current projects.
Crisis Communication App
Track the Safety and Accountability of your firstline workforce that have to leave the safety of their homes to keep essential operations progressing via a Crisis Communications App. A Power App based template that can be used to coordinate information sharing and team collaboration.
Upcoming Azure Webinars (For a full listing of events, click here._
7/08 – 9AM EDT - Analytics In A Day
Join CCG and Microsoft for a two-day virtual workshop on Azure Synapse Analytics.
7/09 – 2 PM EDT - Windows Virtual Desktop
Join the Product Group (PG) for a new release feature discussion.
7/14 - 2:00 PM EDT - Knowledge Mining 101
Join this session to get an understanding of what serverless is and how it can help increase your developer productivity. We will run through a quick tour of the various serverless offers in Azure, before diving deep into Azure messaging services.
7/15 – 1:00 PM EDT - Informatica Cloud Data Warehouse and Data Lake Summer Launch
Discover Informatica’s Cloud Lakehouse Data Management solution, which includes cloud-native data integration, data quality and metadata management to drive business value. Explore what’s new in Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) and Informatica Data Engineering. Learn about increasing productivity, reducing costs, and ensuring business and runtime continuity with your cloud ecosystem of choice
Upcoming Non- Azure Webinars
Customer Immersion Experience: Protecting Identity, Apps, Data and Devices
Identity is at the center of security: don’t compromise when it comes to your company’s valuable information. Join us to explore how to use secure authentication, govern access, get comprehensive protection and set the right identity foundation. During this 2-hour interactive session, you will explore how to: (1) Enable password protection, (2) Bring multi-factor authentication to your Windows 10 users, (3) Protect your users and data through Office 365 multi-factor authentication, and (4) Use conditional access to protect across devices, locations and apps. Each session is limited to 12 participants, reserve your seat now.
· Thursday, July 16, 2020 from 9am – 11am PT
· Thursday, July 16, 2020 from 12pm – 2pm PT
Microsoft Security Community Events
As part of our community you can speak directly to our engineering teams and get early access to changes by joining our webinars, participating in private previews, reviewing product roadmaps, attending in-person events, or providing feedback on our forums.
Register here: Community Event Registration
Microsoft Defender ATP: Deploy Microsoft Defender ATP capabilities using a phased roadmap
Jul 7, 2020, 08:00-09:00 AM PDT (11 AM EDT)
Azure Sentinel: Workbooks deep dive - Visualize your security threats and hunts.
Jul 9, 2020, 08:00-09:00 AM PDT (11 AM EDT)
Microsoft Threat Protection Advanced Hunting series: Tracking the Adversary Episode 1: KQL Fundamentals
Jul 15, 2020, 08:00-09:00 AM (11 AM EDT)
Microsoft Threat Protection Advanced Hunting series: Tracking the Adversary Episode 2: Joins
Jul 22, 2020, 08:00-09:00 AM (11 AM EDT)
Microsoft Threat Protection Advanced Hunting series: Tracking the Adversary Episode 3: Summarizing, Pivoting, and Visualizing Data
Jul 29, 2020, 08:00-09:00 AM (11 AM EDT)
Microsoft Threat Protection Advanced Hunting series: tracking the Adversary Episode 4: Let’s hunt! Applying KQL to incident tracking
Aug 5, 2020, 08:00-09:00 AM (11 AM EDT)
Customer Immersion Experience: Protecting Your Sensitive Information
Data needs to be protected wherever it’s stored and whenever it travels, and you need the tools to monitor policy violations and risky behavior. Join us to explore how to implement a comprehensive and integrated approach across devices, apps, cloud services, and on-premises. During this 2-hour interactive session, you will explore how to: (1) Identify, monitor and automatically protect sensitive information across Office 365, (2) Help classify and protect documents and email, and (3) Use policies to enable BYOD scenarios by protecting data at the app level. Each session is limited to 12 participants, reserve your seat now.
· Thursday, July 23, 2020 from 9am – 11am PT
· Thursday, July 23, 2020 from 12pm – 2pm PT
Customer Immersion Experience: Protecting Assets and Empowering Your Defenders
Today’s workforce can work from anywhere, on any device, and on any app. Security teams need to understand threat signals from disconnected products and optimize security with minimal complexity. During this 2-hour interactive session, you will explore how to: (1) Safeguard users from malware attacks such as phishing and spoofing with Office 365, (2) Use the Windows Defender ecosystem to proactively monitor and protect your users, (3) Utilize Office 365 ATP to help protect users from bad links and attachments, and (4) Let machine learning and automation protect users from threats. Each session is limited to 12 participants, reserve your seat now.
· Thursday, July 30, 2020 from 9am – 11am PT
· Thursday, July 30, 2020 from 12pm – 2pm PT
Customer Immersion Experience: Simplifying Your Privacy and Compliance Journey
Your business needs to control how sensitive data is managed. Join us and explore how to assess your compliance risk, protect sensitive and business critical data, and respond efficiently to data discovery requests. During this 2-hour interactive session, you will explore how to: (1) Simplify assessment of compliance risk, (2) Integrate protection and governance of data, and (3) Intelligently respond to data discovery requests. Each session is limited to 12 participants, reserve your seat now.
· Thursday, August 27, 2020 from 9am – 11am PT
· Thursday, August 27, 2020 from 12pm – 2pm PT
Notable : WELCOME TO MICROSOFT LEARN || [Specific to security]
Whether you're just starting or an experienced professional, our hands-on approach helps you arrive at your goals faster, with more confidence and at your own pace.
· Introduction to security in Microsoft 365
· Introduction to Microsoft 365 unified endpoint management
· Design for security in Azure
· Use reporting in the Microsoft 365 security center
White Papers, E-books and Other Resources
· Azure Heat Map: Data for last 6 months visualized
· Azure Academy: Dean Cefola, a Fast Track engineer, makes Azure easy to understand.
· Azure Blog: Major Azure updates
· Azure Daily Brief: Azure news updated daily
· Azure Serverless Computing Cookbooks
· SAP Solutions on Azure: The Trusted Path To Intelligent Manufacturing