This article was written using chatGPT.
To create a Network Security Group (NSG) in Azure, you can follow these steps:
- Log in to the Azure portal at
- In the search bar, search for "Network security group" in the search bar.
- Click on "Network security group" from the list of results and then click on "Create".
- In the "Basics" tab of the deployment page, fill out the following information:
- Subscription: Select the Azure subscription that you want to use.
- Resource group: Select an existing resource group or create a new one.
- Name: Enter a name for the NSG.
- Region: Select the Azure region where you want to deploy the NSG.
- Click on "Review + create" to review the configuration settings for the NSG.
- Once you have reviewed the settings, click on "Create" to deploy the NSG in Azure.
Now you have a NSG to configure.
Your NSG comes with default inbound and outbound security rules. If you attach this NSG to your management subnet, for example, you can control traffic going to that subnet by inbound rule (e.g., I can allow only SSH traffic to my chosen subnet).
- Select "Inbound security rules" tab.
- Click on "Add" to create a new rule.
- Choose the source and destination for the traffic.
- Select the protocol (TCP, UDP, etc.) and port numbers for the traffic.
- Choose whether to allow or deny the traffic.
- Change priority if you want to (rule is executed top down with lower value having higher priority).
- Choose a new or accept the default.
- Once you have configured the security rules, click on "Add" to add the security rule to this NSG.
After the NSG is deployed, you can associate it with your virtual machines, subnets, or network interfaces to control the traffic flow to and from your Azure resources.
To attach a Network Security Group (NSG) to a subnet in Azure, you can follow these steps:
- Navigate to the virtual network where the subnet is located and select the subnet to which you want to attach the NSG.
- Select the NSG from the list of existing NSGs.
- Once you have selected the NSG, click on "Save" to associate the NSG with the subnet.
After the NSG is associated with the subnet, the NSG rules will be applied to all the resources in that subnet. You can also associate an NSG directly with a network interface or a virtual machine.